- 22 Aug, 2011 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Update HAL USB code for new HAL_KbdScanInterrupt behaviour. Fix data aborts during keyboard scanning. Detail: build/c/usbhal, build/h/usbhal - Updated USBHAL_KbdScanInterrupt to behave the same way HAL_KbdScanInterrupt is now expected to behave. build/c/ehci, build/c/ohci - Fixed some root hub emulation code which was writing to a global structure before copying it into the destination buffer. Although this works fine in ROM modules it was causing data aborts in the USB HAL libraries due to lack of automatic RW data relocation by the compiler. build/Version - Updated version numbers Admin: Tested on rev C2 BB. Version 0.62. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_62'
- 22 May, 2011 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: build/Makefile, build/OBJEHCIDriver, build/OBJOHCIDriver, build/OBJUSBDriver - Modified makefiles to build the HAL libs during the export libs phase build/!MkHAL,fd7 - Handy script for building the HAL libs build/Hdr/usbhal - Header containing definitions for the assembler code. Also gets exported so that HALs know how much workspace to reserve. build/c/usbhal - HAL version of usbmodule.c & port.c. Also contains the keyboard scan code, adapted from the code in the Tungsten HAL. build/s/porthal - Assembler versions of some port.c routines that were easier to do in assembler than C build/s/halheap - OS_Heap code that's been adapted for use in the HAL. Could easily be changed into a standalone library instead of being part of the HAL USB libs. Supports memory-efficient allocation of aligned blocks. build/c/ehcihal - HAL version of ehcimodule.c. Currently only supports EHCI controllers exposed via HAL_USBControllerInfo (i.e. no PCI support) build/c/ehcimodule, build/c/ohcimodule, build/c/port - Moved riscos_irq_clear into port.c. Removed unused microtime() function. build/c/usbmouse - Strip out some debug-related code in non-debug builds build/Version - Updated version numbers dev/usb/c/ehci, dev/usb/h/ehcivar - Adapted to add support for the HAL build. Apart from the base changes, the code has also been tweaked to significantly reduce the amount of memory used at runtime by the HAL version of the driver. dev/usb/c/hid, dev/usb/c/uhub, dev/usb/c/usb, dev/usb/c/usb_quirks, dev/usb/c/usb_subr, dev/usb/c/usbdi, dev/usb/c/usbdi_util, dev/usb/c/usbroothub_subr - Changes to support HAL builds. Mainly disabling bits that won't work in the HAL or disabling bits for RISC OS in general if they weren't being used in the first place. dev/usb/c/ohci, dev/usb/h/ohcivar - Basic changes to support HAL builds. However HAL OHCI support is still incomplete. dev/usb/h/usb_port - Added support for the HAL build. Also tweaked logprintf definition to get rid of logprintf calls entirely in non-debug builds. dev/usb/h/usbdivar - Added support for the HAL build. dev/usb/h/usbhal - New header used by the HAL build. Gets included by every C file to ensure the compiler doesn't use sb, and contains structs/macros to allow access to the shared workspace. Admin: HAL & non-HAL builds tested on rev C2 BB, rev A2 BB-xM, rev C1 TouchBook. Non-HAL builds tested with Iyonix ROM softload. Needs latest Kernel source for OSEntries.h export. Version 0.59. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_59'
- 14 Sep, 2010 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: dev/usb/c/hid, dev/usb/h/hid, dev/usb/c/ums - Updated to latest NetBSD versions (actually the version that was used for the recent core/EHCI update, so not 100% latest) build/c/usbmouse, dev/wscons/h/wsmousevar - Updated RISC OS USB mouse driver to be similar to the new NetBSD version. Also reformatted file to use tab char instead of inconsistent numbers of spaces for indentation. build/c/usbmouse, dev/usb/usbdevs - Added fix for broken TouchBook touchpad behaviour. Admin: Tested with various mice on a beagleboard, and with the TouchBook touchpad. We should now have support for the W axis of mice, but that code is untested since I don't have any suitable mice to hand. Version 0.53. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_53'
