• ROOL's avatar
    Add support for NTLM authenticated logins · f1009949
    ROOL authored
    Line 875 don't free chain pB that early it is (and was being) used later on.
    Fixes to correct which SMB_RxWords the Sesskey and bloblen are retrieved from, for each of the dialects supported.
    Call the new auth code when the protocol flags require it.
    Don't uppercase passwords all the time, the server may require case sensitivity.
    Verbatim copies of the RSA reference implementations of MD4 and MD5 from the respective RFC's.
    Implementation of the hash/mash/reply that Microsoft requires. Define AUTHTEST of this file to build a simple application that verifies the algorithms.
    Tested against a Win7 install, inspecting in Wireshark that the passwords are no longer sent in the clear.
    Implements ticket #332.
    Submission from Colin Granville.
    Version 2.52. Tagged as 'LanManFS-2_52'
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