Commit 4f101f04 authored by Kevin Bracey's avatar Kevin Bracey
Browse files

* Added support for ISO 6937:2001, and the variant with Euro used by DVB.

  (This isn't integrated with ISO 2022 processing though - it's standalone).
* Added a Dstroke -> Eth second-attempt conversion in various write routines,
  primarily for ISO 6937 -> Latin1 conversion (ISO 6937 unifies them).

Version 0.54. Tagged as 'Unicode-0_54'
parent bd864ced
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ OBJS = autojp.o \
encoding.o \
iso2022.o \
eightbit.o \
iso6937.o \
shiftjis.o \
johab.o \
bigfive.o \
......@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ OBJSZ = \
oz.encoding \
oz.iso2022 \
oz.eightbit \
oz.iso6937 \
oz.shiftjis \
oz.johab \
oz.bigfive \
......@@ -131,6 +133,7 @@ OBJSD = \
od.encoding \
od.iso2022 \
od.eightbit \
od.iso6937 \
od.shiftjis \
od.johab \
od.bigfive \
/* (0.53)
/* (0.54)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.68.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.2.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.53
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 0.54
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 01 Jul 2004
#define Module_Date_CMHG 25 Aug 2005
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.53"
#define Module_Version 53
#define Module_MajorVersion "0.54"
#define Module_Version 54
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "01 Jul 2004"
#define Module_Date "25 Aug 2005"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "01-Jul-04"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "25-Aug-05"
#define Module_ComponentName "Unicode"
#define Module_ComponentPath "RiscOS/Sources/Lib/Unicode"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.53"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.53 (01 Jul 2004)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:53"
#define Module_FullVersion "0.54"
#define Module_HelpVersion "0.54 (25 Aug 2005)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "0:54"
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ static key_pair fuzzy_specials[] =
{ 0x0160, 'S' }, /* S hacek */
{ 0x02DC, '~' }, /* tilde */
{ 0x0161, 's' }, /* s hacek */
{ 0x0110, 0xD0 }, /* D stroke -> Eth */
{ 0, 0 }
......@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ static int system_write(EncodingPriv *e, UCS4 u, unsigned char **s, int *bufsize
if ( --(*bufsize) < 0 || !s)
return 0;
if (se->lookup)
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
......@@ -133,6 +135,11 @@ static int system_write(EncodingPriv *e, UCS4 u, unsigned char **s, int *bufsize
if (e->for_encoding == encoding_WRITE_STRICT)
return -1;
else if (u == 0x0110)
u = 0x00D0;
goto retry;
c = '?';
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "enc_ascii.h"
#include "iso2022.h"
#include "shiftjis.h"
#include "iso6937.h"
#include "johab.h"
#include "bigfive.h"
#include "eightbit.h"
......@@ -76,6 +77,8 @@ static EncList enclist[] =
{ csISOLatin7, 1, "/ISO-8859-13/ISO-IR-179/", lang_ENGLISH, &enc_iso8859, "\x1B\x2D\x59", NULL }, /* Select Baltic Rim right half */
{ csISOLatin8, 1, "/ISO-8859-14/ISO-IR-199/", lang_IRISH, &enc_iso8859, "\x1B\x2D\x5F", NULL }, /* Select Celtic right half */
{ csISOLatin9, 1, "/ISO-8859-15/ISO-IR-203/", lang_ENGLISH, &enc_iso8859, "\x1B\x2D\x62\x1B\x2E\x42\x1B\x2F\x50", NULL }, /* Select G1 Latin-9, G2 Latin-2, G3 supplement */
