Rationalised structure - now builds a module containing either one keyboard...
Kevin Bracey authored
Rationalised structure - now builds a module containing either one keyboard (+UK) or all keyboards, dependent on setting of <Keyboard>.

Added several new keyboards and improved existing ones.

Modernised !IKHG. In particular allowed editing of keypad, movement of Enter
backspace and shift, and allowed Caps Lock to work on characters obtained
using Alt.
Use !IKHG to create the assembler source for the keyboard handler tables. Do
this by pressing Escape when finished editing the layout. The generated
source file is saved in !IKHG.Source.<Keyboard>.

The table in file KeyStruct must be modified to point to the tables which
your handler is to recognise (one entry for each country). For example,
the KeyStructureTable for Germany (in Germany.Source.KeyStruct) has entries
for UK (KeyStruct1), Germany (KeyStruct7) and Switzerland (KeyStruct35).
All others default to UK.

Finally, the IntKeyMod file must be modified to pull everything together.