Commit 4f8a1a84 authored by Dan Ellis's avatar Dan Ellis
Browse files

Committed incorrect file previously

parent 3f595ef2
......@@ -30,18 +30,12 @@
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include "sys/time.h"
/* avoid redefinition of printf */
#define no_printf 1
#include "dev/usb/usb.h"
#include "dev/usb/usbdi.h"
#include "dev/usb/usbdi_util.h"
#include "dev/usb/usbdivar.h"
#include "dev/usb/usbhid.h"
<<<<<<< usbmodule
#undef no_printf
#include "dev/usb/usb_quirks.h"
>>>>>>> 1.26
#include "swis.h"
#include "debuglib/debuglib.h"
......@@ -62,7 +56,7 @@
/* for interfacing with ioctl */
#define FWRITE 0x0002
#define FWRITE 0x0002
#define DeviceFSCallDevice_MonitorTX 12
#define DeviceFSCallDevice_MonitorRX 13
......@@ -130,7 +124,7 @@ struct dev_struct {
struct ugen_softc {
USBBASEDEVICE sc_dev; /* base device */
USBBASEDEVICE sc_dev; /* base device */
usbd_device_handle sc_udev;
struct dev_struct mydev;
devicefs_device* sc_devfs;
......@@ -237,25 +231,25 @@ extern int total_sleep;
char* ccodes []= {
extern int cold;
......@@ -291,6 +285,7 @@ extern int usbioctl(int devt, u_long cmd, void* data, int flag, void *p);
struct device* get_usbdev (int unit);
extern char* usbd_get_string (usbd_device_handle, size_t, char*);
extern void microtime (struct timeval* tv);
extern void triggercbs(void);
extern uint32_t clock (void); // avoid header clash with sys/types.h
......@@ -411,7 +406,7 @@ _kernel_oserror *module_final(int fatal, int podule, void *pw)
_swix (MessageTrans_CloseFile, _IN(0), &mod_messages);
_swix (MessageTrans_CloseFile, _IN(0), &usbdev_messages);
if(extra_quirks) free(extra_quirks);
_swix (ResourceFS_DeregisterFiles, _IN (0), resource_files ());
......@@ -453,7 +448,7 @@ _kernel_oserror* RegisterNewDevice(struct ugen_softc * softc,int no)
return e;
void module_services(int service_number, _kernel_swi_regs *r, void *pw)
......@@ -480,8 +475,8 @@ void module_services(int service_number, _kernel_swi_regs *r, void *pw)
if (dev)
dev->dv_unit = maxdev_no = usbdev_no++;
dev->dv_unit = maxdev_no = usbdev_no++;
dprintf(("","registering %d \n",dev->dv_unit));
RegisterNewDevice( ((struct ugen_softc*) dev),dev->dv_unit);
......@@ -593,7 +588,7 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_enumerate_buses (void)
struct usb_device_stats stats;
printf ("Transfers (%d buses):\n", usbbus_no-1);
// 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
puts ("Bus Control Isochronous Bulk Interrupt Errors");
puts ("Bus Control Isochronous Bulk Interrupt");
for (int i = 1; i < usbbus_no; ++i)
if (get_softc (i << 16) == NULL ||
......@@ -602,24 +597,18 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_enumerate_buses (void)
printf ("%3d %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu\n",
printf ("%3d %9lu %9lu %9lu %9lu\n",
return 0;
<<<<<<< usbmodule
_kernel_oserror* command_discover (void)
_kernel_oserror* command_discover (void)
>>>>>>> 1.26
#ifdef USB_DEBUG
total_sleep = 0;
......@@ -638,6 +627,7 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_discover (void)
_kernel_oserror* command_reset (int n)
struct device* dev = get_usbdev (n);
......@@ -645,39 +635,27 @@ _kernel_oserror* command_reset (int n)
return uerror (E_NoDevice);
/* pretend it's a ugen to get the udev */
usbd_device_handle udev = ((struct ugen_softc*) dev)->sc_udev;
struct usbd_port * port = udev->powersrc;
usbd_device_handle parent = port?port->parent:NULL;
if (parent == NULL) // its a root hub..
