1. 27 Apr, 1999 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Moved euro sign to Alt-4 on UK and UK-based layouts. This involved moving the... · c2217582
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Moved euro sign to Alt-4 on UK and UK-based layouts. This involved moving the vulgar fractions to Alt-7,8,9.
      Double upwards arrow (symbol for Shift on menus) added to assorted layouts,
      as per diagrams. This still won't work in any alphabets other than UTF-8
      because the International module doesn't recognise that character as being
      in the official alphabets.
      Version 0.64. Tagged as 'IntKey-0_64'
  2. 17 Feb, 1999 1 commit
  3. 22 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  4. 20 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  5. 07 Oct, 1998 1 commit
  6. 28 Sep, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Merged in 10-Sep-98 and 24-Sep-98 changes from Ursula branch: · ea6df33a
      Ben Avison authored
      * Updated/added layout drawfiles (Esperanto file further updated from Ursula
        branch version, to indicate characters available when alphabet is changed)
      * Added dialling codes for Wales, Wales2, DvorakUK and DvorakUSA
      * !IKHG.Source.Chars updated to use quoted characters
      * Layout fixes applied to Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel,
        LatinAm, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey
      * Ctrl-Alt-F1/F2 keyboard selection is performed on a callback
      Prototype added to h.unicdata to allow keyconvert to compile.
      Dynamic dependencies removed from Makefile; keyconvert removed during clean.
      Delete key made special in Japan layout, to enable delete-type code.
  7. 15 Jul, 1997 1 commit
  8. 14 Jul, 1997 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Rationalised structure - now builds a module containing either one keyboard... · b1cda11e
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Rationalised structure - now builds a module containing either one keyboard (+UK) or all keyboards, dependent on setting of <Keyboard>.
      Added several new keyboards and improved existing ones.
      Modernised !IKHG. In particular allowed editing of keypad, movement of Enter
      backspace and shift, and allowed Caps Lock to work on characters obtained
      using Alt.