KbdResRCMM 9.34 KB
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; Copyright 1999 Pace Micro Technology plc
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > KbdResRCMM

; This file contains the minimal RCMM keyboard control stuff that the kernel does on reset.
; The only two hooks in this file used externally are IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed
; and SetUpKbd.

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
; These asserts are to do with the need to pull forward the combo chip configuration.
; As the code presently stands, ConfigureCombo will only work without calling
; ReadMachineType and PowerHardware in these conditions.
; The reason for not calling them is that they mess with variables and VIDC things
; that aren't ready yet.
; ConfigureCombo etc only write to IOSystemType, which has now been moved to SkippedTables
; so it doesn't get wiped by ClearPhysRam.

        ASSERT  :LNOT: BatManSupport

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
UART2                   * ComboBase + &2F8*4 ; -> base of UART 2

                        ^ 0, R2
UART_RBR                # 0     ; 0 Receive buffer register (read only)    { DLAB=0 }
UART_THR                # 4     ; 0 Transmit holding register (write only) { DLAB=0 }
UART_IER                # 4     ; 1 Interrupt enable register (RW)         { DLAB=0 }
UART_FCR                # 0     ; 2 FIFO control register (write only)
UART_IIR                # 4     ; 2 Interrupt identification register (read only)
UART_LCR                # 4     ; 3 Line control register
UART_MCR                # 4     ; 4 Modem control register
UART_LSR                # 4     ; 5 Line status register
UART_MSR                # 4     ; 6 Modem status register
UART_SCR                # 4     ; 7 Scratchpad register

                        ^ 0, R2
UART_DLL                # 4     ; 0 Divisor latch (LS)                     { DLAB=1 }
UART_DLH                # 4     ; 1 Divisor latch (MS)                     { DLAB=1 }

; States
                        ^ 0
RCMM_HaveNowt           # 1
RCMM_HaveBasic          # 1
RCMM_HaveOEM            # 1
RCMM_HaveOEM_Key        # 1
RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote     # 1
RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote_2   # 1

; RCMM keyboard codes we are interested in.
RCMMCtrlL       *       74
RCMMCtrlR       *       81
RCMMShiftL      *       61
RCMMShiftR      *       72
RCMMR           *       38
RCMMT           *       39
RCMMDelete      *       88
RCMMBSpace      *       33
RCMMEnd         *       89

; RCMM remote control codes we are interested in.

RCMMRemRight    *       91+128

        DCB     RCMMCtrlL,    CTRL_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMCtrlR,    CTRL_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMShiftL,   SHIFT_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMShiftR,   SHIFT_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMR,        R_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMT,        T_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMDelete,   Del_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMBSpace,   Del_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMEnd,      Copy_Down_Flag
        DCB     RCMMRemRight, Del_Down_Flag
        DCB     0

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

; Tricky - we don't have R13_svc set up yet - indeed it contains the RAM size
; and musn't be corrupted. These calls will need it though. The SVC stack does
; exist, so we can use it temporarily.
        MOV     R3, R13
        LDR     R13, =SVCSTK

; We're going to be using the serial port on the combo chip, so we need to
; pull forward the combo chip initialisation from PMF.osinit.
        [ STB
        BL      ConfigureCombo
        BL      Configure37C665         ;RiscPC, Kryten and Stork use only SMC 37C665

; Set up the serial port

        LDR     R2, =UART2              ; R2 -> UART

        LDRB    R0, UART_LCR
        ORR     R1, R0, #2_10000000     ; set DLAB (enable Divisor Latch Access)
        STRB    R1, UART_LCR

        MOV     R1, #12                 ; divisor latch := 12 (9600 baud)
        STRB    R1, UART_DLL
        MOV     R1, #0
        STRB    R1, UART_DLH

        MOV     R0, #2_00000011         ; 8N1, DLAB off
        STRB    R0, UART_LCR

        STRB    R1, UART_FCR            ; FIFOs off

        LDRB    R0, UART_RBR            ; clear the receive buffer
        LDRB    R0, UART_RBR
        LDRB    R0, UART_LSR            ; clear any error condition

        MOV     R0, #2_00000101         ; received data and line status interrupts only
        STRB    R0, UART_IER

        MOV     R0, #2_00001011         ; enable IRQ; RTS and DTR on
        STRB    R0, UART_MCR

        MOV     R0, #IOMD_Base
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 [ ReassignedIOMDInterrupts
        MOV     R1, #IOMDr_serial_IRQ_bit
        MOV     R1, #IOMD_serial_IRQ_bit
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141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
        STRB    R1, [R0, #IOCIRQMSKB]

        MOV     R0, #InitKbdWs
        STRB    R1, [R0, #KB_There_Flag] ; keyboard is always there (it's infra-red...)

