Commit 8bb5a7f3 authored by ROOL's avatar ROOL :robot:
Browse files

Update to Unicode 3.2.0

  Update UnicodeData from which is a later (and last in the 3.x series) version of the database.
  Update unictype_is_ideograph() to match the ranges given in that version of the standard, and remove the entries that were checking if a UCS2 (16 bit) value with 0x20000 and 0x30000.
  The updated UnicodeData is used for CharNames in !Unicode for !Chars.

Version 0.62. Tagged as 'Unicode-0_62'
parent e6e671aa
/* (0.61)
/* (0.62)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.61
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.62
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 10 Jan 2015
#define Module_Date_CMHG 09 Jul 2016
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.61"
#define Module_Version 61
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.62"
#define Module_Version 62
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "10 Jan 2015"
#define Module_Date "09 Jul 2016"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "10-Jan-15"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "09-Jul-16"
#define Module_ComponentName "Unicode"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Lib/Unicode"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.61"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.61 (10 Jan 2015)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:61"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.62"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.62 (09 Jul 2016)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:62"
......@@ -26,14 +26,16 @@
* Make the unictype.c tables file.
* 1) The 'Id' categories have been added by hand according to the
* file PROPS2.TXT
* The ideographs for unictype_is_ideograph() are derived from code
* points listed in doc/PropList320 which are categorised as
* ; Ideographic or
* ; IDS_Binary_Operator or
* ; IDS_Trinary_Operator or
* ; Radical or
* ; Unified_Ideograph
* and which are small enough to fit into a UCS2 argument.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
......@@ -67,43 +69,36 @@
"int unictype_is_ideograph(UCS2 u)\n" \
"{\n" \
" if (u < 0x2E80) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x2E99) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x2E9B) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x2EF3) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x2F00) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x2FD5) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x2FF0) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x2FFB) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3000) return 0;\n" \
" if (u == 0x3003) return 0;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3006) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x3007) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3021) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x302D) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3037) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x3029) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3038) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x303A) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x303E) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x303F) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3041) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x3094) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3099) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x309E) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x30A1) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x30FE) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3190) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x3243) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3280) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x32B0) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x32C0) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x32CB) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x32D0) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x32FE) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3358) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x337F) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x33E0) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x33FE) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x3400) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x4DB5) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x4E00) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0x9FA5) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0xF900) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0xFA2D) return 1;\n" \
