1. 10 May, 2009 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Assorted kernel fixes for ARMv6/ARMv7 · ca8f36f5
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        s/ARMops - Fix IMB_Range_WB_CR7_Lx to clean the correct number of cache lines
        s/HAL - Change CP15 control register flags so unaligned loads are enabled on ARMv6 (to simplify support for ARMv7 where unaligned loads are always enabled, and to match the behaviour expected by the example code in Hdr:CPU.Arch)
        s/AMBControl/memmap - Make AMB_LazyFixUp use the correct L2PT protection flags depending on ARM600/VMSAv6 MMU model. Also guard against problems caused by future L2PT flag changes.
        s/vdu/vdugrafj - Fix previously undiscovered 32bit incompatability in GetSprite (OS_SpriteOp 14/16)
        Tested on rev C2 beagleboard
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_98_2_5'
  2. 30 Nov, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Commit of kernel as featured in release 5.00. · 9664c93b
      Ben Avison authored
        Lots of changes since last version, at least the following:
        * Updated OS timestamp, removed alpha status
        * Negative INKEY OS version changed to &AA
        * GraphicsV is now alocated vector number &2A
        * ROM moved up to &FC000000
        * Max application slot increased to 512 Mbytes (for now)
        * Max size of RMA increased to 256 Mbytes
        * RMA is now first-created dynamic area (so it gets lowest address after
          top of application slot)
        * OS_Memory 10 reimplemeted
        * New OS_ReadSysInfo 6 values 18-22 added
        * OS_ReadSysInfo 8 gains flag bit to indicate soft power-off
        * Misc internal top-bit-set-address fixes
        * *ChangeDynamicArea can take sizes in megabytes or gigabytes
        * Magic word "&off" in R0 passed to OS_Reset powers down if possible
        * Added acceleration: block copy; CLS; text window scroll up; rectangle
        * Disabled LED flashing in page mode (liable to crash)
        * Masked sprite plot and VDU 5 text avoids reading the screen if possible
        * Framestore made USR mode accessible
        * Fix for VDU 5,127 bug - now relies on font definitions being in extreme
          quarters of memory, rather than bottom half
        * Allocated 64-bit OS_Convert... SWIs
        * IIC errors use allocated error numbers
        * Looks for Dallas RTC before Philips RTC because we're using a Philips
          NVRAM device with the same ID
        * Fix to bug that meant the oscillator in the Dallas RTC wasn't enabled
        * Default mouse type (USB) changed to allocated number
        * Ram disc max size increased to 128 Mbytes (Ursula merge) and made
          cacheable for StrongARMs (not XScale)
        * Branch through zero handler now works in USR mode, by use of a
          trampoline in the system stack to allow PC-relative register storage
        * Address exception handler changed to not use 0 as workspace
        * OS_Memory 13 extended to allow specification of cacheability and access
        * Added OS_Memory 16 to return important memory addresses
        * RISCOS_MapInIO() takes cacheable flag in bit 3, access permissions in
          bits 10 and 11, doubly-mapped flag in bit 20, and access permissions
          specified flag in bit 21
        * Bug fix in last version for application abort handlers didn't quite
          work; register shuffle required
        * "Module is not 32-bit compatible" error now reports the module name
        * Default configured language changed from 10 to 11 (now Desktop again)
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_51'
  3. 28 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      In the No26bitCode case (ie when abort handlers are entered in ABT32 mode), if... · 982426fe
      Ben Avison authored
      In the No26bitCode case (ie when abort handlers are entered in ABT32 mode), if lazy task swapping was enabled and a data abort occurred that was not a page translation fault, then the code in AMB_LazyFixUp to map in the whole application slot was being circumvented, leading to problems for abort handlers in application space because r14_abt was corrupted by any abort due to accessing the abort handler itself. The test of the FSR (to compensate for the FAR being unusable for external aborts) which prompted the circumvention has therefore been moved inside AMB_LazyFixup.
      Also now preserves the FSR and FAR across AMB_LazyFixUp, so they are now
      visible from application abort handlers if desired.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_50'
  4. 18 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      Reimplement enhancements to kernel Dynamic Area support from · 3f877936
      Mike Stephens authored
      Ursula. Quite a hairy code merge really, so let's hope it is
      worth it to someone. What you get (back after 2 or 3 years):
      - much more efficient for largish numbers of DAs (relevance
        to current build = approx 0)
      - fancy reason codes to support fast update of
        Switcher bar display (relevance = 0)
      - support for clamped maximum area sizes, to avoid address
        space exhaustion with big memory (relevance = 0)
      - better implementation of shrinkable DAs, performance
        wise (if lots of DAs, relevance = approx 0)
      - support for 'Sparse' DAs. Holey dynamic areas, Batman!
        (relevance, go on someone use the darned things)
      Moderately development tested on HAL/32bit ARM9 desktop.
      Note the Switcher should be compiled to use the new
      reason codes 6&7, for fabled desktop builds.
      Also, during this work, so I could see the wood for the
      trees, redid some source code clean up, removing pre-Medusa
      stuff (like I did about 3 years ago on Ursula, sigh). That's
      why loads of source files have changed. The new DA stuff
      is confined pretty much to hdr.KernelWS and s.ChangeDyn.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_38'
  5. 13 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      Changes to Lazy task swapping to support abort handler in abort mode (now that we can count to 32). · a0f4966c
      Mike Stephens authored
      LazyFixup now ensures all app pages are mapped in before handing
      on a real (no-lazy) abort. This allows an abort handler in app
      space itself, without scrambling the details of the original
      abort (via a lazy abort in abort mode).
      Many a happy minute spent coding and testing for recursive
      aborts and fixups, but lets just pretend it doesn't happen
      shall we.
      Tested with simple popbang code on ARM9 desktop build.
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_36'
  6. 06 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      Further work on Lazy task swapping: · ae287104
      Mike Stephens authored
        hooks to give correct mapping info for OS_Memory 0
        same for OS_ReadMemMapEntries
        same for OS_FindMemMapEntries
        Lazy fixup routine no longer assumes an abort in current
        app space must be a truant page. However, work in this
        area not complete (no support yet for abort handler code
        in app space itself, eg. for C trampoline)
      Good to know this will be a big performance boost when
      our products use one monolithic application (sarcasm).
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_32'
  7. 22 May, 2001 1 commit
    • Mike Stephens's avatar
      Reimplement Lazy task swapping, an amusing idea from Ursula, would have done... · bdc4f843
      Mike Stephens authored
      Reimplement Lazy task swapping, an amusing idea from Ursula, would have done it sooner but couldn't be bothered (humour).
      Currently activates for all ARMs flagged as base-restored
      abort model. No handling of eg. StrongARM pre-revT bug, but
      then the kernel no longer runs on StrongARM (progress).
      Still some details to fix: all aborts in current app space
      assumed to be missing pages, but this must be fixed to
      handle abort code in app space, things like debuggers
      marking code read only.
      Plus, small fixes:
        OS_Memory 8 returns vaguely useful info for RAM,VRAM
        in HAL build (temporary partial implementation)
        Broken handling of old BBC commands with (fx,tv etc)
        with no spaces fixed (fudgeulike code from Ursula,
        now 32-bit).
      Version 5.35, Tagged as 'Kernel-5_35-4_79_2_31'
  8. 23 Jan, 2001 1 commit
  9. 10 Nov, 2000 1 commit
  10. 20 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  11. 16 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  12. 07 May, 1997 1 commit
  13. 01 May, 1997 1 commit
  14. 06 Nov, 1996 1 commit