Draft: UpCall 6 fix
Detail: There are 5 places where Upcall 6 is used to 'sleep' the code. This works OK in a module launched from the command line but fails miserably when started within a taskwindow. I suspect the reason is that if the SWI is called from user mode the pollword given, which is just 'on the stack', cannot be guaranteed present. Suffice it to say there were frequent aborts traced to these UpCall 6 calls.
They have now been replaced with a tailored usermode_donothing() call. In service mode this just does the simple OS_LeaveOS/OS_EnterOS swi pair to trigger any callbacks. If the code is curently in non service mode it'll do an OS_Byte 0 to effectively OS_EnterOS/OS_LeaveOS, thus triggering any callbacks.
With these mods in place the code generated is perfectly happy to be launched within a taskwindow.