        MOV     R13, R3                 ; restore R13

        B       SetUpKbdReturn

; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

; On ARM600, this routine must work in IRQ32 mode

; This is called on receipt of a serial interrupt.

IRQ_Test_CTRL_or_R_Pressed ROUT
        SUB     lr, lr, #4
        Push    "r0-r2,lr"

        LDR     R2, =UART2
        LDRB    R0, UART_IIR
        AND     R1, R0, #2_00000111     ; check the interrupt source
        TEQ     R1, #2_100
        BEQ     IRQ_RCMM_Receive
        TEQ     R1, #2_110
        BEQ     IRQ_RCMM_LineStatus
        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^           ; shouldn't happen. Hope it goes away :)

        LDRB    R0, UART_LSR            ; this clears the interrupt
        TST     R0, #2_00011110         ; overrun, parity, framing or break error?
        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",EQ,^         ; no? then why did you call us?

        TST     R0, #2_00000001         ; data ready?
        LDRNEB  R0, UART_RBR            ; junk it then.

        MOV     R0, #RCMM_HaveNowt
        MOV     LR, #InitKbdWs
        STRB    R0, [LR, #KeyState]
        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^

; Problem we have is no flow control; we could be looking at any
; part of a message. Deal with this by resynchronising every time
; we get something we don't expect.

; Basic mode keypress is binary  10xx0kkk kkkk0000
; OEM mode keypress is binary    000011xx xxxx10xx 0kkkkkkk
;                             or 001xxxxx xxxx10xx 0kkkkkkk
; Remote control press is binary 000011xx xxxx00xx xxxxxxxx 0rrrrrrr
;                             or 001xxxxx xxxx00xx xxxxxxxx 0rrrrrrr

        LDRB    R0, UART_RBR            ; received data in R0 (interrupt cleared)
        MOV     R2, #InitKbdWs
        LDRB    LR, [R2, #KeyState]
        ADD     PC, PC, LR, LSL #2
        B       IRQ_RCMM_Nowt
        B       IRQ_RCMM_Basic
        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM
        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM_Key
        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM_Remote
        B       IRQ_RCMM_OEM_Remote_2

        AND     LR, R0, #2_11001000
        TEQ     LR, #2_10000000         ; is it a basic mode keypress?
        BNE     %FT10

        MOV     LR, #RCMM_HaveBasic
        STRB    LR, [R2, #KeyState]
        AND     LR, R0, #2_00000111
        STRB    LR, [R2, #KeyMSB]

10      AND     LR, R0, #2_11111100     ; is it a short ID OEM message?
        TEQ     LR, #2_00001100
        ANDNE   LR, R0, #2_11100000     ; or a long ID one?
        TEQNE   LR, #2_00100000
        MOVEQ   LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM
        STREQB  LR, [R2, #KeyState]
        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^

        TST     R0, #2_00001111
        BNE     ResyncRCMM
        LDRB    LR, [R2, #KeyMSB]
        MOV     R0, R0, LSR #4
        ORR     R0, R0, LR, LSL #4      ; R0 = key code
        B       GotRCMMKey

        AND     LR, R0, #2_00001100
        TEQ     LR, #2_00000000         ; Remote control?
        TEQNE   LR, #2_00001000         ; Keyboard?
        BNE     ResyncRCMM
        TEQ     LR, #2_00000000
        MOVEQ   LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote
        MOVNE   LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM_Key
        B       UpdateRCMMState

        TST     R0, #2_10000000         ; Key up rather than down?
        BNE     ResyncRCMM
        B       GotRCMMKey

        MOV     LR, #RCMM_HaveOEM_Remote_2
        B       UpdateRCMMState         ; This byte can be anything :)

        TST     R0, #2_10000000         ; Key up rather than down?
        BNE     ResyncRCMM
        ADD     R0, R0, #128            ; Indicate a remote code
        B       GotRCMMKey

        MOV     LR, #RCMM_HaveNowt
        STRB    LR, [R2, #KeyState]
        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",,^

; In: R0 = key code, R2 = InitKbdWs

        ADR     R1, KeyData
        LDRB    LR, [R1], #2            ; Get key code from table.
        TEQ     LR, #0                  ; If at end of table then
        Pull    "R0-R2,PC",EQ,^         ;   ignore key.

        TEQ     LR, R0                  ; If not this key then
        BNE     %BT10                   ;   try the next.

        LDRB    LR, [R1, #-1]           ; Get flag.
        STRB    LR, [R2, LR]            ; Non-zero means pressed.

        B       ResyncRCMM
