1. 03 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  2. 21 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  3. 22 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  4. 22 Nov, 2014 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Build fix · 3cf9045e
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Would fail to build with anything other than Keyboard=All since the Pandora key table is only included in that case, yet the code refers to it unconditionally.
      Wrapped Pandora bits with Keyboard=All switch.
      Tested briefly in an IOMD ROM with Keyboard=UK.
      Version 0.98. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_98'
  5. 01 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  6. 14 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Fix data aborts when handling dead keys · 162fe1bb
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Source/IntKeyBody - Re-introduce the ALIGN directive that went AWOL in v0.95 of the module. Without this the first symbol in the next file (AccentTable from Source.Accents) isn't properly aligned, causing data aborts either when looking up AccentTable entries or when trying to use the results.
        Tested on BB-xM
        Fixes issue reported on forums with dead keys causing aborts with the Netherlands keyboard layout:
      Version 0.96. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_96'
  7. 05 Dec, 2012 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add support for the new 'wide' key handler format. Add support for keyboard... · a1725425
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Add support for the new 'wide' key handler format. Add support for keyboard types which have fundamentally different layouts to PC/Arc. Add a basic (UK) layout for the Pandora.
        Doc/FileFormat, Doc/HandlerAPI - Updated docs with information about the new key handler format, and how to invoke it in layout files.
        c/keygen, c/unicdata, h/structures - Give keygen a bit of a tidy up. Add support for the new '$Type' directive to allow the keyboard type to be specified (to ensure correct intkey table is used, unique symbol names when the same country is supported by multiple keyboard types, etc.). Add support for the new key handler format.
        Sources/IntKeyBody, Sources/IntKeyMod, Sources/KeyStruct - Tidy up the code a bit to use key handler layout and key/OS_Byte numbers from Hdr:. Add support for the new key handler format, and for the new way keygen generates the layout files.
        layout/Pandora, Makefile, Sources/IntKeyBody, Sources/IntKeyMod, Sources/KeyStruct - Add a layout file for the Pandora, and modify IntKey to use different sets of layout files depending on the keyboard type.
        New key handler format tested on Pandora. Old format tested on Pandora & BB-xM.
        Requires HdrSrc-2_20
      Version 0.95. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_95'
  8. 04 Nov, 2012 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Updates to comments describing the internal (OS_Byte) key numbers · fa45a7c2
      Ben Avison authored
        * Corrected low-level key number for keypad-minus from &39 to &3A
        * Distinguished Return from Enter
        * Internal key number 72 (:) was incorrectly identified as the preferred
          scan code for low-level key &45 rather than 87 (;). Justification:
          (a) common sense (in all other cases it's the characters generated by the
              un-shifted key in the UK layout that's used to determine the mapping);
          (b) this agrees with the RISC OS 2 PRM (vol 2 page 479) which specifies
              which internal key code is the compatibility one. Compare that with
              the RISC OS 3 PRM which shows them graphically with no indication of
              which is the compatibility code. Unless you also have access to the
              key table for the BBC micro, it's otherwise hard to determine which
              code is which!
        No code changes, so not tagged
      Version 0.94. Not tagged
  9. 27 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  10. 14 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  11. 04 Aug, 2011 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Update to work with zero page relocation · 8522ec57
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        Source/IntKeyBody - Try using OS_ReadSysInfo 6 to get the location of the OS_Byte variables before falling back on OS_Byte &A6
        Tested on rev A2 BB-xM
      Version 0.92. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_92'
  12. 19 Jan, 2010 1 commit
    • ROOL's avatar
      Incremented version number, no other change. · 2b649a6e
      ROOL authored
      Previous changes were untagged, but incrementing the version number gives
      us a tag we can associate with the official RISC OS 5.16 release.
      Version 0.91. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_91'
  13. 13 Jun, 2009 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Build fix · f3c082fc
      Ben Avison authored
        The build utilities keygen and keyconvert, compiled at build time, are now
        built using the HostTools shared makefile, and so will execute on any RISC OS
        build host even if the default compiler options are to target an incompatible
        ARM architecture. An attempt had already been made in this case to support a
        differing host architecture but the implementation was broken.
        Tested using an APCS-R build on an Iyonix.
      Version 0.90. Not tagged
  14. 18 Jul, 2005 1 commit
  15. 01 Jul, 2004 1 commit
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      Makefile change. · 376da6bf
      Steve Revill authored
        Even if you're using a 26-bit build environment, this will build
        on a 32-bit machine.
        Works in Baseline 500 build.