" if (u == 0xFE51) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0xFF01) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0xFF9F) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0x20000) return 0;\n" \
" if (u < 0x30000) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0xFA0E) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0xFA0F) return 1;\n" \
" if (u == 0xFA11) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0xFA13) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0xFA14) return 1;\n" \
" if (u == 0xFA1F) return 1;\n" \
" if (u == 0xFA21) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0xFA23) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0xFA24) return 1;\n" \
" if (u < 0xFA27) return 0;\n" \
" if (u <= 0xFA29) return 1;\n" \
" return 0;\n" \
"}\n\n" \
"/* eof unictype.c */\n"
......@@ -121,7 +116,7 @@
typedef struct
int code;
unsigned int code;
int type;
int range;
} unicode_char_info;
......@@ -203,6 +198,8 @@ static int decode_line(char *cp, unicode_char_info *info)
case 0:
info->code = (int)strtoul(fstart, NULL, 16);
if (info->code > (UCS2)~0)
return 0; /* Out of range for UCS2 */
case 1:
if (strncmp(cp-7, "First>;", sizeof("First>;")-1) == 0)
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# Alphabetic
0041..005A, 0061..007A, 00AA , 00B5 , 00BA , 00C0..00D6,
00D8..00F6, 00F8..01F5, 01FA..0217, 0250..02A8, 02B0..02B8, 02BB..02C1,
02E0..02E4, 037A , 0386 , 0388..038A, 038C , 038E..03A1,
03A3..03CE, 03D0..03D6, 03DA , 03DC , 03DE , 03E0 ,
03E2..03F3, 0401..040C, 040E..044F, 0451..045C, 045E..0481, 0490..04C4,
04C7..04C8, 04CB..04CC, 04D0..04EB, 04EE..04F5, 04F8..04F9, 0531..0556,
0559..055A, 0561..0587, 05D0..05EA, 05F0..05F2, 0621..063A, 0641..0652,
0670..06B7, 06BA..06BE, 06C0..06CE, 06D0..06D3, 06D5..06DC, 06E1..06E8,
06ED , 0901..0903, 0905..0939, 093D..094C, 0958..0963, 0981..0983,
0985..098C, 098F..0990, 0993..09A8, 09AA..09B0, 09B2 , 09B6..09B9,
09BE..09C4, 09C7..09C8, 09CB..09CC, 09D7 , 09DC..09DD, 09DF..09E3,
09F0..09F1, 0A02 , 0A05..0A0A, 0A0F..0A10, 0A13..0A28, 0A2A..0A30,
0A32..0A33, 0A35..0A36, 0A38..0A39, 0A3E..0A42, 0A47..0A48, 0A4B..0A4C,
0A8F..0A91, 0A93..0AA8, 0AAA..0AB0, 0AB2..0AB3, 0AB5..0AB9, 0ABD..0AC5,
0AC7..0AC9, 0ACB..0ACC, 0AE0 , 0B01..0B03, 0B05..0B0C, 0B0F..0B10,
0B13..0B28, 0B2A..0B30, 0B32..0B33, 0B36..0B39, 0B3D..0B43, 0B47..0B48,
0B4B..0B4C, 0B56..0B57, 0B5C..0B5D, 0B5F..0B61, 0B82..0B83, 0B85..0B8A,
0B8E..0B90, 0B92..0B95, 0B99..0B9A, 0B9C , 0B9E..0B9F, 0BA3..0BA4,
0BA8..0BAA, 0BAE..0BB5, 0BB7..0BB9, 0BBE..0BC2, 0BC6..0BC8, 0BCA..0BCC,
0BD7 , 0C01..0C03, 0C05..0C0C, 0C0E..0C10, 0C12..0C28, 0C2A..0C33,
0C35..0C39, 0C3E..0C44, 0C46..0C48, 0C4A..0C4C, 0C55..0C56, 0C60..0C61,
0C82..0C83, 0C85..0C8C, 0C8E..0C90, 0C92..0CA8, 0CAA..0CB3, 0CB5..0CB9,
0CBE..0CC4, 0CC6..0CC8, 0CCA..0CCC, 0CD5..0CD6, 0CDE , 0CE0..0CE1,
0D02..0D03, 0D05..0D0C, 0D0E..0D10, 0D12..0D28, 0D2A..0D39, 0D3E..0D43,
0D46..0D48, 0D4A..0D4C, 0D57 , 0D60..0D61, 0E01..0E2E, 0E30..0E3A,
0E40..0E45, 0E47 , 0E4D , 0E81..0E82, 0E84 , 0E87..0E88,
0E8A , 0E8D , 0E94..0E97, 0E99..0E9F, 0EA1..0EA3, 0EA5 ,
0EA7 , 0EAA..0EAB, 0EAD..0EAE, 0EB0..0EB9, 0EBB..0EBD, 0EC0..0EC4,
0ECD , 0EDC..0EDD, 0F40..0F47, 0F49..0F69, 0F71..0F81, 0F90..0F95,
0F97 , 0F99..0FAD, 0FB1..0FB7, 0FB9 , 10A0..10C5, 10D0..10F6,
1100..1159, 115F..11A2, 11A8..11F9, 1E00..1E9B, 1EA0..1EF9, 1F00..1F15,
1F18..1F1D, 1F20..1F45, 1F48..1F4D, 1F50..1F57, 1F59 , 1F5B ,
1F5D , 1F5F..1F7D, 1F80..1FB4, 1FB6..1FBC, 1FBE , 1FC2..1FC4,
1FC6..1FCC, 1FD0..1FD3, 1FD6..1FDB, 1FE0..1FEC, 1FF2..1FF4, 1FF6..1FFC,
207F , 2102 , 2107 , 210A..2113, 2115 , 2118..211D,
2124 , 2126 , 2128 , 212A..212D, 212F..2131, 2133..2138,
2160..2182, 3041..3094, 30A1..30FA, 3105..312C, 3131..318E, AC00..D7A3,
FB00..FB06, FB13..FB17, FB1F..FB28, FB2A..FB36, FB38..FB3C, FB3E ,
FB40..FB41, FB43..FB44, FB46..FBB1, FBD3..FD3D, FD50..FD8F, FD92..FDC7,
FDF0..FDFB, FE70..FE72, FE74 , FE76..FEFC, FF21..FF3A, FF41..FF5A,
# Ideographic
4E00..9FA5, F900..FA2D, 3007, 3021..3029
# Mathematical
0028..002B, 002D, 002F, 003C..003E, 005B..005E, 007B..007E, 00AC, 00B1,
00D7, 00F7, 20A6, 2032..2034, 2044, 20D2..20E1, 2190..2194, 21D2, 21D4,
2200..22F1, 2308..230B, 2320..2321, 2329..232A
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