1. 22 Mar, 2001 1 commit
  2. 02 Jan, 2001 1 commit
    • David Cotton's avatar
      KeyGen utility now links against CLib rather than ANSILib. · 3adcaeeb
      David Cotton authored
          IntKey would not build correctly on machines that build only
      SharedCLibrary instead of SharedRISC_OSLib because of ANSILib not being
          KeyGen was linked against AnsiLib instead of CLib due to a bug in the
      qsort() alogrithm that caused highly undesirable consequences with large data
          Since this bug has been fixed in the latest versions of the C Library, it
      now links against the C Library once more.
          Tested in a build.
          Note that you must have the latest 32-bit compatible version of the C
      Library (5.18) present on the build machine for this to compile.
      Version 0.78. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_78'
  3. 21 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * South African keyboard layout added. · a498f6ce
      Simon Forrest authored
        * South Africa utilises a standard USA layout.  IntKey now recognises
          this, and supports "*Keyboard SAfrica".
        * New layout DrawFile created that describes the South African layout.
        * StripDepnd support added to makefile.
        * Assembled and tested on RPC.
      Version 0.77. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_77'
  4. 02 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * Fixed problems with keys generating lower-case characters when · 2bb5a925
      Simon Forrest authored
          Caps Lock is active.
        * Faults were found in the Spanish and Welsh layouts.  In particular,
          'Q' on a Spanish layout would generate a lower-case version when
          Caps Lock was active.  And Welsh layouts had a similar fault with
          'Alt' + 'O'.  Now corrected.
        * Fault noted in Bethany software.
        * Built and tested on a Risc PC.
      Version 0.76. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_76'
  5. 25 Jul, 2000 1 commit
  6. 26 Jun, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Fix to hexadecimal character entry. · ec3ea9ad
      Kevin Bracey authored
        If an alphabetic key was a "simple" key (eg E on the UK layout), then it
        wouldn't work as a hex digit during hexadecimal keypad entry. This bug has
        been in since the start of hexadecimal entry, but only came to light when
        the Euro sign moved away from Alt+E.
      Version 0.74. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_74'
  7. 21 Jun, 2000 1 commit
    • Simon Forrest's avatar
      * Corrected a mistake in the Turkish-QWERTY layout. · c2f83047
      Simon Forrest authored
        * The horizontal ellipsis was misplaced (when compared to the drawfile
          documentation).  Instead of being placed on the comma/semi-colon
          key, it should have been on the full-stop/colon key.  Now corrected.
        * Tested.
      Version 0.73. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_73'
  8. 09 Jun, 2000 1 commit
  9. 28 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      32-bit compatible. · 0ecf2666
      Kevin Bracey authored
      FN key change broke hexadecimal keypad entry - now fixed.
      Version 0.71. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_71'
  10. 12 Oct, 1999 2 commits
  11. 16 Sep, 1999 4 commits
  12. 10 Sep, 1999 2 commits
  13. 26 Aug, 1999 6 commits
  14. 27 Apr, 1999 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Moved euro sign to Alt-4 on UK and UK-based layouts. This involved moving the... · c2217582
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Moved euro sign to Alt-4 on UK and UK-based layouts. This involved moving the vulgar fractions to Alt-7,8,9.
      Double upwards arrow (symbol for Shift on menus) added to assorted layouts,
      as per diagrams. This still won't work in any alphabets other than UTF-8
      because the International module doesn't recognise that character as being
      in the official alphabets.
      Version 0.64. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_64'
  15. 26 Apr, 1999 2 commits
  16. 22 Mar, 1999 1 commit
  17. 02 Mar, 1999 2 commits
  18. 17 Feb, 1999 1 commit
  19. 18 Nov, 1998 1 commit
  20. 11 Nov, 1998 4 commits
  21. 09 Nov, 1998 1 commit
  22. 22 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  23. 20 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  24. 16 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  25. 09 Oct, 1998 1 commit