• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Name resolution, wildcarded FSEntry_File 5 & 9, and buffer overrun fixes · 517c6bdb
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Make SMB_RxWords a bit bigger per static anaylsis
    when LONGNAMES is undefined, since NT LM 0.12 dialect is allowed at the same time as short names.
    A change to name translation in LanManFS-2_60 broke all forms of nested contentious name resolution, ie. where a leafname containing a contentious character was itself in a directory containing one.
    The cited problem names ('1 2/3' and '1 /s') can both be resolved at one level only, no 2nd pass is required. The resolution function walks along the elements of the path one at a time to reach the leaf (ie. no element is processed twice). A test case has been created to allow some regression testing when making future changes in this area.
    When building tboxlibint
      Copy h.* <Lib$Dir>.tboxlibint.h.*
    when the directory is empty FileSwitch checks the destination ending in ...\h\* which the short names translation would error with ENOWILD...
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