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; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > s.memmap

; low level memory mapping

; **************************************************************************************

;convert page number in $reg to L2PT entry (physical address+protection bits),
;using PhysBin table for speed
;entry: lr -> PhysBin table, r11 = protection bits
;exit:  r12 corrupted
        PageNumToL2PT $reg
        BIC     r12,$reg,#(3:SHL:(AMBPhysBinShift-2)) ;word alignment for PhysBin lookup
        LDR     r12,[lr,r12,LSR #(AMBPhysBinShift-2)] ;start physical address of bin
        AND     $reg,$reg,#AMBPhysBinMask             ;no. pages into bin
        ADD     $reg,r12,$reg,LSL #Log2PageSize    ;physical address of page
        ORR     $reg,$reg,r11                      ;munge in protection bits

;updates L2PT for new logical page positions, does not update CAM
; entry:
;       r3  =  new logical address of 1st page
;       r8  =  number of pages
;       r10 -> page list
;       r11 =  protection/control bits for L2PT
AMB_movepagesin_L2PT ROUT
        Push    "r0-r10,r12,lr"

        LDR     lr,AMBPhysBin                  ;lr -> PhysBin
        LDR     r9,=L2PT
        ADD     r9,r9,r3,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;r9 -> L2PT for 1st new logical page

        CMP     r8,#8
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}   ;next 8 page numbers
        PageNumToL2PT r0
        PageNumToL2PT r1
        PageNumToL2PT r2
        PageNumToL2PT r3
        PageNumToL2PT r4
        PageNumToL2PT r5
        PageNumToL2PT r6
        PageNumToL2PT r7
        STMIA   r9!,{r0-r7}    ;write 8 L2PT entries
        SUB     r8,r8,#8
        CMP     r8,#8
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        BEQ     %FT35
        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
        PageNumToL2PT r0
        STR     r0,[r9],#4
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30
        ARM_read_ID r0
        AND     r0,r0,#&F000
        CMP     r0,#&A000
        ARMA_drain_WB EQ         ;because L2PT area for AppSpace will be bufferable
        Pull    "r0-r10,r12,pc"

;update CAM entry for page number in $reg
;entry: r11 -> CAM, r9 = logical addr of page, lr = PPL of page
;exit: $reg = addr of CAM entry
        UpdateCAM $reg
        ADD     $reg,r11,$reg,LSL #3    ;r0 -> CAM entry for 1st page
        STMIA   $reg,{r9,lr}            ;store logical addr,PPL

;updates CAM, does not update L2PT
; entry:
;       r3  =  new logical address of 1st page
;       r8  =  number of pages
;       r9  =  PPL for CAM
;       r10 -> page list
AMB_movepagesin_CAM ROUT
        Push    "r0-r11,lr"

        MOV     lr,r9
        MOV     r9,r3
        MOV     r11,#0
        LDR     r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer]   ;r11 -> CAM

        CMP     r8,#8
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}                   ;next 8 page numbers
        UpdateCAM r0
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize                ;next logical addr
        UpdateCAM r1
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r2
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r3
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r4
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r5
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r6
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        UpdateCAM r7
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        SUB     r8,r8,#8
        CMP     r8,#8
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        Pull    "r0-r11,pc",EQ
        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
        UpdateCAM r0
        ADD     r9,r9,#PageSize
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30
        Pull    "r0-r11,pc"

;updates CAM, does not update L2PT
; entry:
;       r8  =  number of pages
;       r9  =  PPL for CAM
;       r10 -> page list
AMB_movepagesout_CAM ROUT
        Push    "r0-r11,lr"

        MOV     lr,r9
        LDR     r9,=DuffEntry
        MOV     r11,#0
        LDR     r11,[r11,#CamEntriesPointer]   ;r11 -> CAM

