VduExt 8.08 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
        SUBT    VDU variable numbers => &.Hdr.VduExt

OldOpt  SETA    {OPT}
        OPT     OptNoList+OptNoP1List

; ************************************************************
; ***    C h a n g e   L i s t  (better late than never!)  ***
; ************************************************************

; Date       Name  Description
; ----       ----  -----------
; 27-Oct-89  TMD   Added VIDCClockSpeed
; 05-Aug-91  DDV   Added Flag_FullPalette
; 15-Jul-93  TMD   Added NumModeVars
; 21-Jul-98  NDT   Added PixelRate
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30 31 32 33

; Sets up external symbols of the form VduExt_<var name>
; for use with SWI OS_ReadVDUVariables

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
                              ^ 0
VduExt_ModeFlags              # 1
VduExt_ScrRCol                # 1
VduExt_ScrBRow                # 1
VduExt_NColour                # 1
VduExt_XEigFactor             # 1
VduExt_YEigFactor             # 1
VduExt_LineLength             # 1
VduExt_ScreenSize             # 1
VduExt_YShftFactor            # 1
VduExt_Log2BPP                # 1
VduExt_Log2BPC                # 1
VduExt_XWindLimit             # 1
VduExt_YWindLimit             # 1

NumModeVars                   # 0

                              ^ &80
VduExt_GWLCol                 # 1
VduExt_GWBRow                 # 1
VduExt_GWRCol                 # 1
VduExt_GWTRow                 # 1
VduExt_TWLCol                 # 1
VduExt_TWBRow                 # 1
VduExt_TWRCol                 # 1
VduExt_TWTRow                 # 1
VduExt_OrgX                   # 1
VduExt_OrgY                   # 1
VduExt_GCsX                   # 1
VduExt_GCsY                   # 1
VduExt_OlderCsX               # 1
VduExt_OlderCsY               # 1
VduExt_OldCsX                 # 1
VduExt_OldCsY                 # 1
VduExt_GCsIX                  # 1
VduExt_GCsIY                  # 1
VduExt_NewPtX                 # 1
VduExt_NewPtY                 # 1
VduExt_ScreenStart            # 1
VduExt_DisplayStart           # 1
VduExt_TotalScreenSize        # 1
VduExt_GPLFMD                 # 1
VduExt_GPLBMD                 # 1
VduExt_GFCOL                  # 1
VduExt_GBCOL                  # 1
VduExt_TForeCol               # 1
VduExt_TBackCol               # 1
VduExt_GFTint                 # 1
VduExt_GBTint                 # 1
VduExt_TFTint                 # 1
VduExt_TBTint                 # 1
VduExt_MaxMode                # 1
VduExt_GCharSizeX             # 1
VduExt_GCharSizeY             # 1
VduExt_GCharSpaceX            # 1
VduExt_GCharSpaceY            # 1
VduExt_HLineAddr              # 1
VduExt_TCharSizeX             # 1
VduExt_TCharSizeY             # 1
VduExt_TCharSpaceX            # 1
VduExt_TCharSpaceY            # 1
VduExt_GcolOraEorAddr         # 1
VduExt_VIDCClockSpeed         # 1
VduExt_PixelRate              # 1
VduExt_BorderL                # 1
VduExt_BorderB                # 1
VduExt_BorderR                # 1
VduExt_BorderT                # 1

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103 104 105
                              ^ &C0
VduExt_CurrentGraphicsVDriver # 1

106 107 108
                              ^ &100
VduExt_WindowWidth            # 1
VduExt_WindowHeight           # 1
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109 110 111

