1. 27 Nov, 2001 1 commit
  2. 05 Nov, 2001 1 commit
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      Added install ram phase. · b0cff0b8
      Steve Revill authored
        You could not install a ram version of this module. Fixed.
        Required for Baseline builds.
      Version 0.81. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_81'
  3. 14 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      Some bugfixes for keygen and keyconvert, discovered by gcc. · 92fdf5ac
      Stewart Brodie authored
        Temporary GNUmakefile added containing UNIX build system.
        gcc complained about returning the address of a local variable as
          a function result in both keygen and keyconvert.  The two variables
          concerned have now been made static like they should have been.
          Unlikely to have caused much aggravation, but only through luck.
        The Keyboard data structure has been updated to explicitly use an
          unsigned char in some places.  This is necessary for systems on
          which char is signed by default.
        The GNUmakefile is a temporary addition until native tool support can
          be sorted out.  In the xriscos environment, do "make links" and
          then "make rom" to build the module.  "make clean" will remove all
          the built stuff and the symbolic links.  Requires access to the
          exported Unicode library files.  keyconvert is built, but will not
          work for the obvious reason that it calls SWIs.
        GNUmakefile will be removed at ...
  4. 22 Mar, 2001 1 commit
  5. 02 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • David Cotton's avatar
      KeyGen utility now links against CLib rather than ANSILib. · 3adcaeeb
      David Cotton authored
          IntKey would not build correctly on machines that build only
      SharedCLibrary instead of SharedRISC_OSLib because of ANSILib not being
          KeyGen was linked against AnsiLib instead of CLib due to a bug in the
      qsort() alogrithm that caused highly undesirable consequences with large data
          Since this bug has been fixed in the latest versions of the C Library, it
      now links against the C Library once more.
          Tested in a build.
          Note that you must have the latest 32-bit compatible version of the C
      Library (5.18) present on the build machine for this to compile.
      Version 0.78. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_78'
  6. 21 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * South African keyboard layout added. · a498f6ce
      Simon Forrest authored
        * South Africa utilises a standard USA layout.  IntKey now recognises
          this, and supports "*Keyboard SAfrica".
        * New layout DrawFile created that describes the South African layout.
        * StripDepnd support added to makefile.
        * Assembled and tested on RPC.
      Version 0.77. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_77'
  7. 16 Sep, 1999 1 commit
  8. 11 Nov, 1998 1 commit
  9. 28 Sep, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Merged in 10-Sep-98 and 24-Sep-98 changes from Ursula branch: · ea6df33a
      Ben Avison authored
      * Updated/added layout drawfiles (Esperanto file further updated from Ursula
        branch version, to indicate characters available when alphabet is changed)
      * Added dialling codes for Wales, Wales2, DvorakUK and DvorakUSA
      * !IKHG.Source.Chars updated to use quoted characters
      * Layout fixes applied to Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel,
        LatinAm, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey
      * Ctrl-Alt-F1/F2 keyboard selection is performed on a callback
      Prototype added to h.unicdata to allow keyconvert to compile.
      Dynamic dependencies removed from Makefile; keyconvert removed during clean.
      Delete key made special in Japan layout, to enable delete-type code.
  10. 02 Sep, 1998 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Added Japan and Iceland to build. · 316fc473
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Added hexadecimal keypad code entry.
      Changed dead key tilde+space to U+007E, not U+02DC (Denmark needs this).
      Added dead key stroke (only Turkey uses this).
  11. 01 Sep, 1998 2 commits
  12. 14 Jul, 1997 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Rationalised structure - now builds a module containing either one keyboard... · b1cda11e
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Rationalised structure - now builds a module containing either one keyboard (+UK) or all keyboards, dependent on setting of <Keyboard>.
      Added several new keyboards and improved existing ones.
      Modernised !IKHG. In particular allowed editing of keypad, movement of Enter
      backspace and shift, and allowed Caps Lock to work on characters obtained
      using Alt.
  13. 22 Jan, 1997 1 commit
  14. 29 Nov, 1996 1 commit
  15. 21 Nov, 1996 1 commit
  16. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit