1. 26 Nov, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Fix for infinite loop compare the same numbers · c1b4dff2
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Messing with the flags in r3 meant the main loop never thought the compare fulfilled the user's request, so tried again...
      SYS"Territory_Collate",-1,"test1","test1",5 no longer hangs.
      Version 0.60. Tagged as 'Module-0_60'
  2. 24 Nov, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add support for collation with numbers · 1c816af6
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Flag bit 2 to Territory_Collate will now cause the territory module to consider digits 0-9 as though they were cardinals rather than as text.
      For example, an fl ligature followed by 50 would be considered to be equal to "fl000000050" when in this mode.
      Test program added to test directory, the algorithm used is based on strnatcmp().
      Version 0.59. Tagged as 'Module-0_59'
  3. 28 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Addition of supporting functions for automatic daylight saving switchover · 37331a8b
      Robert Sprowson authored
      In the default implementation SWI Territory_DaylightRules uses textual rule descriptions from the messages file for the respective territory. Other 3rd party territory module providers may choose to do it some other way, for example in code.
      The use of MessageTrans allows for sneaky wildcarding of the rules too.
      For all currently supported territories rules post year 2000 are included (for most EU countries this is simple due to pan European standardisation), other countries vary in complexity - the rules for the UK go back to the late 1960's mostly as a test vector for the parsing code.
        New parsing functions.
        New flags support added to Territory_ConvertDateAndTime to allow the output text to be transformed as though DST was (or wasn't) in effect.
        Related Territory_ConvertStandardDate/StandardTime/StandardDateAndTime changed too.
        Likewise Territory_ConvertOrdinalsToTime.
        Reindented a bit, swap to objasm's DCD and DCB for constant tables.
        New flags support added to Territory_ReadTimeZones.
        Macroised the table of timezones within a territory in a better way.
        Timezones renamed to preferred EET and EEST.
        Split out the message file block into discrete block and flag.
        Removed unused 100 byte error buffer.
      Version 0.55. Tagged as 'Module-0_55'
  4. 01 Apr, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      A few bug fixes. · 0f29d5a3
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The scratch space was not large enough to hold the table for Territory_Register and overran. Buffer made bigger and assert added.
      Convert time string to ordinals did not fault 29th Feb in 1900/2100/2200 due to leap year rule error.
      For Japan, the SetUpEras function was never called so Japanese eras didn't work.
      Duff error block being returned for SWI out of range (was using the error number instead of the address of the error block).
      A couple of magic numbers swapped for header file defs.
      Version 0.54. Tagged as 'Module-0_54'
  5. 02 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Add ability to programmatically enumerate available timezones within a territory. · 24e30f37
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Reduced GBLL flag proliferation by using a WHILE/WEND loop to generate the code in Territory_ReadTimeZones.
      Moved the standard date and time format strings into 'DateTime.s'.
      No longer returns untrappable error numbers of 0, nor unallocated error numbers.
      Alaska now recognised as part of the USA following its incorporation in 1912.
      Obsolete Yukon timezone removed from Canada.
      SWI Territory_ReadTimeZones (&4304A)
      => R0 bits 0-9 territory number
            bits 10-26 reserved, must be zero
            bits 27-31 timezone within territory
         or -1 to use the current territory (ie. as though bits 10-31 zero)
      <= R0 = name of standard time
         R1 = name of summer time
         R2 = signed offset of standard time from UTC in cs
         R3 = signed offset of summer time from UTC in cs
      Version 0.53. Tagged as 'Module-0_53'
  6. 20 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Fix Territory_ReadTimeZones to behave as documented. · 4102df7b
      Robert Sprowson authored
      It was reading the current timezone CMOS and returning that in R2 then adding the difference between standard and summertime to get R3.
      This meant that when in one territory it was not possible to enumerate the other territories' offsets since they all returned the current CMOS value.
      Now, R2 and R3 are purely informational (looked up from the table in the module).
      All terrtories on CET now call summertime the preferred "CEST".
      Removed unnecessary clean rule from Makefile. Changed some one register push/pull to use macros. Changed filenames to be ".s" at the end.
      Added extra switches for the other regions of the world that are wide enough to span multiple timezones. Currently there is no API to read these, so they are defined to cause an assembly error (affects USA/Canada1/Australia). Fixing that is a subject of discussion, whether to support one territory having multiple timezones or just make some extra territories?
      Version 0.52. Tagged as 'Module-0_52'
  7. 22 Mar, 2001 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Updated build structure to use the shared AAsmModule makefile. · 6502f341
      Stewart Brodie authored
        BBE no longer needs to export all the sources.
        Fixed some non-32bit compatible code.
        srcbuild has been updated to be able to process components which want
          to contribute multiple targets to a build.  This means that it is
          no longer necessary to export the entire sources for this component
          into BBE builds.
        There were still a few LDM {..pc}^ instructions around - these have been
        Requires Library 0.71 or later.
        Requires BuildSys 3.08 or later.
        Requires Env 0.65 or later.
        Requires srcbuild 0.31 if you need to generate a BBE from this component.
      Version 0.48. Tagged as 'Module-0_48'
  8. 21 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * South African territory module created. · 1e89f492
      Simon Forrest authored
        * Territory module for South Africa created, based upon the UK version
          but incorporating the differences as docmented in "Doc.Settings"
          (document ref. 2503,049/T-01).
        * StripDepnd support added to makefile.
        * Built on RPC.  To be verified in development Bethany build.
      Version 0.46. Tagged as 'Module-0_46'
  9. 01 Aug, 2000 1 commit
    • Justin Fletcher's avatar
      Added Ireland, Spain & Australia. · 4ba3f48f
      Justin Fletcher authored
        * Territory information added for Ireland and Australia, taken from the
        * Spain information from translators for names. Spanish collation order
          taken from GNU Lib C whilst waiting for more information from the
        * MakeSorted perl script added to process localedata from GNU Lib C into
          a collation order.
        * Awaiting more information from the translators to correct the
          spanish collation order.
      Version 0.38. Tagged as 'Module-0_38'
  10. 08 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  11. 19 Apr, 1999 1 commit
  12. 19 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  13. 21 Sep, 1998 1 commit
  14. 14 Sep, 1998 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Japanese, UK and USA territories merged into one source tree. · 24e19b0e
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Collation order fixed - three pass scheme, sorting first on letters, then on
      accents, then on case.
      Currency code GBL fixed to GBP [UK]
      fi and fl ligatures collated as equivalent to separate fi, fl [UK, USA]
      Territory_NameToNumber now handles non-contiguous names in Messages file.
      Euro symbol marked as punctuation [UK, USA]
      ToControlTable fixed [UK, USA]
      %ST string changed to "Day" ideograph [Japan]
      Territory name lists extended.
      Version 0.26. Tagged as 'Module-0_26'