      Version 0.89. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_89'
  16. 28 Nov, 2002 2 commits
  17. 25 Jan, 2002 1 commit
  18. 06 Dec, 2001 1 commit
  19. 04 Dec, 2001 1 commit
    • Arijit (Harry) Sadhu's avatar
      Further changes for kareoke keys. · 31548c07
      Arijit (Harry) Sadhu authored
        Re mapped Scroll Lock and Num Lock keymap EB EC to Shift-F5 Shisft-F6 respectively on third party keyboard.
      Version 0.85. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_85'
  20. 03 Dec, 2001 1 commit
  21. 28 Nov, 2001 1 commit
  22. 27 Nov, 2001 1 commit
  23. 05 Nov, 2001 1 commit
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      Added install ram phase. · b0cff0b8
      Steve Revill authored
        You could not install a ram version of this module. Fixed.
        Required for Baseline builds.
      Version 0.81. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_81'
  24. 14 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Some bugfixes for keygen and keyconvert, discovered by gcc. · 92fdf5ac
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Temporary GNUmakefile added containing UNIX build system.
        gcc complained about returning the address of a local variable as
          a function result in both keygen and keyconvert.  The two variables
          concerned have now been made static like they should have been.
          Unlikely to have caused much aggravation, but only through luck.
        The Keyboard data structure has been updated to explicitly use an
          unsigned char in some places.  This is necessary for systems on
          which char is signed by default.
        The GNUmakefile is a temporary addition until native tool support can
          be sorted out.  In the xriscos environment, do "make links" and
          then "make rom" to build the module.  "make clean" will remove all
          the built stuff and the symbolic links.  Requires access to the
          exported Unicode library files.  keyconvert is built, but will not
          work for the obvious reason that it calls SWIs.
        GNUmakefile will be removed at a later date - it's only temporary.
        Tested - builds the same module (for Keyboard=All, Machine=Phoebe)
      Version 0.80. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_80'
  25. 22 Mar, 2001 1 commit
  26. 02 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • David Cotton's avatar
      KeyGen utility now links against CLib rather than ANSILib. · 3adcaeeb
      David Cotton authored
          IntKey would not build correctly on machines that build only
      SharedCLibrary instead of SharedRISC_OSLib because of ANSILib not being
          KeyGen was linked against AnsiLib instead of CLib due to a bug in the
      qsort() alogrithm that caused highly undesirable consequences with large data
          Since this bug has been fixed in the latest versions of the C Library, it
      now links against the C Library once more.
          Tested in a build.
          Note that you must have the latest 32-bit compatible version of the C
      Library (5.18) present on the build machine for this to compile.
      Version 0.78. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_78'
  27. 21 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * South African keyboard layout added. · a498f6ce
      Simon Forrest authored
        * South Africa utilises a standard USA layout.  IntKey now recognises
          this, and supports "*Keyboard SAfrica".
        * New layout DrawFile created that describes the South African layout.
        * StripDepnd support added to makefile.
        * Assembled and tested on RPC.
      Version 0.77. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_77'
  28. 02 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * Fixed problems with keys generating lower-case characters when · 2bb5a925
      Simon Forrest authored
          Caps Lock is active.
        * Faults were found in the Spanish and Welsh layouts.  In particular,
          'Q' on a Spanish layout would generate a lower-case version when
          Caps Lock was active.  And Welsh layouts had a similar fault with
          'Alt' + 'O'.  Now corrected.
        * Fault noted in Bethany software.
        * Built and tested on a Risc PC.
      Version 0.76. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_76'
  29. 25 Jul, 2000 1 commit
  30. 26 Jun, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Fix to hexadecimal character entry. · ec3ea9ad
      Kevin Bracey authored
        If an alphabetic key was a "simple" key (eg E on the UK layout), then it
        wouldn't work as a hex digit during hexadecimal keypad entry. This bug has
        been in since the start of hexadecimal entry, but only came to light when
        the Euro sign moved away from Alt+E.
      Version 0.74. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_74'
  31. 21 Jun, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * Corrected a mistake in the Turkish-QWERTY layout. · c2f83047
      Simon Forrest authored
        * The horizontal ellipsis was misplaced (when compared to the drawfile
          documentation).  Instead of being placed on the comma/semi-colon
          key, it should have been on the full-stop/colon key.  Now corrected.
        * Tested.
      Version 0.73. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_73'
  32. 09 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  33. 28 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      32-bit compatible. · 0ecf2666
      Kevin Bracey authored
      FN key change broke hexadecimal keypad entry - now fixed.
      Version 0.71. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_71'
  34. 12 Oct, 1999 2 commits
  35. 16 Sep, 1999 4 commits