{ csISO6937, 2, "/ISO-IR-156/", lang_ENGLISH, &enc_iso6937, "\x1B\x2D\x52", NULL }, /* Select ISO6937 right half */
{ csISO6937DVB, 2, "/X-ISO-6937-DVB/X-DVB/", lang_ENGLISH, &enc_iso6937, NULL, NULL },
{ csShiftJIS /* 17 */, 2, "/SHIFT_JIS/X-SJIS/", lang_JAPANESE, &enc_shiftjis, NULL, NULL },
......@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ static unsigned int iso2022_read(EncodingPriv *e,
if (ucs_out)
if (ucs_out(handle, u))
/* Character has been used, so ensure its counted */
/* Character has been used, so ensure it's counted */
......@@ -901,6 +901,8 @@ static int iso2022_write_euc(EncodingPriv *e, UCS4 u, unsigned char **euc, int *
if (u == NULL_UCS4)
return 0;
/* control chars */
if (u < 0x0021)
buf[out++] = u;
......@@ -935,6 +937,12 @@ static int iso2022_write_euc(EncodingPriv *e, UCS4 u, unsigned char **euc, int *
else if (e->for_encoding == encoding_WRITE_STRICT)
return -1;
else if (u == 0x0110) /* D-stroke - try Eth */
u = 0x00D0;
goto retry;
/* special chars */
else /* if (u == 0xFFFD) */ /* bad character */
buf[out++] = '?';
/* Copyright 2005 Castle Technology Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* > iso6937.c */
/* */
/* Copyright [1997-2000] Pace Micro Technology PLC. All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* The copyright in this material is owned by Pace Micro Technology PLC */
/* ("Pace"). This material is regarded as a highly confidential trade */
/* secret of Pace. It may not be reproduced, used, sold or in any */
/* other way exploited or transferred to any third party without the */
/* prior written permission of Pace. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "encpriv.h"
#include "eightbit.h"
#include "iso2022.h"
#include "iso6937.h"
#include "charsets.h"
typedef enum Accent
None = 0,
Grave = 1,
Acute = 2,
Circumflex = 3,
Tilde = 4,
Macron = 5,
Breve = 6,
DotAbove = 7,
Diaeresis = 8,
RingAbove = 10,
Cedilla = 11,
DoubleAcute = 13,
Ogonek = 14,
Caron = 15,
typedef struct Combination
unsigned char letter;
UCS2 u;
static const Combination acute_combinations[] =
' ', 0x00B4,
'A', 0x00C1,
'C', 0x0106,
'E', 0x00C9,
'I', 0x00CD,
'L', 0x0139,
'N', 0x0143,
'O', 0x00D3,
'R', 0x0154,
'S', 0x015A,
'U', 0x00DA,
'Y', 0x00DD,
'Z', 0x0179,
'a', 0x00E1,
'c', 0x0107,
'e', 0x00E9,
'i', 0x00ED,
'l', 0x013A,
'n', 0x0144,
'o', 0x00F3,
'r', 0x0155,
's', 0x015B,
'u', 0x00FA,
'y', 0x00FD,
'z', 0x017A
static const Combination grave_combinations[] =
0, 0x0060,
'A', 0x00C0,
'E', 0x00C8,
'I', 0x00CC,
'O', 0x00D2,
'U', 0x00D9,
'a', 0x00E0,
'e', 0x00E8,
'i', 0x00EC,
'o', 0x00F2,
'u', 0x00F9,
static const Combination circumflex_combinations[] =
0, 0x005E,
'A', 0x00C2,
'C', 0x0108,
'E', 0x00CA,
'G', 0x011C,
'H', 0x0124,
'I', 0x00CE,
'J', 0x0134,
'O', 0x00D4,
'S', 0x015C,
'U', 0x00DB,
'W', 0x0174,
'Y', 0x0176,
'a', 0x00E2,
'c', 0x0109,
'e', 0x00EA,
'g', 0x011D,
'h', 0x0125,
'i', 0x00EC,
'j', 0x0135,
'o', 0x00F4,
's', 0x015D,
'u', 0x00FB,
'w', 0x0175,
'y', 0x0177
static const Combination diaeresis_combinations[] =
' ', 0x00A8,
'A', 0x00C4,
'E', 0x00CB,
'I', 0x00CF,
'O', 0x00D6,
'U', 0x00DC,
'Y', 0x0178,
'a', 0x00E4,
'e', 0x00EB,
'i', 0x00EF,
'o', 0x00F6,
'u', 0x00FC,
'y', 0x00FF
static const Combination tilde_combinations[] =
0, 0x007E,
'A', 0x00C3,
'I', 0x0128,
'N', 0x00D1,
'O', 0x00D5,
'U', 0x0168,
'a', 0x00E3,
'i', 0x0129,
'n', 0x00F1,
'o', 0x00F5,
'u', 0x0169
static const Combination caron_combinations[] =
' ', 0x02C7,
'C', 0x010C,
'D', 0x010E,
'E', 0x011A,
'L', 0x013D,
'N', 0x0147,
'R', 0x0158,