struct usbd_hub* hub = udev->hub;
int nports = hub->hubdesc.bNbrPorts, p;
for(p = 0; p < nports; p++)
if (hub->ports[p].device)
usb_disconnect_port (hub->ports + p, hub->hubsoftc);
usbd_clear_port_feature(udev, p, UHF_PORT_POWER);
usbd_delay_ms(udev, USB_PORT_RESET_DELAY);
usbd_set_port_feature(udev, p, UHF_PORT_POWER);
return NULL;
return uerror (E_NotRootP);
usb_disconnect_port (port, parent->myhub->hub->hubsoftc);
usb_disconnect_port (port, (device_ptr_t) parent->hub);
usbd_clear_port_feature(parent, port->portno, UHF_PORT_POWER);
usbd_set_port_feature(parent, port->portno, UHF_PORT_POWER);
int pwrdly = parent->hub->hubdesc.bPwrOn2PwrGood
usbd_delay_ms(parent, pwrdly);
usbd_delay_ms(parent, pwrdly);
return NULL;
_kernel_oserror* command_dev_info (int n)
......@@ -889,10 +867,10 @@ static _kernel_oserror* command_set_interface (int device, int ifcn, int alt)
///* format of a quirk .. keep synchronised with entry in dev.usb.usb_quirks */
//typedef struct usbd_quirk_entry {
// u_int16_t idVendor;
// u_int16_t idProduct;
// u_int16_t bcdDevice;
// u_int32_t quirks;
// u_int16_t idVendor;
// u_int16_t idProduct;
// u_int16_t bcdDevice;
// u_int32_t quirks;
//} usbd_quirk_entry;
static _kernel_oserror* command_ListQuirks(void)
......@@ -900,14 +878,14 @@ static _kernel_oserror* command_ListQuirks(void)
int i;
usbd_quirk_entry *t;
printf("\n USB Extra Quirk listing:\nVendor Product Device Quirk\n");
printf("%04x %04x %04x %08x\n",t->idVendor,t->idProduct,t->bcdDevice,t->quirks.uq_flags);
return NULL;
......@@ -945,11 +923,11 @@ static _kernel_oserror* command_AddQuirk(unsigned vendor, unsigned product, unsi
if (t->idVendor == vendor &&
t->idProduct == product&&
t->bcdDevice == device)
t->quirks.uq_flags = quirk;
return NULL;
for(i=0,t=extra_quirks;i<MAX_EXTRA_QUIRKS;i++,t++) /* new */
......@@ -977,7 +955,7 @@ _kernel_oserror *module_commands(const char *arg_string, int argc, int cmd_no, v
char* ptr;
usbdebug = (int) strtoul (arg_string, &ptr, 0);
// uhidevdebug = usbdebug;
uhidevdebug = usbdebug;
if (ptr) uhubdebug = (int) strtoul (ptr, &ptr, 0);
......@@ -1155,7 +1133,7 @@ static _kernel_oserror *re_discover(_kernel_swi_regs *r, void *pw, void* h)
// struct device* dev;
if(rd_active) return NULL;
for (int i = 1; i < usbbus_no; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < usbbus_no; i++)
if (get_softc (i << 16) != NULL)
......@@ -1183,12 +1161,12 @@ struct device* riscos_usb_attach
announce_attach = false;
char str[sizeof "USB$Ignore_VVVV_PPPP"];
char* getenv (const char*);
int atoi (const char*);
char* getenv (const char*);
int atoi (const char*);
dprintf (("", "Trying match on ignore device\n"));
char* getenv (const char*);
int atoi (const char*);
char* del ;
char* getenv (const char*);
int atoi (const char*);
char* del ;
sprintf (str, "USB$Ignore_%04X_%04X", ((struct usb_attach_arg*)aux)->vendor, ((struct usb_attach_arg*)aux)->product);
dprintf (("", "look for %s.. got x%sx\n",str,getenv (str)));
......@@ -1214,10 +1192,10 @@ reloop:
if (get_usbdev (usbdev_no)!=NULL)
if( usbdev_no != startnum)
goto reloop; /* not looped yet .. try again */
((usbd_device_handle)dev)->dv_unit = usbdev_no++;
......@@ -1618,15 +1596,9 @@ match:
if (aux->ifaceno == UHUB_UNK_INTERFACE)
sysvar_attach = true;
<<<<<<< usbmodule
dprintf (("", "Found match for %s = %s\n", str, name));
len = strlen (name);
len = strlen (name);
dprintf (("", "Found match for %s\n", name));
>>>>>>> 1.26
struct sysvar_callback* sc =
malloc (sizeof *sc + len + strlen (val));
......@@ -1646,7 +1618,7 @@ match:
void kill_system_variable (int unit)
char str[sizeof "DeviceFS$USBnnnnnn$Options "];
sprintf (str,"USB$Device_*_USB%d",unit);
while (_swix (OS_SetVarVal, _INR(0,4), str, 0, -1, 0, 0) == NULL)
......@@ -1778,11 +1750,6 @@ _kernel_oserror* discover_callback (_kernel_swi_regs* r, void* pw, void* sc)
return NULL;
if (bus->root_hub == NULL)
dprintf (("", "discover called before root hub established\n"));
