• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Add ability to programmatically enumerate available timezones within a territory. · 24e30f37
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Reduced GBLL flag proliferation by using a WHILE/WEND loop to generate the code in Territory_ReadTimeZones.
    Moved the standard date and time format strings into 'DateTime.s'.
    No longer returns untrappable error numbers of 0, nor unallocated error numbers.
    Alaska now recognised as part of the USA following its incorporation in 1912.
    Obsolete Yukon timezone removed from Canada.
    SWI Territory_ReadTimeZones (&4304A)
    => R0 bits 0-9 territory number
          bits 10-26 reserved, must be zero
          bits 27-31 timezone within territory
       or -1 to use the current territory (ie. as though bits 10-31 zero)
    <= R0 = name of standard time
       R1 = name of summer time
       R2 = signed offset of standard time from UTC in cs
       R3 = signed offset of summer time from UTC in cs
    Version 0.53. Tagged as 'Module-0_53'
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