        CMP     r8,#8
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   r10!,{r0-r7}                   ;next 8 page numbers
        UpdateCAM r0
        UpdateCAM r1
        UpdateCAM r2
        UpdateCAM r3
        UpdateCAM r4
        UpdateCAM r5
        UpdateCAM r6
        UpdateCAM r7
        SUB     r8,r8,#8
        CMP     r8,#8
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        Pull    "r0-r11,pc",EQ
        LDR     r0,[r10],#4
        UpdateCAM r0
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30
        Pull    "r0-r11,pc"

;updates L2PT for old logical page positions, does not update CAM
; entry:
;       r4  =  old logical address of 1st page
;       r8  =  number of pages
AMB_movepagesout_L2PT ROUT
        Push    "r0-r8,lr"

        LDR     lr,=L2PT
        ADD     lr,lr,r4,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2)    ;lr -> L2PT 1st entry

        MOV     r0,#0                             ;0 means translation fault
        MOV     r1,#0
        MOV     r2,#0
        MOV     r3,#0
        MOV     r4,#0
        MOV     r5,#0
        MOV     r6,#0
        MOV     r7,#0

        CMP     r8,#8
        BLT     %FT20
        STMIA   lr!,{r0-r7}                       ;blam! (8 entries)
        SUB     r8,r8,#8
        CMP     r8,#8
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r8,#0
        BEQ     %FT35
        STR     r0,[lr],#4
        SUBS    r8,r8,#1
        BNE     %BT30
        ARM_read_ID r0
        AND     r0,r0,#&F000
        CMP     r0,#&A000
        ARMA_drain_WB EQ         ;because L2PT area for AppSpace will be bufferable
        Pull    "r0-r8,pc"

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238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264
  [ ARM810support
    ;Previously supported ARMs all tolerate cache (clean and) flush _after_
    ;remapping - ARMs 6,7 because there is no clean, StrongARM because the cache
    ;writebacks use physical address.
    ;ARM810 does not support clean of writeback cache after remapping, since
    ;writebacks use virtual address. Rather than completely restructure code,
    ;this routine is called before remapping where necessary, and cleans/flushes
    ;if it finds we are running on ARM 810.
    ;corrupts r3
        ARM_read_ID r3
        AND     r3,r3,#&F000
        CMP     r3,#&8000
        MOVNE   pc,lr           ;not ARM8
    [ ARM810cleanflushbroken
        Push    "lr"
        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC r3,lr
        Pull    "pc"
        ARM8_cleanflush_IDC r3
        MOV     pc,lr

  ] ;ARM810support

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265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314
; AMB_SetMemMapEntries:
; entry:
;   R3 =  no. of pages
;   R4 -> list of page entries (1 word per entry, giving page no.)
;   R5 =  start logical address of mapping (-1 means 'out of the way')
;   R6 =  PPL ('page protection level') for mapping
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

AMB_SetMemMapEntries ROUT
        Push    "r0-r4,r7-r11,lr"

        MOVS    r8,r3
        BEQ     AMB_smme_exit

        CMP     r5,#-1
        MOVEQ   r9,#AP_Duff  ;PPL for mapped out pages
        MOVNE   r9,r6        ;PPL for mapped in pages

;get L2PT protection etc. bits, appropriate to PPL in R9, into R11
        ADRL    r1,PPLTrans
        AND     lr,r9,#3
        LDR     r11,[r1,lr,LSL #2]
        TST     r9,#DynAreaFlags_NotCacheable
        TSTEQ   r9,#PageFlags_TempUncacheableBits
        ORREQ   r11,r11,#L2_C         ;if cacheable (area bit CLEAR + temp count zero), then OR in C bit
        TST     r9,#DynAreaFlags_NotBufferable
        ORREQ   r11,r11,#L2_B         ;if bufferable (area bit CLEAR), then OR in B bit

