Commit 29b3cb90 authored by Neil Turton's avatar Neil Turton
Browse files

Import from cleaned 370 CD

parent e2ab8c65
Use !IKHG to create the assembler source for the keyboard handler tables. Do
this by pressing Escape when finished editing the layout then press Escape
again when it asks if you want to create the module (it doesn't work). The
generated assembler file can be found in !IKHG.Source.GenSource (set the
file's type to Text).
Copy the generated assembler file into the appropriate place in the real
International Keyboard module sources and rename it as required eg.
Now edit the generated assembler file, removing the KeyStructureTable as
this is now defined in a file called KeyStruct. The KeyStruct? table has
been extended so that key pad keys can also be modified so there must be two
more entries added to this table (see UK.Source.UkPCKbd for an example).
Mappings for the key pad must also be defined (see end of
The table in file KeyStruct must be modified to point to the tables which
your handler is to recognise (one entry for each country, most will default
to UK - KeyStruct1). For example, the KeyStructureTable for Germany (in
Germany.Source.KeyStruct) has entries for Germany (KeyStruct7) and
Switzerland (KeyStruct35). All others default to UK.
Finally, an IntKeyMod file must be created to pull everything together. See
the files in Germany.Source and UK.Source for examples.
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