'S', 0x0160,
'T', 0x0164,
'Z', 0x017D,
'c', 0x010D,
'd', 0x010F,
'e', 0x011B,
'l', 0x013E,
'n', 0x0148,
'r', 0x0159,
's', 0x0161,
't', 0x0165,
'z', 0x017E
static const Combination breve_combinations[] =
' ', 0x02D8,
'A', 0x0102,
'G', 0x011E,
'U', 0x016C,
'a', 0x0103,
'g', 0x011F,
'u', 0x016D
static const Combination doubleacute_combinations[] =
' ', 0x02DD,
'O', 0x0150,
'U', 0x0170,
'o', 0x0151,
'u', 0x0171
static const Combination ringabove_combinations[] =
' ', 0x02DA,
'A', 0x00C5,
'U', 0x016E,
'a', 0x00E5,
'u', 0x016F
static const Combination dotabove_combinations[] =
' ', 0x02D9,
'C', 0x010A,
'E', 0x0116,
'G', 0x0120,
'I', 0x0130,
'Z', 0x017B,
'c', 0x010B,
'e', 0x0117,
'g', 0x0121,
'z', 0x017C
static const Combination macron_combinations[] =
' ', 0x00AF,
'A', 0x0100,
'E', 0x0112,
'I', 0x012A,
'O', 0x014C,
'U', 0x016A,
'a', 0x0101,
'e', 0x0113,
'i', 0x012B,
'o', 0x014D,
'u', 0x016B
static const Combination cedilla_combinations[] =
' ', 0x00B8,
'C', 0x00C7,
'G', 0x0122,
'K', 0x0136,
'L', 0x013B,
'N', 0x0145,
'R', 0x0156,
'S', 0x015E, /*check*/
'T', 0x0162, /*check*/
'c', 0x00E7,
'g', 0x0123,
'k', 0x0137,
'l', 0x013C,
'n', 0x0146,
'r', 0x0157,
's', 0x015F, /*check*/
't', 0x0163, /*check*/
static const Combination ogonek_combinations[] =
' ', 0x02DB,
'A', 0x0104,
'E', 0x0118,
'I', 0x012E,
'U', 0x0172,
'a', 0x0105,
'e', 0x0119,
'i', 0x012F,
'u', 0x0173
typedef struct CombinationList
const Combination *combination;
size_t ncombinations;
#define ARRAYLEN(a) (sizeof (a)/sizeof (a)[0])
#define COMBENTRY(A,a) [A] = a##_combinations, ARRAYLEN(a##_combinations)
static const CombinationList iso6937_combination_table[16] =
COMBENTRY(Acute, acute),
COMBENTRY(Grave, grave),
COMBENTRY(Circumflex, circumflex),
COMBENTRY(Diaeresis, diaeresis),
COMBENTRY(Tilde, tilde),
COMBENTRY(Caron, caron),
COMBENTRY(Breve, breve),
COMBENTRY(DoubleAcute, doubleacute),
COMBENTRY(RingAbove, ringabove),
COMBENTRY(DotAbove, dotabove),
COMBENTRY(Macron, macron),
COMBENTRY(Cedilla, cedilla),
COMBENTRY(Ogonek, ogonek)
static Accent UCStoAccent(UCS4 u)
switch (u)
default: return None;
case 0x0300: return Grave;
case 0x0301: return Acute;
case 0x0302: return Circumflex;
case 0x0303: return Tilde;
case 0x0304: return Macron;
case 0x0306: return Breve;
case 0x0307: return DotAbove;
case 0x0308: return Diaeresis;
case 0x030A: return RingAbove;
case 0x030B: return DoubleAcute;
case 0x030C: return Caron;
case 0x0327: return Cedilla;
case 0x0328: return Ogonek;
static int combination_compare(const void *key, const void *member)
const unsigned char *letter = key;
const Combination *c = member;
return *letter - c->letter;
static UCS4 iso6937_combine(Accent a, unsigned char letter)
const Combination *combinations = iso6937_combination_table[a].combination;
size_t n = iso6937_combination_table[a].ncombinations;
Combination *c = bsearch(&letter, combinations, n, sizeof combinations[0], combination_compare);
if (c)
return c->u;
return NULL_UCS4;
static int iso6937_find_accent_pair(UCS4 u)
for (int a = 1; a <= 15; a++)
if (iso6937_combination_table[a].combination)
for (int i = 0; i < iso6937_combination_table[a].ncombinations; i++)
if (iso6937_combination_table[a].combination[i].u == u)
return (0xC0+a) + (iso6937_combination_table[a].combination[i].letter << 8);
return -1;
* ISO 6937 handling is not integrated into the framework of general
* ISO 2022 handling. This could be done, if the core 2022 handler
* did the conversion of combining characters.
