• Ben Avison's avatar
    Merged in 10-Sep-98 and 24-Sep-98 changes from Ursula branch: · ea6df33a
    Ben Avison authored
    * Updated/added layout drawfiles (Esperanto file further updated from Ursula
      branch version, to indicate characters available when alphabet is changed)
    * Added dialling codes for Wales, Wales2, DvorakUK and DvorakUSA
    * !IKHG.Source.Chars updated to use quoted characters
    * Layout fixes applied to Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel,
      LatinAm, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey
    * Ctrl-Alt-F1/F2 keyboard selection is performed on a callback
    Prototype added to h.unicdata to allow keyconvert to compile.
    Dynamic dependencies removed from Makefile; keyconvert removed during clean.
    Delete key made special in Japan layout, to enable delete-type code.