UnSqueeze 12.3 KB
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; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; s.UnSqueeze by RCC 25-Aug-87
; This is a bit of code to be included in self-decompressing images to
; expand the image in place.  See elsewhere for details of the compression
; algorithm.
; ***********************************
; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t    ***
; ***********************************

; Date       Name       Description
; ----       ----       -----------
; 13-Feb-90  TDobson    Minor optimisation which saves 1 instruction for
;                       every output word that isn't a "short" or a "long".
; 15-Feb-90  TDobson    Started conversion for inclusion in RISC OS kernel

;        GET     Hdr:Debug

; Constants defining partition of nibble value space: these must match
; corresponding values in mod.squeeze.

NibsLong    * 7
NibsShort   * (14-NibsLong)
MinShort    * (2+NibsLong)
MinLong     * 2

; **************************************************************************
;       CheckForSqueezedModule - Check whether a module is squeezed, and
;                                unsqueeze it if it is
; in:   R9 -> module node
;       R10 -> environment string
;       R12 -> incarnation node
; out:  R9 preserved, but module node pointed to may have code entry changed
;       to point to expanded copy of module
;       R10, R12 preserved
;       R0-R6 may be corrupted
; If offset to init entry is negative, then (offset BIC &80000000) is the
; offset from the size of the encoded module. The last 5 words of this are
; as follows

        ^       -5*4
Squeeze_DecodedSize # 4                                 ; size of decoded image     (bytes)
Squeeze_EncodedSize # 4                                 ; size of encoded image     (--"--)
Squeeze_TablesSize  # 4                                 ; size of short+long tables (--"--)
Squeeze_NShorts     # 4                                 ; number of "short" entries
Squeeze_NLongs      # 4                                 ; number of "long" entries
        ASSERT  @=0

CheckForSqueezedModule ROUT
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        CLRV                                            ; prepare for normal exit (V clear)
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69 70 71
        LDR     R6, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]          ; R6 -> module code
        LDR     R5, [R6, #Module_Init]                  ; R5 = offset to init entry
        EORS    R5, R5, #&80000000                      ; take off top bit
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Kevin Bracey committed
        MOVMI   PC, lr                                  ; if -ve now, then it's a normal module, so exit doing nothing
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73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317

; it's a squeezed module, R5 = size of compressed module

        Push    "R6-R12,lr"     ; save other registers (and pointer to module base)

;        DLINE   "Unsqueezing module"

        ADD     R5, R6, R5      ; R5 -> byte after end of module
        LDMDB   R5!, {R8-R12}   ; load all the data - R8=decoded size, R9=encoded size
                                ; R10=tables size, R11=no. of shorts, R12=no. of longs

        SUB     R10, R5, R10    ; R10 -> start (lowest address) of encoded tables
                                ; = highest address +1 of encoded data
        SUB     R9, R10, R9     ; R9 -> lowest address of encoded data

;        DREG    R8, "Claiming block for module of size "

        MOV     R3, R8          ; now claim a block for the expanded code
        BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
        BVS     ExpandFailed1

;        DREG    R2, "Successfully claimed block for expanded code at "

        MOV     R7, R2          ; R7 -> start of expanded module

        ADD     R3, R11, R12    ; R3 = no. of shorts and longs
        MOV     R3, R3, LSL #2  ; convert to bytes

;        DREG    R3, "Claiming block for shorts+longs of size "

        BL      RMAClaim_Chunk
        BVS     ExpandFailed2   ; must free module block before exiting!

;        DREG    R2, "Successfully claimed block for shorts+longs at "

        MOV     R6, R2          ; R6 -> start of expanded table of shorts+longs

        ADD     R8, R7, R8      ; R8 -> highest address of decoded image +1

; We only need nLongs and nShorts while we are decoding the tables.
; Afterwards we will re-use the registers for pointers to start of tables.

        MOV   R5, R10       ; R5 is ptr into encoded tables
        MOV   R4, #0        ; this is the first table el

;        DLINE   "Expanding shorts+longs table"

        ; Require:  R11 -- no of els left to decode
        ;           R6  -- ptr into decoded table
        ;           R5  -- ptr into encoding
        ;           R4  -- = 0 iff this is the shorts table (i.e. 4-byte vals)

; I believe this loop could be made good deal smaller and possibly
; faster, but it's only a couple of hundred bytes and it works.

        MOV   R2, R6        ; stash away base of first table
        MOV   R3, #-1       ; start as if previous entry was -1
        SUBS  R11, R11, #1  ; while (--nEntries >= 0) {
        BLT   decodedTab    ; assert: previous word is in R3
        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1  ; byte = *p++
        SUBS  R0, R1, #10
        BGE   greaterThan9
        CMPS  R1, #0
        BNE   ones
        LDRB  R0, [R5], #1
        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8
        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #16
        CMPS  R4, #0                 ; in the 4-byte (short encodings) table?
        LDREQB R1, [R5], #1          ; yes, so include the 4th byte
        ORREQ  R0, R0, R1, LSL #24   ; in the resultant word
        ADD   R3, R3, R0
        STR   R3, [R6], #4
        B     decodeEntry
        SUB   R11, R11, R1
        ADD   R11, R11, #1
anotherOne        ; Have number of increment-by-ones in R1
        ADD   R3, R3, #1
        STR   R3, [R6], #4
        SUBS  R1, R1, #1
        BGT   anotherOne
        B     decodeEntry
        CMPS  R1, #92
        ADDLT R3, R3, R0
        STRLT R3, [R6], #4
        BLT   decodeEntry
        SUBS  R0, R1, #174
        BLT   oneMore
        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #16
        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8
        ADD   R3, R3, R0
        STR   R3, [R6], #4
        B     decodeEntry
        SUBS  R0, R1, #92
        LDRB  R1, [R5], #1
        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
        ADD   R3, R3, R0
        STR   R3, [R6], #4
        B     decodeEntry   ; } /* end while (--nEntries >= 0) { */

