1. 30 Dec, 2004 1 commit
    • John Ballance's avatar
      Update of EHCIDriver to current NetBSD, together with needed changes in both... · 480e14ee
      John Ballance authored
      Update of EHCIDriver to current NetBSD, together with needed changes in both OHCIDriver and USBDriver.
              Code may change before formal release .. will be beta released
              ... Entered to CVS to get new version numbers, and for
              the record.
              Castle/netbsd added IP .. will be tested more fully before
              formal release. Still to be verified on Rhenium.
      Version 0.31. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_31'
  2. 25 Nov, 2004 1 commit
  3. 12 Aug, 2004 1 commit
    • John Ballance's avatar
      Extensive changes and bug fixes to usb and ohci .. · e9f0e9c8
      John Ballance authored
        'blocked' several holes that could cause freezes with awkward
        usb devices.  Added latest changes from Dan Ellis too , especially for USB2
       Tested in ROM at Castle, and beta tested with users
      Version 0.28. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_28'
  4. 01 Jul, 2004 1 commit
  5. 30 Jun, 2004 1 commit
  6. 06 May, 2004 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      New versions from John. · 833bc3d0
      Ben Avison authored
        * All modules will now rmkill/rmload more reliably
        * Keyboard driver disables kernel debounce on new enough kernels, needed
          for many PS2-USB adaptors, bar code scanners etc
        * Mouse driver will scroll wheel scroll any windows that do respond to
          scroll events, otherwise it issues PointerReason_WheelChange (9) to an
          external WimpScroll module
        * Several bugs and an interrupt hole resolved
        Tested at Framlingham.
      Version 0.25. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_25'
  7. 16 Feb, 2004 1 commit
  8. 21 Jan, 2004 2 commits
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Merge of Dan Ellis's USB2 sources. · bad89421
      Ben Avison authored
      Version 0.22. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_22'
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Changes to work with TCPIPLibs 5.47. · 778cee75
      Ben Avison authored
        NetBSD/FreeBSD differences in the naming of certain macros are now resolved
        in TCPIPLibs instead of locally. Also some reordering in the !Mk files in
        order to work with current versions of Zap.
        Builds against TCPIPLibs 5.47. Note that this version of the USB sources
        also now requires TCPIPLibs 5.47.
      Version 0.21. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_21'
  9. 07 Jan, 2004 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Update from John: · df96979f
      Ben Avison authored
      > Reduce root port reset delay to 50ms from 250ms to work with Chicony
      > keyboards (again).  Comment out duplicate free(udev) at end of
      > usbmodule:config_detach.
      Version 0.20. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_20'
  10. 16 Jun, 2003 1 commit
  11. 03 Jun, 2003 1 commit
  12. 23 May, 2003 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Added new CallDevice reason code (&80000005) to clear a stall condition on a... · 9b1dc296
      Ben Avison authored
      Added new CallDevice reason code (&80000005) to clear a stall condition on a pipe with a given FileSwitch handle
      New usbdevs and usbdevs_data from NetBSD
      Rewrote power source detection to skirt round dodgy devices which say
      they're self powered,set MaxPower=0,and don't respond to a getstatus()
      Copes better with devices being unplugged while a transfer using them is active
      Version 0.17. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_17'
  13. 14 May, 2003 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Support for SCSISoftUSB, and some tidying up. · 27401fc0
      Ben Avison authored
        * Errors now use the allocated error number base, &819000, instead of a
          base in the private range, &50000000. "USB transfer failed" errors now
          have use a sub-range of error numbers from &819020; the original BSD
          error number can be retrieved from the bottom 5 bits of the RISC OS
          error number.
        * Service_USB 1 now returns the list in the order in which the devices,
          rather than in the reverse order as previous versions of the module did.
        * A little tweaking of h/usb_port to reduce compiler warnings.
        * Some compiler-satisfying changes to allow use of packed structures.
          (However, the compiler doesn't seem to work correctly yet, so this is
          currently switched out using -DDISABLE_PACKED on the command line.)
        * Added full stops to end of star command help strings for consistency
          with rest of OS.
        * New exports: USBDevFS (moved here from ^.h) and a few files in dev/usb/h
          and sys/h.
        Error number overhaul and new exports are both required by SCSISoftUSB.
      Version 0.16. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_16'
  14. 23 Apr, 2003 1 commit
  15. 15 Apr, 2003 1 commit
  16. 11 Apr, 2003 1 commit
  17. 28 Jan, 2003 1 commit
  18. 06 Mar, 2001 1 commit
    • Dan Ellis's avatar
      This is the initial import of prototype USB drivers written for the OHCI chip... · d3203fa1
      Dan Ellis authored
      This is the initial import of prototype USB drivers written for the OHCI chip on the customer L board.
        The drivers are for mouse, keyboard and combined keyboard and mouse.  They
      assume that the correct device is going to be plugged in, not reading the
      descriptors at all.  Once the mouse is plugged in, it will become the active
      pointer device, reverting to the previous one when extracted.
        The prototypes have been tested on a SDB customer L board, but require a couple
      of pokes to the reset and configuration register to get them going:
        memorya f99f611c 3840 works on the SDB but will be different on the customer L board