Commit a8bd654a authored by Neil Turton's avatar Neil Turton
Browse files

Version RO_3_70 taken

parent 137d8976
......@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
VPATH = @ <Support$Dir>
RESDIR = <resource$dir>.Resources2.${COMPONENT}
# Generic options:
......@@ -50,13 +48,14 @@ ABSSYM = RISC_OSLib:o.abssym
# Program specific options:
TARGET = aof.BootCmds
#COMPONENT = Set in Components/Installation file to 'rom' or 'Repeat'
TARGET = aof.BootCmds
RESDIR = <resource$dir>.Resources2.BootCmds
OBJS = o.files o.header o.main o.Messages o.Repeat o.riscos
OBJSD = o.header o.hostfs debug.m debug.main debug.trace \
debug.riscos debug.files o.Repeat o.Messages
debug.riscos debug.files o.Repeat o.Messages debug.svc
ROM_OBJS = o.files o.header o.main o.Repeat o.riscos
......@@ -67,25 +66,37 @@ RESOURCES = o.Messages o.Repeat
# Generic rules {used by top-level build}:
all: ${COMPONENT}; @
rom: ${TARGET}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: rom module built
@echo BootCmds: rom module built
Repeat: Resources.Repeat; @
@echo Repeat: programme built
@echo ${COMPONENT}: export complete
@echo BootCmds: export complete
install: install_${COMPONENT}; @
install_rom: ${TARGET}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: rom module installed
@echo BootCmds: rom module installed
install_Repeat: Resources.Repeat
${CP} Resources.Repeat ${INSTDIR}.Repeat ${CPFLAGS}
@echo Repeat: installed
-Destroy RM.BootCmds ${OBJS} ${OBJSD} ${TARGET} map.BootCmds linked.BootCmds \
o.repeatcmd Resources.Repeat
@echo ${COMPONENT}: cleaned
@echo BootCmds: cleaned
${CP} Resources.Messages ${RESDIR}.Messages ${CPFLAGS}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: Resources copied to Messages module
@echo BootCmds: Resources copied to Messages module
# ROM target (re-linked at ROM Image build time)
......@@ -97,19 +108,16 @@ ${TARGET}: ${ROM_OBJS} ${OSLIB} ${RSTUBS}
# Final link for the ROM Image (using given base address)
${LINK} -o linked.${COMPONENT} -bin -base ${ADDRESS} ${TARGET} ${ABSSYM} \
-map > map.${COMPONENT}
truncate map.${COMPONENT} linked.${COMPONENT}
@echo ${COMPONENT}: rom_link complete
${LINK} -o linked.BootCmds -bin -base ${ADDRESS} ${TARGET} ${ABSSYM} \
-map > map.BootCmds
truncate map.BootCmds linked.BootCmds
${CP} linked.BootCmds ${LINKDIR}.BootCmds ${CPFLAGS}
@echo BootCmds: rom_link complete
# Extra {development} rules:
all: RM.BootCmds RM.BootCmdsD
@Echo Made all
asms: ${ASMS}
release: RM.BootCmds
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