Delete lots of old switches
Jeffrey Lee authored
  This change gets rid of the following switches from the source (picking appropriate code paths for a 32bit HAL build):
  * FixCallBacks
  * UseProcessTransfer
  * CanLiveOnROMCard
  * BleedinDaveBell
  * NewStyleEcfs
  * DoVdu23_0_12
  * LCDPowerCtrl
  * HostVdu
  * Print
  * EmulatorSupport
  * TubeInfo
  * AddTubeBashers
  * TubeChar, TubeString, TubeDumpNoStack, TubeNewlNoStack macros
  * FIQDebug
  * VCOstartfix
  * AssemblingArthur (n.b. still defined for safety with anything in Hdr: which uses it, but not used explicitly by the kernel)
  * MouseBufferFix
  * LCDInvert
  * LCDSupport
  * DoInitialiseMode
  * Interruptible32bitModes
  * MouseBufferManager
  * StrongARM (new CacheCleanerHack and InterruptDelay switches added to hdr/Options to cover some functionality that StrongARM previously covered)
  * SAcleanflushbroken
  * StrongARM_POST
  * IrqsInClaimRelease
  * CheckProtectionLink
  * GSWorkspaceInKernelBuffers
  * EarlierReentrancyInDAShrink
  * LongComman...