        MOV     r10,r4                      ;ptr to next page number

        LDR     r2,[r10]                    ;page number of 1st page
        MOV     r7,#0
        LDR     r7,[r7,#CamEntriesPointer]  ;r7 -> CAM
        ADD     r1,r7,r2,LSL #3
        LDR     r4,[r1]                     ;fetch old logical addr. of 1st page from CAM

        CMP     r5,#-1
        BEQ     AMB_smme_mapout
;map or mapin
        LDR     r1,=DuffEntry
        CMP     r4,r1
        BEQ     AMB_smme_mapin

;map from somewhere to somewhere (should be App Space <-> Free Pool)
;could be an optimise here if source is FreePool and we know that FreePool
;has not been used - ie. no need to clean/flush cache(s) - not done yet (requires
;sorting of Wimp_ClaimFreeMemory)
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Kevin Bracey committed
315 316 317
  [ ARM810support
        BL      AMB_cachecleanflush_ifARM810
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318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335
        MOV     r3,r5
        BL      AMB_movepagesout_L2PT
        BL      AMB_movepagesin_L2PT
        BL      AMB_movepagesin_CAM
        B       AMB_smme_cachecleanflush ;needed because of the map out from source

;all pages sourced from same old logical page 'nowhere'
        MOV     r3,r5
        BL      AMB_movepagesin_L2PT
        BL      AMB_movepagesin_CAM
;don't need to flush cache at end of mapin (already coherent, since
;nothing mapped in before), but do need to flush TLB (eg. TLB will cache
;access denial for app space after mapout)
        B       AMB_smme_TLBflush

;all pages destined for same new logical page 'nowhere'
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336 337 338
  [ ARM810support
        BL      AMB_cachecleanflush_ifARM810
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339 340 341 342
        LDR     r3,=DuffEntry
        BL      AMB_movepagesout_L2PT
        BL      AMB_movepagesout_CAM

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;(clean and) flush cache(s) appropriately, then flush TLB(s)
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344 345 346
        ARM_read_ID r0
        AND     r0,r0,#&F000
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347 348 349 350 351
  [ ARM810support
        CMP     r0,#&8000      ;cache clean/flush done before remapping if ARM810
        ARM8_flush_TLB EQ
        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc",EQ
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        CMP     r0,#&A000
353 354 355 356 357 358
        BEQ     AMB_smme_cachecleanflush_strongarm

        ARMop   MMU_Changing
        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"

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359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432

;we have a StrongARM then
;here, r4 = old logical addr. of 1st page, r8 = no. of pages
;StrongARM lets us clean data cache (DC) after remapping, because it writes back by
;physical address.
        MOV     r0,r4                      ;r0 := start address for clean/flush
        ADD     r1,r0,r8,LSL #Log2PageSize ;r1 := end address for clean/flush (exclusive)

;Cleaning a sufficiently small space by range will be quicker, because of the fixed
;memory reading cost for a full DC clean. A sufficiently large space will be better handled
;by full clean, because of the huge number of clean/flush line instructions for the range
;case. We use a threshold to switch between the two schemes. The value of the threshold
;depends on memory speed, core speed etc. but is not particularly critical.

        SUB     r2,r1,r0
        CMP     r2,#AMB_ARMA_CleanRange_thresh
        BLO     AMB_smme_StrongARM_flushrange

        MOV     r2,#ARMA_Cleaner_flipflop
        LDR     r1,[r2]
        EOR     r1,r1,#16*1024
        STR     r1,[r2]
        ARMA_clean_DC r1,r2,r3     ;effectively, fully clean/flush wrt non-interrupt stuff
        ARMA_flush_IC WithoutNOPs  ;do *not* flush DC - may be interrupt stuff in it
        MOV     r0,r0              ;NOPs to ensure 4 instructions after IC flush before return
        MOV     r0,r0
        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"


