• David Cotton's avatar
    Many changes. Warning, Danger! Danger! · 992940db
    David Cotton authored
    	This version of the module deals with multiple territory blocks being
    held in ResourceFS.
    	* Fixed a bug in TokGen2. MAX_TOKEN_LEN2 was set to 256, when it
    actually should be 254 (to allow for 2 byte to hold length and status). This
    was causing an overflow which meant that large messages were not being
    correctly tokenised. Also added a check for tokens that are too long, to at
    least make sure that the buildmaster is informed that something has gone
    screwy with the token generation instead of continuing on regardless.
    	* Created a simple Perl script, HelpApend, that appends common help
    data onto the end of each of the individual territory blocks.
    	* Bug fixed in s.Common: Pointer in list was not being advanced.
    	* ScanRes altered to allow nested resorce blocks.
    	* Bug fixed in ResCommon - the -simulate flag now works in the
    correct manner, and not the inverse (ooops!)
    	* MsgTok2 now gives a warning if the input file is not present.
    	* The main MakeFile has been altered to go through the extra stages
    needed by the multiple-resource system.
    	* Added the ResCommon binary.
    To be done:
    	* Make ScanRes use Service_Territory 0 instead of
    Territory_NameToNumber to work out territory number to name mappings.
    	* Make ResCommon cope with Squash files.
    	* Make ResCommon remove all empty directories from the resource
    	* Tidy up the code.
    	* Add documentation.
    	* Thoroughly test on different builds.
    	Must be used with srcbuild 20 or later.
    	Important notice: From this version onwards, the TerritoryManager
    *must* be placed ahead of Messages in the ROM, but after ResourceFS.
    	This module has not yet been tested without the LocaleList system
    variable being set.
    	Work in progress. Do not use for anything release-critical.
    Version 0.93. Not tagged
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