- 21 Jul, 2010 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Detail: EHCI driver update: dev/usb/c/ehci - Updated to latest NetBSD version, except for revisions 1.134 and 1.135 which are too invasive to merge in without updating the rest of the USB stack. This new version brings lots of bug fixes, and adds (untested on RISC OS) support for EHCI isochronous transfers. dev/usb/h/ehcivar - Updated to latest NetBSD version, except for the sc_bus splitting that was held back from the ehci.c update dev/usb/h/usb, dev/usb/h/usbdi, dev/usb/usbdivar - partial update to latest as required/possible dev/usb/c/usb_quirks, dev/usb/h/ehcireg, dev/usb/h/usb_mem, dev/usb/h/usb_quirks, dev/usb/h/usbhid, dev/usb/usbdevs, dev/usb/devlist2h.awk, dev/wscons/h/wsconsio, dev/wscons/h/wsmousevar - Updated to latest NetBSD versions dev/usb/c/usbroothub_subr, dev/usb/h/usbroothub_subr - New files brought in from NetBSD sources for use with new EHCI driver build/objehcidriver - Added usbroorhub_subr to EHCI driver dev/usb/h/usb_port - Added extra dummy functions as required by new EHCI driver dev/build/c/port - Added extra parameter to callout_init as required by new EHCI driver DeviceFS improvements: build/c/usbmodule - Added DeviceFSCallDevice_GetHandles2 as a replacement for Thomas Milius's backwards-incompatible GetHandles changes. Added DeviceFSCallDevice_GetSetOptions call to control RX padding and TX force-short-xfer features. These features can also be controlled at endpoint creation time by new fields in the filename. Also fixed packet padding to not fill the buffer with garbage or potentially crash when the padded area is more than one packet in length. New bus registration API: Changes made to the data structures that are shared between the modules means that new checks are needed to ensure USB modules with incompatible APIs are not used with one another. build/h/usbdivar - Since this seems to be the file containing the main structures that are shared, it now has a #define at the top indicating the first version of the USBDriver module that implemented the data structures within. This version number is used to check that the driver modules are compatible. build/cmhg/usbmodhead, build/h/usbdriver, build/c/usbmodule - Add a new SWI, USBDriver_Version, to return the version number of the USBDriver module. Used for both intra-stack API version checks and can be useful for external code that wants to query DeviceFS feature availability. build/c/usbmodule, build/c/ehcimodule, build/c/ohcimodule - Updated USBDriver_RegisterBus SWI and the code that calls it to pass the API version number (as defined in usbdivar.h) to USBDriver when attempting to reigster the bus. USBDriver then ensures the version matches that of itself, and if not refuses to allow the bus to register. EHCI & OHCI modules also check that USBDriver is new enough to implement this behaviour via the USBDriver_Version SWI. And finally: build/version - Incremented module version numbers. build/doc/usb - Updated with details of new features Admin: Tested in ROM softload on Iyonix & beagleboard. Beagleboard hub issues seem to be resolved, and there are no new bugs that I can see. Version 0.52. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_52'
- 06 Sep, 2009 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Add workaround for incorrect sizeof(usb_status_t), disable debug_set_stamp_debug(TRUE) to fix interrupt issue Detail: build/c/ehcimodule, build/c/ohcimodule, build/c/usbmodule - Make sure that timestamped debug messages aren't used, as they appear to cause interrupts to be briefly enabled, which causes all kinds of problems in sensitive bits of the code. dev/usb/c/usbdi, dev/usb/c/usbdi_util, dev/usb/h/usb - Because DISABLE_PACKED is being used to compile the USB drivers, sizeof(usb_status_t) was being calculated as 4 bytes instead of 2. Somehow this works fine with the EHCI driver (and presumably the OHCI driver), but it was causing problems with the MUSBDriver, so a hardcoded size of 2 is now used. Admin: Tested on rev C2 beagleboard. Version 0.48. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_48'
- 09 May, 2009 1 commit
Jeffrey Lee authored
Add support for HAL enumerated USB EHCI controllers, use HAL_IRQClear when clearing EHCI/OHCI controller interrupts Detail: * HAL enumeration of EHCI controllers is performed in the same manner as for OHCI, and protected by #ifdef RHENIUM. HAL_USBControllerInfo must return with the usbinfo type field set to 1 to indicate EHCI. * HAL_IRQClear is now called by the EHCI & OHCI modules after clearing the interrupt flag in the USB controller, to allow the HAL to reset the interrupt controller if required (e.g. for OMAP3) * EHCI module (for HAL EHCI controllers) now has the option of forcing all EHCI register access to be 32bit size & alignment (requirement is indicated in OMAP3 TRM, although USB did seem to function fine without) build/c/ehcimodule - Add enumeration of HAL USB controllers. Add support for forcing all EHCI register access to be 32bit size & alignment. Add riscos_irqclear() implementation. Guard against unexpected behaviour if PCI module isn't present. build/c/ohcimodule - Add riscos_irqclear() implementation. Guard against unexpected behaviour if PCI module isn't present. dev/usb/c/ehci, dev/usb/c/ohci - call riscos_irqclear() when appropriate dev/usb/h/usb_port - riscos_irqclear() prototype Admin: Tested on rev C2 beagleboard. Untested on Iyonix, but should be fine. Version 0.47. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_47'
