- 22 May, 2011 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: build/Makefile, build/OBJEHCIDriver, build/OBJOHCIDriver, build/OBJUSBDriver - Modified makefiles to build the HAL libs during the export libs phase build/!MkHAL,fd7 - Handy script for building the HAL libs build/Hdr/usbhal - Header containing definitions for the assembler code. Also gets exported so that HALs know how much workspace to reserve. build/c/usbhal - HAL version of usbmodule.c & port.c. Also contains the keyboard scan code, adapted from the code in the Tungsten HAL. build/s/porthal - Assembler versions of some port.c routines that were easier to do in assembler than C build/s/halheap - OS_Heap code that's been adapted for use in the HAL. Could easily be changed into a standalone library instead of being part of the HAL USB libs. Supports memory-efficient allocation of aligned blocks. build/c/ehcihal - HAL version of ehcimodule.c. Currently only supports EHCI controllers exposed via HAL_USBControll...
- 28 Jan, 2003 1 commit
Dan Ellis authored
Correction of spelling of busses to buses (noun plural). OHCIdriver only responds to PCI service call to lookup vendor name when the device is of class OHCI controller. Version 0.01. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_01'
- 06 Mar, 2001 1 commit
Dan Ellis authored
This is the initial import of prototype USB drivers written for the OHCI chip on the customer L board. Details: The drivers are for mouse, keyboard and combined keyboard and mouse. They assume that the correct device is going to be plugged in, not reading the descriptors at all. Once the mouse is plugged in, it will become the active pointer device, reverting to the previous one when extracted. Admin: The prototypes have been tested on a SDB customer L board, but require a couple of pokes to the reset and configuration register to get them going: memorya f99f611c 3840 works on the SDB but will be different on the customer L board