Commit 86922f5a authored by Ben Avison's avatar Ben Avison
Browse files

New source code management arrangement for Desk library.

  RiscOS/Sources/ThirdParty/Desk/Lib/Desk contains a verbatim copy of the
  public release of Desk. This is the only version that is allowed to be
  distributed, according to a strict reading of the licence conditions.
  Also included here is a makefile to install Desk into the RISC OS build
  structure during the export-hdrs and export-libs phases, moving and
  renaming files in the process so that minimal changes are required to
  components which previously used Acorn's internal variant of Desk.
  Limited testing carried out so far in a RISC OS ROM build.

Version 3.2.5. Tagged as 'Desk-3_2_5'
Dir <Obey$Dir>
amu_machine clean
Dir <Obey$Dir>
amu_machine export_hdrs THROWBACK=-throwback
amu_machine export_libs THROWBACK=-throwback
# Makefile for shared-source RISC OS variant of Desk library
HDRS = \
BackTrace \
Clear \
ColourMenu \
ColourTran \
Coord \
Core \
Debug \
DeskMem \
Dialog \
Dialog2 \
Dispatch \
Drag \
DragASpr \
DynamArea \
Error \
Error2 \
Error3 \
Event \
EventMsg \
Export \
File \
Filing \
Filter \
Font \
Font2 \
Handler \
Hourglass \
Icon \
Import \
Import2 \
Jump \
JumpRaw \
Kbd \
KernelSWIs \
KeyCodes \
LinkList \
Mem \
Menu \
Menu2 \
Module \
Msgs \
MsgTrans \
OSBuffer \
Pane \
Pane2 \
PDriver \
Platform \
Pointer \
PopUp \
Print \
Ptr \
Resource \
Save \
Save2 \
Screen \
Serial \
Slider \
Sound \
Sprite \
Str \
StringCR \
TaskWindow \
Template \
TextFile \
Time \
Validation \
WAssert \
Wimp \
WimpSWIs \
Window \
CUSTOMLIB = custom
# Define the export-header rule before we include
# Makefiles:CLibrary so that we take precedence
VPATH = !Desk.Desk
.SUFFIXES: .exphdr
.h.exphdr:; ${CP} $< ${EXPDIR}.h.$* ${CPFLAGS}
include StdTools
include StdRules
include CLibrary
${LIBEXT}.${LIBRARY}: !Desk.o.Normal
${CP} !Desk.o.Normal $@ ${CPFLAGS}
${LIBEXT}.${LIBRARYZM}: !Desk.o.Normalzm
${CP} !Desk.o.Normalzm $@ ${CPFLAGS}
# Dynamic dependencies:
In accordance with the terms of the Desk licence, RISC OS Open is
distributing an unmodified version of the public Desk library, even though
the head RISC OS licence holder has traditionally used a customised version
of the library. For compatibility with this customised version, the files
installed in the Export directory retain the directory structure of the
customised version. This conversion is scripted so as to simplify ongoing
maintenance, and is performed during the export-hdrs and export-libs build
Desk is currently moderated by Philip Ludlam <> and the
latest version of Desk can be obtained from
This is Desk version 3.2.5
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