- 24 Apr, 2005 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Inclusion of Mods to c.ehci (from Dan) to correctly handle low speed interrupt devices beyond USB2 hubs (i.e. keyboards and mice). Mod to EHCI resetting in service call handler to better cope with USBDriver being restarted 'underneath' it. Detail: Admin: Castle, Dan Ellis, NetBSD added IP. Tested at Castle. Will be beta tested at this revision level before full release. Version 0.39. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_39'
- 24 Feb, 2005 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Added (and fixed code underlying) to give periodic explore of USB busses (cf NetBSD). Added USBDisover command to let user provoke this too. Reworked USB device number allocation to roll around at 999 to avoid field overflow in a number of places. Detail: Admin: castle added IP. to be beta tested on beta test site Version 0.37. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_37'
- 23 Feb, 2005 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Detail: USB_PORT_RESET_DELAY had been increased from 100 to 200ms in previous version. This was OK for most devices, and beneficial for some, BUT killed the Chicony keyboards shipped with many iyonix.. Delay has been reverted to 100ms, and is now run time alterable via the USB$PortResetDelay sysvar. This problem did not show up in beta testing! Admin: tested by JB with chicony.. delays up to around 160ms work with the chicony. Castle added IP Version 0.36. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_36'
- 18 Feb, 2005 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Detail: - VarVal launching.. string length was incorrectly calculated. - USB VarVals now correctly cleared if device failed during enumeration, after first SetVarVal call. - Triggercbs() modified to check interrupt context and be refuse (quietly) to trigger callbacks if interrupts threaded (result of possible issue .. but perhaps wise) - Added third QueryDelay variable, and an Info file to describe what does what. Admin: checked at Castle.. due for extended check via beta test site before formal release. Castle + D Ellis added IP Version 0.35. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_35'
- 21 Jan, 2005 1 commit
John Ballance authored
USB2 further debugged. Detail: Check in prior to second beta release. Improvements also to softloading of replacement modules. Admin: Checked with JB .. further crosschecking is still needed for rhenium. Castle/D Ellis added ip from NetBSD sources Version 0.33. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_33'
- 30 Dec, 2004 1 commit
John Ballance authored
Update of EHCIDriver to current NetBSD, together with needed changes in both OHCIDriver and USBDriver. Detail: Code may change before formal release .. will be beta released ... Entered to CVS to get new version numbers, and for the record. Admin: Castle/netbsd added IP .. will be tested more fully before formal release. Still to be verified on Rhenium. Version 0.31. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_31'
- 25 Nov, 2004 1 commit
John Ballance authored
change to OHCIModule to pay heed to number of OHCI i/f reported by HAL (in Rhenium).. various other small adjustments to improve softloadability, both in OHCI and EHCI drivers. Detail: Admin: tested on iyonix and on rhenium castle added IP Version 0.30. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_30'
- 12 Aug, 2004 1 commit
John Ballance authored
'blocked' several holes that could cause freezes with awkward usb devices. Added latest changes from Dan Ellis too , especially for USB2 Detail: many Admin: Tested in ROM at Castle, and beta tested with users Version 0.28. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_28'
- 01 Jul, 2004 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 0.27. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_27'
- 30 Jun, 2004 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 0.26. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_26'
- 06 May, 2004 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