static int iso6937_reset(Encoding *e, int for_encoding)
ISO6937_Encoding *ie = (ISO6937_Encoding *) e;
/* Fudge the DVB variant with added euro sign */
ie->euro = ie->e.list_entry->identifier == csISO6937DVB;
ie->accent = None;
if (!ie->table)
ie->table = iso2022_find_table(96, 0x52);
return ie->table != NULL;
static unsigned int iso6937_read(Encoding *e,
encoding_read_callback_fn ucs_out,
const unsigned char *s,
unsigned int n,
void *handle)
ISO6937_Encoding *ie = (ISO6937_Encoding *) e;
unsigned int count;
UCS2 *table = encoding_table_ptr(ie->table);
for (count = n; count; count--)
unsigned char c = *s++;
UCS4 u;
if (ie->accent)
u = iso6937_combine((Accent) ie->accent, c);
if (u == NULL_UCS4)
/* Bad combination - spit out spacing accent then retry */
if (ucs_out)
if (ucs_out(handle, iso6937_combination_table[ie->accent].combination[0].u))
/* Character has been used, so ensure it's counted */
ie->accent = None;
goto retry;
ie->accent = None;
u = c < 0xA0 ? c : table[c - 0xA0];
if (u == NULL_UCS2)
if (c == 0xA4 && ie->euro)
u = 0x20AC;
u = 0xFFFD;
if (u >= 0x0300 && u < 0x0370)
ie->accent = UCStoAccent(u);
if (ie->accent)
if (ucs_out)
if (ucs_out(handle, u))
/* Character has been used, so ensure it's counted */
return n - count;
static int iso6937_write(EncodingPriv *e, UCS4 u, unsigned char **s, int *bufsize)
ISO6937_Encoding *ie = (ISO6937_Encoding *) e;
int i, c, cc = 0;
if (u == NULL_UCS4)
return 0;
if (u < 0xA0)
c = u;
else if ((i = encoding_lookup_in_table(u, ie->table)) != -1)
c = i + 0xA0;
else if (u == 0x20AC && ie->euro)
c = 0xA4;
else if (u == 0x00D0)
c = 0xE2; /* unify Eth with Dstroke */
else if ((i = iso6937_find_accent_pair(u)) != -1)
c = i & 0xFF, cc = i >> 8;
else if (e->for_encoding == encoding_WRITE_STRICT)
return -1;
c = '?';
if ((*bufsize -= (cc ? 2 : 1)) < 0 || !s)
return 0;
*(*s)++ = c;
if (cc)
*(*s)++ = cc;
return 1;
static void iso6937_delete(EncodingPriv *e)
ISO6937_Encoding *ie = (ISO6937_Encoding *) e;
if (ie->table)
EncodingPriv enc_iso6937 =
sizeof(ISO6937_Encoding) - sizeof(EncodingPriv),
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#include "encoding.h"
#include "VersionNum"
static int usage()
static int usage(void)
fputs("Usage: TextConv [options] [<inputfile> [<outputfile>]]\n"
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Objects = autojp.o \
encoding.o \
iso2022.o \
eightbit.o \
iso6937.o \
shiftjis.o \
johab.o \
bigfive.o \
......@@ -263,6 +263,8 @@
#define csMacCentEuro 4011
#define csJohab 4012
#define csISOLatinThai 4014
#define csISO6937 4015
#define csISO6937DVB 4016
#define csCurrent 4999 /* Special for current system charset */
/* Copyright 2005 Castle Technology Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* > iso6937.h */
/* */
/* Copyright [1997-2003] All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* This file may be included in profit making or non profit making */
/* software on any system running any version of RISC OS, provided it was */
/* used along with a licensed binary of Unicode Lib */
/* It is supplied "as is" without warranty, express or implied, of */
/* merchantability for any purpose. */
/* No liability can be claimed for any direct or indirect loss */
typedef struct ISO6937_Encoding
EncodingPriv e;
encoding_table table; /* 128-entry table for codes 0x80-0xFF */
int accent;
_Bool euro;
} ISO6937_Encoding;
extern EncodingPriv enc_iso6937;
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Objects = autojp.o unictype.o \
encoding.o \
iso2022.o \
eightbit.o \
iso6937.o \
shiftjis.o \
johab.o \
bigfive.o \
......@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ ObjectsD = autojp.od unictype.od \
encoding.od \
iso2022.od \
eightbit.od \
iso6937.od \
shiftjis.od \
johab.od \
bigfive.od \
......@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ ObjectsZ = autojp.oz unictype.oz \
encoding.oz \
iso2022.oz \
eightbit.oz \
iso6937.oz \
shiftjis.oz \
johab.oz \
bigfive.oz \
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