- 22 May, 2011 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: build/Makefile, build/OBJEHCIDriver, build/OBJOHCIDriver, build/OBJUSBDriver - Modified makefiles to build the HAL libs during the export libs phase build/!MkHAL,fd7 - Handy script for building the HAL libs build/Hdr/usbhal - Header containing definitions for the assembler code. Also gets exported so that HALs know how much workspace to reserve. build/c/usbhal - HAL version of usbmodule.c & port.c. Also contains the keyboard scan code, adapted from the code in the Tungsten HAL. build/s/porthal - Assembler versions of some port.c routines that were easier to do in assembler than C build/s/halheap - OS_Heap code that's been adapted for use in the HAL. Could easily be changed into a standalone library instead of being part of the HAL USB libs. Supports memory-efficient allocation of aligned blocks. build/c/ehcihal - HAL version of ehcimodule.c. Currently only supports EHCI controllers exposed via HAL_USBControllerInfo (i.e. no PCI support) build/c/ehcimodule, build/c/ohcimodule, build/c/port - Moved riscos_irq_clear into port.c. Removed unused microtime() function. build/c/usbmouse - Strip out some debug-related code in non-debug builds build/Version - Updated version numbers dev/usb/c/ehci, dev/usb/h/ehcivar - Adapted to add support for the HAL build. Apart from the base changes, the code has also been tweaked to significantly reduce the amount of memory used at runtime by the HAL version of the driver. dev/usb/c/hid, dev/usb/c/uhub, dev/usb/c/usb, dev/usb/c/usb_quirks, dev/usb/c/usb_subr, dev/usb/c/usbdi, dev/usb/c/usbdi_util, dev/usb/c/usbroothub_subr - Changes to support HAL builds. Mainly disabling bits that won't work in the HAL or disabling bits for RISC OS in general if they weren't being used in the first place. dev/usb/c/ohci, dev/usb/h/ohcivar - Basic changes to support HAL builds. However HAL OHCI support is still incomplete. dev/usb/h/usb_port - Added support for the HAL build. Also tweaked logprintf definition to get rid of logprintf calls entirely in non-debug builds. dev/usb/h/usbdivar - Added support for the HAL build. dev/usb/h/usbhal - New header used by the HAL build. Gets included by every C file to ensure the compiler doesn't use sb, and contains structs/macros to allow access to the shared workspace. Admin: HAL & non-HAL builds tested on rev C2 BB, rev A2 BB-xM, rev C1 TouchBook. Non-HAL builds tested with Iyonix ROM softload. Needs latest Kernel source for OSEntries.h export. Version 0.59. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_59'
- 02 Oct, 2009 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: init_veneer and build_veneer weren't calling OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas to properly sync the I+D caches after writing the assembler veneers to RMA. In some cases this was causing random crashes on boot. This should now be fixed. Admin: Tested on rev C2 beagleboard Version 0.49. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_49'
- 18 Feb, 2005 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Detail: - VarVal launching.. string length was incorrectly calculated. - USB VarVals now correctly cleared if device failed during enumeration, after first SetVarVal call. - Triggercbs() modified to check interrupt context and be refuse (quietly) to trigger callbacks if interrupts threaded (result of possible issue .. but perhaps wise) - Added third QueryDelay variable, and an Info file to describe what does what. Admin: checked at Castle.. due for extended check via beta test site before formal release. Castle + D Ellis added IP Version 0.35. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_35'
- 25 Nov, 2004 1 commit
John Ballance authored
change to OHCIModule to pay heed to number of OHCI i/f reported by HAL (in Rhenium).. various other small adjustments to improve softloadability, both in OHCI and EHCI drivers. Detail: Admin: tested on iyonix and on rhenium castle added IP Version 0.30. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_30'
- 12 Aug, 2004 1 commit
John Ballance authored
'blocked' several holes that could cause freezes with awkward usb devices. Added latest changes from Dan Ellis too , especially for USB2 Detail: many Admin: Tested in ROM at Castle, and beta tested with users Version 0.28. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_28'
- 30 Jun, 2004 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 0.26. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_26'
- 21 Jan, 2004 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
Version 0.22. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_22'
- 14 May, 2003 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
Detail: * Errors now use the allocated error number base, &819000, instead of a base in the private range, &50000000. "USB transfer failed" errors now have use a sub-range of error numbers from &819020; the original BSD error number can be retrieved from the bottom 5 bits of the RISC OS error number. * Service_USB 1 now returns the list in the order in which the devices, rather than in the reverse order as previous versions of the module did. * A little tweaking of h/usb_port to reduce compiler warnings. * Some compiler-satisfying changes to allow use of packed structures. (However, the compiler doesn't seem to work correctly yet, so this is currently switched out using -DDISABLE_PACKED on the command line.) * Added full stops to end of star command help strings for consistency with rest of OS. * New exports: USBDevFS (moved here from ^.h) and a few files in dev/usb/h and sys/h. Admin: Error number overhaul and new exports are both required by SCSISoftUSB. Version 0.16. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_16'
- 28 Jan, 2003 1 commit
Dan Ellis authored
Correction of spelling of busses to buses (noun plural). OHCIdriver only responds to PCI service call to lookup vendor name when the device is of class OHCI controller. Version 0.01. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_01'