Detail: * All modules will now rmkill/rmload more reliably * Keyboard driver disables kernel debounce on new enough kernels, needed for many PS2-USB adaptors, bar code scanners etc * Mouse driver will scroll wheel scroll any windows that do respond to scroll events, otherwise it issues PointerReason_WheelChange (9) to an external WimpScroll module * Several bugs and an interrupt hole resolved Admin: Tested at Framlingham. Version 0.25. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_25'
- 16 Feb, 2004 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 0.23. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_23'
- 21 Jan, 2004 2 commits
Ben Avison authored
Version 0.22. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_22'
Ben Avison authored
Detail: NetBSD/FreeBSD differences in the naming of certain macros are now resolved in TCPIPLibs instead of locally. Also some reordering in the !Mk files in order to work with current versions of Zap. Admin: Builds against TCPIPLibs 5.47. Note that this version of the USB sources also now requires TCPIPLibs 5.47. Version 0.21. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_21'
- 07 Jan, 2004 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
> Reduce root port reset delay to 50ms from 250ms to work with Chicony > keyboards (again). Comment out duplicate free(udev) at end of > usbmodule:config_detach. Version 0.20. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_20'
- 16 Jun, 2003 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
Version 0.19. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_19'
- 23 May, 2003 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
Added new CallDevice reason code (&80000005) to clear a stall condition on a pipe with a given FileSwitch handle New usbdevs and usbdevs_data from NetBSD Rewrote power source detection to skirt round dodgy devices which say they're self powered,set MaxPower=0,and don't respond to a getstatus() Copes better with devices being unplugged while a transfer using them is active Version 0.17. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_17'
- 14 May, 2003 1 commit
Ben Avison authored
Detail: * Errors now use the allocated error number base, &819000, instead of a base in the private range, &50000000. "USB transfer failed" errors now have use a sub-range of error numbers from &819020; the original BSD error number can be retrieved from the bottom 5 bits of the RISC OS error number. * Service_USB 1 now returns the list in the order in which the devices, rather than in the reverse order as previous versions of the module did. * A little tweaking of h/usb_port to reduce compiler warnings. * Some compiler-satisfying changes to allow use of packed structures. (However, the compiler doesn't seem to work correctly yet, so this is currently switched out using -DDISABLE_PACKED on the command line.) * Added full stops to end of star command help strings for consistency with rest of OS. * New exports: USBDevFS (moved here from ^.h) and a few files in dev/usb/h and sys/h. Admin: Error number overhaul and new exports are both required by SCSISoftUSB. Version 0.16. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_16'
- 23 Apr, 2003 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
Put the port reset delay back to 50ms.Not sure why NetBSD decided to change that but it broke the Chicony keyboard supplied in Castle's Iyonix. Version 0.15. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_15'
- 11 Apr, 2003 1 commit
Robert Sprowson authored
Added stuff to delete the DeviceFS$USB*$Options variables when the module is RMkilled. Version 0.12. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_12'
- 28 Jan, 2003 1 commit
Dan Ellis authored
Correction of spelling of busses to buses (noun plural). OHCIdriver only responds to PCI service call to lookup vendor name when the device is of class OHCI controller. Version 0.01. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_01'
- 06 Mar, 2001 1 commit
Dan Ellis authored
This is the initial import of prototype USB drivers written for the OHCI chip on the customer L board. Details: The drivers are for mouse, keyboard and combined keyboard and mouse. They assume that the correct device is going to be plugged in, not reading the descriptors at all. Once the mouse is plugged in, it will become the active pointer device, reverting to the previous one when extracted. Admin: The prototypes have been tested on a SDB customer L board, but require a couple of pokes to the reset and configuration register to get them going: memorya f99f611c 3840 works on the SDB but will be different on the customer L board