• Ben Avison's avatar
    Enhancements to atexit and friends · e1a3a7f5
    Ben Avison authored
    The number of atexit callbacks you can register is now essentially unlimited.
    For module clients, the vector chain of callbacks is stored in the RMA, as
    was the previous fixed-size static buffer.
    Add a library atexit() function now that we have lots of room for one, and
    move _terminateio() call into it. This means that IO is properly cleaned up
    after every USR mode module entry, if it happens more than once to the same
    Function pointers in the vector chain are now zeroed when called, which means
    the pointers won't be accidentally re-called after subsequent USR mode module
    entries. Note that there can now be holes left if USR mode and SVC mode
    atexit() calls were intermingled and one or more USR mode entry has completed.
    Neither atexit() nor at_quick_exit() callbacks are now issued after a call to
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