; Bits in ModeFlags

112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
ModeFlag_NonGraphic          * 1:SHL:0
ModeFlag_Teletext            * 1:SHL:1
ModeFlag_GapMode             * 1:SHL:2
ModeFlag_BBCGapMode          * 1:SHL:3
ModeFlag_HiResMono           * 1:SHL:4
ModeFlag_DoubleVertical      * 1:SHL:5
ModeFlag_HardScrollDisabled  * 1:SHL:6 ; set when outputting to a sprite, or driver doesn't support VIDC style scrolling
ModeFlag_FullPalette         * 1:SHL:7 ; set when palette is not brain damaged
ModeFlag_64k                 * ModeFlag_FullPalette ; Used with log2bpp==4 to indicate 565 RGB/BGR mode
ModeFlag_InterlacedMode      * 1:SHL:8 ; set when interlaced mode with hardware using two seperate framebuffers
ModeFlag_GreyscalePalette    * 1:SHL:9 ; all entries greyscale, but no defined order
ModeFlag_ChromaSubsampleMode * ModeFlag_GreyscalePalette ; Used with log2bpp==7 to indicate chroma mode
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                             ; bits 10-11 reserved
125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
ModeFlag_DataFormat_Mask     * &F:SHL:12
ModeFlag_DataFormatFamily_Mask * 3:SHL:12 ; 0=RGB, 1=misc (CMYK), 2=YCbCr, 3=reserved
ModeFlag_DataFormatFamily_RGB   * 0:SHL:12
ModeFlag_DataFormatFamily_Misc  * 1:SHL:12
ModeFlag_DataFormatFamily_YCbCr * 2:SHL:12
ModeFlag_DataFormatSub_Mask  * &C:SHL:12  ; RGB: b14 = RGB order (0=&ABGR, 1=&ARGB)
                                          ;      b15 = alpha mode (0=transfer/supremacy, 1=alpha)
                                          ; misc: 2_00 = &KYMC
                                          ; YCbCr: b14 = range (0=full, 1=video)
                                          ;        b15 = standard (0=ITU-R BT.601, 1=ITU-R BT.709)
ModeFlag_DataFormatSub_RGB   * 4:SHL:12   ; 0=&xBGR, 1=&xRGB
ModeFlag_DataFormatSub_Alpha * 8:SHL:12   ; 0=transfer/supremacy, 1=alpha
ModeFlag_DataFormatSub_Video * 4:SHL:12   ; 0=full range, 1=video range
ModeFlag_DataFormatSub_709   * 8:SHL:12   ; 0=ITU-R BT.601, 1=ITU-R BT.709

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141 142 143
; Invalid GraphicsV driver number
GraphicsVInvalid * -2

144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
; OS_ScreenMode reason codes

ScreenModeReason_SelectMode             *       0
ScreenModeReason_ReturnMode             *       1
ScreenModeReason_EnumerateModes         *       2
ScreenModeReason_SelectMonitorType      *       3
ScreenModeReason_ConfigureAcceleration  *       4
ScreenModeReason_CleanCache             *       5
ScreenModeReason_ForceCleanCache        *       6
ScreenModeReason_CountScreenBanks       *       7
ScreenModeReason_SelectDisplayBank      *       8
ScreenModeReason_SelectVDUBank          *       9
ScreenModeReason_CopyBank               *       10
ScreenModeReason_SelectDevice           *       11
ScreenModeReason_ROL_DeviceDetails      *       12
ScreenModeReason_ModeStringToSpecifier  *       13
ScreenModeReason_ModeSpecifierToString  *       14
ScreenModeReason_SelectModeByString     *       15
ScreenModeReason_Limit1                 *       16 ; (not a valid reason code)

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164 165 166 167 168 169 170
ScreenModeReason_RegisterDriver         *       64
ScreenModeReason_StartDriver            *       65
ScreenModeReason_StopDriver             *       66
ScreenModeReason_DeregisterDriver       *       67
ScreenModeReason_EnumerateDrivers       *       68
ScreenModeReason_Limit2                 *       69 ; (not a valid reason code)

171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
ScreenModeReason_ROL_ReadMaximumDriver  *       253
ScreenModeReason_ROL_DeregisterDriver   *       254
ScreenModeReason_ROL_RegisterDriver     *       255

; Mode selector format

                        ^       0
ModeSelector_Flags      #       4       ; flags word
ModeSelector_XRes       #       4       ; x-resolution in pixels
ModeSelector_YRes       #       4       ; y-resolution in pixels
ModeSelector_PixelDepth #       4       ; pixel depth (=Log2BPP)
ModeSelector_FrameRate  #       4       ; nominal frame rate (in Hz)
ModeSelector_ModeVars   #       0       ; start of pairs of (mode var index, value)

ModeSelectorFlags_FormatMask    *       &FF
ModeSelectorFlags_ValidFormat   *       1

ModeSelector_MaxSize    *       ModeSelector_ModeVars+(NumModeVars * 8)+4
                                        ; maximum size of a mode selector, with each mode variable overridden
                                        ; plus terminator on end
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192 193 194
; Service_DisplayChanged reason codes (R0)
DisplayChanged_Changing         * 0
DisplayChanged_Changed          * 1
195 196 197 198 199
DisplayChanged_PreChanging      * 128

; Service_DisplayChanged sub-reason codes (R3)
DisplayChangedSub_ModeChanged    * 0
DisplayChangedSub_ModeNotChanged * 128
200 201 202 203

; Service_DisplayStatus reason codes (R0)
DisplayStatus_Deregistered      * 0
DisplayStatus_Registered        * 1
204 205
DisplayStatus_Changing          * 128
DisplayStatus_Changed           * 129

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207 208 209
        OPT     OldOpt