  [ SAcleanflushbroken                  ; ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry instruction seems to be ineffective.
        ARMA_clean_DCentry r0
        ARMA_flush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        ARMA_clean_DCentry r0
        ARMA_flush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        ARMA_clean_DCentry r0
        ARMA_flush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        ARMA_clean_DCentry r0
        ARMA_flush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        CMP     r0,r1
        BLO     %BT01                   ;loop to clean DC over logical range
        ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        ARMA_cleanflush_DCentry r0
        ADD     r0,r0,#32
        CMP     r0,r1
        BLO     %BT01                   ;loop to clean DC over logical range

        ARMA_flush_IC WithoutNOPs
        MOV     r0,r0                   ;NOPs to ensure 4 instructions after IC flush before return
        MOV     r0,r0

        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"

        ARMop   TLB_InvalidateAll
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434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534
        Pull    "r0-r4,r7-r11, pc"

; ************************************************************************
; AMB_FindMemMapEntries
; finds page numbers for pages currently at given logical start address,
; and fills in buffer; pages must exist
; (does not have any page number guesses)
; entry:
;   R3 =  no. of pages
;   R4 -> buffer for page entries
;   R5 =  logical address of 1st page
; exit:
;   buffer at R4 filled in with page numbers
; ************************************************************************

AMB_FindMemMapEntries ROUT

        Push    "r0-r11,lr"

;initialise r0,r1,r2 as physical RAM chunk cache for AMB_r11topagenum routine
        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
        LDMIA   r9,{r0,r1}        ;r0,r1 := phys addr,size of chunk
        ADD     r1,r1,r0          ;r0,r1 := lowest addr,highest addr + 1 of chunk
        MOV     r2,#0             ;r2    := first page number of chunk

        LDR     r10,=L2PT
        ADD     r10,r10,r5,LSR #(Log2PageSize-2) ;r10 -> L2 entry for 1st page
        CMP     r3,#4                            ;handle pages in chunks of 4
        BLT     %FT20
        LDMIA   r10!,{r5-r8}                     ;next 4 L2PT entries
        MOV     r11,r5,LSR #Log2PageSize         ;r11 := phys_addr/page_size
        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
        MOV     r5,r11
        MOV     r11,r6,LSR #Log2PageSize
        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
        MOV     r6,r11
        MOV     r11,r7,LSR #Log2PageSize
        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
        MOV     r7,r11
        MOV     r11,r8,LSR #Log2PageSize
        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
        STMIA   r4!,{r5-r7,r11}                  ;fill in next 4 page numbers
        SUB     r3,r3,#4
        CMP     r3,#4
        BGE     %BT10
        CMP     r3,#0
        Pull    "r0-r11,pc",EQ
        LDR     r11,[r10],#4
        MOV     r11,r11,LSR #Log2PageSize
        BL      AMB_r11topagenum
        STR     r11,[r4],#4
        SUBS    r3,r3,#1
        BNE     %BT30
        Pull    "r0-r11,pc"

;     r0,r1,r2 = lowest addr,highest addr +1,first page no.
;                (cached physical RAM chunk)
;     r11      = physical_addr/page_size for page
;     r11      = page number of page
;     r0,r1,r2 cache updated if necessary
;     r9       corrupted
AMB_r11topagenum ROUT
        CMP     r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
        BLO     %FT10
        CMP     r11,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize
        BHS     %FT10
;cache hit (phys address in range of cached chunk)
        SUB     r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize    ;pages into chunk
        ADD     r11,r11,r2                      ;page number
        MOV     pc,lr
        MOV     r9,#PhysRamTable
        MOV     r2,#0                        ;start at page number 0
        LDMIA   r9!,{r0,r1}                  ;r0,r1 := phys addr,size of chunk
        SUB     r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
        CMP     r11,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize
        ADDHS   r11,r11,r0,LSR #Log2PageSize
        ADDHS   r2,r2,r1,LSR #Log2PageSize
        BHS     %BT20
        ADD     r1,r1,r0
        ADD     r11,r11,r2
        MOV     pc,lr