        CMPS  R4, #0        ; if isShorts then
        BNE   finishLongs   ; else finishLongs
        MOV   R11, R12      ; no of els to decode = nLongs
        MOV   R12, R2       ; R12 = &shorts[0]
        MOV   R2, R6        ; stash away start of longs table
        MOV   R4, #1        ; next table is longs
        B     decodeTab
        MOV   R11, R2       ; R11 = &longs[0]

;        DLINE   "Finished expanding shorts+longs table"

        ; Now have:  R12 = &shorts[0]
        ;            R11 = &longs[0]
        ;            R10 = highest address +1 of encoded data
        ;            R9  = lowest address of encoded data
        ;            R8  = highest address +1 of decoded data
        ; R0..R7 are free for workspace

;        DREG    R12, "Shorts table at "
;        DREG    R11, "Longs table at "
;        DREG    R9, "Encoded data start "
;        DREG    R10, "Encoded data end+1 "
;        DREG    R8, "Decoded data end+1 "

        CMPS  R10, R9           ; Have we reached the base ?
        BLE   doneDecode
        LDRB  R6, [R10, #-1]!   ; byte value
        ; The words will be put in R4 and R5, to be STMDB'd
        AND   R3, R6, #15       ; first nibble
        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinShort ; idx = (val - 8)
        BLT   notshort0
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
        LDR   R4, [R12, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = shorts[(nibble-8)<<8 | *p--]
        B     gotFirst
        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinLong         ; idx = (val - 2)
        BLT   notlong0
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
        LDR   R0, [R11, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = longs[(nibble-2)<<8 | *p--]
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R4, R1, R0, LSL #8
        B gotFirst
        MOVS  R4, R3            ; TMD 13-Feb-90: combine 2 instructions here
                                ; used to be CMPS R3,#0; MOVEQ R4,R3
        BEQ   gotFirst
        LDRB  R0, [R10, #-1]!
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #16
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R4, R0, R1, LSL #24

        ; Phew!  We have the first word of the pair (in R4), now we have
        ; to do (almost) the same again, result in R5, and STMDB.

        MOV   R3, R6, LSR #4     ; second nibble
        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinShort  ; idx = (val - 8)
        BLT   notshort1
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
        LDR   R5, [R12, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = shorts[(nibble-8)<<8 | *p--]
        STMDB R8!, {R4,R5}
        B     decodePair
        SUBS  R0, R3, #MinLong        ; idx = (val - 2)
        BLT   notlong1
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R0, R1, R0, LSL #8
        LDR   R0, [R11, R0, LSL #2]    ; w = longs[(nibble-2)<<8 | *p--]
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!
        ORR   R5, R1, R0, LSL #8
        STMDB R8!, {R4,R5}
        B     decodePair
        MOVS  R5, R3            ; TMD 13-Feb-90: combine 2 instructions here
                                ; used to be CMPS R3,#0; MOVEQ R5,R3

                                       ; This doesn't pay off much
        STMEQDB R8!, {R4,R5}           ; might be better to swap round
        BEQ   decodePair               ; literal and zero, to save 3S on
literal1                               ; the longer path ?
        LDRB  R0, [R10, #-1]!
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!          ; If I had the right byte-sex and
        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #8       ; a couple of registers to spare,
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!          ; could do this in 15S instead of 22S
        ORR   R0, R0, R1, LSL #16      ; using the load non-aligned word code
        LDRB  R1, [R10, #-1]!          ; given in ARM CPU Manual.
        ORR   R5, R0, R1, LSL #24
        STMDB R8!, {R4,R5}
        B decodePair


;        DREG    R8, "Finished decoding, module at "

; now R8 -> the completely unsqueezed module

; so first, free the shorts+longs table block
; R12 -> shorts, which is first of the two

        MOV     R2, R12

;        DREG    R2, "Freeing shorts+longs table at "

        BL      FreeRMABlock

; ignore any error from this
        MOV     R3, R8                  ; save pointer to expanded module
        Pull    "R2,R7-R12"             ; pull pointer to original module base into R2 and restore other registers

;        DREG    R2, "Freeing original module block at "

        BL      FreeRMABlock            ; may fail because original module is in ROM, so ignore error

;        DLINE   "Returning new module to OS"

        STR     R3, [R9, #Module_code_pointer]  ; point module node at expanded module
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318 319
        Pull    PC                      ; exit (VC)
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320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334

; come here if failed to claim block for tables


;        DLINE   "Failed to claim table block, freeing module block"

        Push    R0                      ; save original error pointer
        MOV     R2, R7
        BL      FreeRMABlock
        Pull    R0                      ; restore error pointer, and drop thru to ...

; come here if failed to claim block for expanded module

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Kevin Bracey committed
335 336
        Pull    "R6-R12, pc"            ; restore registers, and exit V set
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337 338 339 340 341

; subroutine to free a block in RMA
; in: R2 -> block
; out: R0,R1 corrupted

FreeRMABlock Entry
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343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353
;        LDR     R0, [R2, #-4]
;        DREG    R0, "FreeRMABlock called, block size purports to be "

        MOV     R0, #HeapReason_Free
        MOV     R1, #RMAAddress
        SWI     XOS_Heap

;        InsertDebugRoutines
