Name Last commit Last update
AMBControl Cache maintenance fixes
PMF Avoid unnecesssary remainder calculations
vdu [308] SpriteOp 11 (merge sprite areas) gets slow for large numbers of sprites
ARM600 Cache maintenance fixes
ARMops Fix CPU features being clobbered by software RAM clear
Arthur2 Make OS_GSTrans be more sensible about what it treats as system variables
Arthur3 Review of Internation switch
ArthurSWIs Add SWI error pointer validation, SeriousErrorV hooks, and OS_ReadSysInfo 15
CPUFeatures Revise WFE detection
ChangeDyn Improve safety of OS_Memory 0 "make temporarily uncacheable" and *Cache off
Convrsions Add OS_Memory 24 implementation. Change OS_ValidateAddress to use it. Fix kernel leaving the physical access MB in a messy state. Try and protect against infinite abort loops caused by bad environment handlers.
ExtraSWIs Add zero page relocation support
GetAll Add new OS_PlatformFeatures reason code for reading CPU features (inspired by ARMv6+ CPUID scheme). Add OS_ReadSysInfo 8 flags for indicating the alignment mode the ROM was built with. Fix long-standing bug with OS_PlatformFeatures when an unknown reason code is used.
HAL Fix CPU features being clobbered by software RAM clear
HeapMan Sort out SetBorder
HeapSort Avoid unnecesssary remainder calculations
Kernel Add new OS_PlatformFeatures reason code for reading CPU features (inspired by ARMv6+ CPUID scheme). Add OS_ReadSysInfo 8 flags for indicating the alignment mode the ROM was built with. Fix long-standing bug with OS_PlatformFeatures when an unknown reason code is used.
LibKern More HAL work. IOMD HAL work in progress. Lots of my own little build scripts. Don't touch this.
MOSDict Import from cleaned 360 CD
MemInfo Add new OS_PlatformFeatures reason code for reading CPU features (inspired by ARMv6+ CPUID scheme). Add OS_ReadSysInfo 8 flags for indicating the alignment mode the ROM was built with. Fix long-standing bug with OS_PlatformFeatures when an unknown reason code is used.
Middle Add new OS_PlatformFeatures reason code for reading CPU features (inspired by ARMv6+ CPUID scheme). Add OS_ReadSysInfo 8 flags for indicating the alignment mode the ROM was built with. Fix long-standing bug with OS_PlatformFeatures when an unknown reason code is used.
ModHand Retire single use of DebugROMErrors
MoreComms Review of Internation switch
MoreSWIs Fix CAO pointer being reset incorrectly when calling OS_ExitAndDie with zero page relocation enabled
MsgCode Add zero page relocation support
NewIRQs Simplify HAL_IICDevice API
NewReset Add initial support for "physical memory pools"
Oscli Review of Internation switch
SWINaming Rationalise some old switches.
Super1 Escape some dollars
SysComms Makefile recreated from fragments
TickEvents Fix some re-entrancy issues. Minor optimisations.
UnSqueeze * Converted to building with ObjAsm (but still a single object file using ORG).
Utility Improve Service_DisplayStatus, Service_DisplayChanged functionality
VMSAv6 Improve safety of OS_Memory 0 "make temporarily uncacheable" and *Cache off