return NULL;
_swix (Hourglass_On, 0);
_swix (Hourglass_LEDs, _INR(0,1), 1, 0);
......@@ -1886,27 +1853,7 @@ void bufins (void* dma, void* x)
CallBufMan (&r);
<<<<<<< usbmodule
static void
usbd_trim_spaces(char *p)
char *q, *e;
if (p == NULL)
q = e = p;
while (*q == ' ') /* skip leading spaces */
while ((*p = *q++)) /* copy string */
if (*p++ != ' ') /* remember last non-space */
e = p;
*e = 0; /* kill trailing spaces */
void usbd_devinfo_vp(usbd_device_handle dev, char* v, size_t vl, char* p, size_t pl, int usedev)
void usbd_devinfo_vp(usbd_device_handle dev, char* v, size_t vl, char* p, size_t pl, int usedev)
>>>>>>> 1.26
_kernel_oserror* e = NULL;
usb_device_descriptor_t *udd = &dev->ddesc;
......@@ -1922,23 +1869,8 @@ void usbd_devinfo_vp(usbd_device_handle dev, char* v, size_t vl, char* p, size_t
if (usedev)
if (usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iManufacturer, v))
vendor = NULL;
vendor = v;
if (usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iProduct, p))
product = NULL;
product = p;
if (vendor && !*vendor)
vendor = NULL;
if (product && !*product)
product = NULL;
} else {
vendor = NULL;
product = NULL;
vendor = usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iManufacturer, v);
product = usbd_get_string(dev, udd->iProduct, p);
if (vendor == NULL) {
......@@ -2041,7 +1973,7 @@ static void find_interface_and_endpoint
valid->ep_type = UE_BULK;
dprintf (("", "looking for %x, iface %x, alt %d, type %x, dir %x\n",
dprintf (("", "looking for %x, iface %d, alt %d, type %x, dir %x\n",
valid->endpoint, valid->interface, valid->alternate,
valid->ep_type, dir));
......@@ -2181,13 +2113,13 @@ static _kernel_oserror* device_initialise
struct iface_softc* ifc;
/* throw off mice or keyboards */
switch ((int) (ugen->sc_udev->subdevs[n]->dv_cfdata))
case 3:
case 4:
ifc = (struct iface_softc*) ugen->sc_udev->subdevs[n];
if (ifc->sc_iface->index == iface)
if (ifc->sc_iface->index == iface)
dprintf (("", "throwing off subdevice %d\n", n));
/* compact the list first */
......@@ -2299,13 +2231,13 @@ void start_write (struct devstream* str);
void start_read (struct devstream* str);
static void write_cb(usbd_xfer_handle xfer, usbd_private_handle priv,
usbd_status status)
usbd_status status)
struct devstream* str = priv;
dprintf (("", "Bad completion code: %d (%s), %d bytes read\n", status, ccodes[status], xfer->actlen));
dprintf (("", "Bad completion code: %d (%s), %d bytes written\n", status, ccodes[status], xfer->actlen));
......@@ -2380,19 +2312,19 @@ void start_write (struct devstream* str)
str->xfer->rqflags |= URQ_RISCOS_BUF;
dprintf (("", "transferring %d bytes\n", r.r[2]));
str->xfer->rqflags |= URQ_RISCOS_BUF;
dprintf (("", "transferring %d bytes\n", r.r[2]));
str->xfer->status = usbd_transfer (str->xfer);
str->xfer->status = usbd_transfer (str->xfer);
/* this can either return in progress, or normal completion (if
the pipe wasn't already running) */
if (str->xfer->status != USBD_IN_PROGRESS &&
str->xfer->status != USBD_NORMAL_COMPLETION)
dprintf (("", "Failed to insert transfer, status = %d (%s)\n",
str->xfer->status, ccodes[str->xfer->status]));
/* this can either return in progress, or normal completion (if
the pipe wasn't already running) */
if (str->xfer->status != USBD_IN_PROGRESS &&
str->xfer->status != USBD_NORMAL_COMPLETION)
dprintf (("", "Failed to insert transfer, status = %d (%s)\n",
str->xfer->status, ccodes[str->xfer->status]));
......@@ -2407,7 +2339,7 @@ void start_write (struct devstream* str)
static void read_cb(usbd_xfer_handle xfer, usbd_private_handle priv,
usbd_status status)
usbd_status status)
struct devstream* str = priv;
......@@ -2427,22 +2359,6 @@ static void read_cb(usbd_xfer_handle xfer, usbd_private_handle priv,
/* only start another transfer if we haven't finished the transfer and
this is not a interrupt endpoint (the BSD framework restarts
repeating transfers) */
<<<<<<< usbmodule
if ((xfer->actlen % UGETW(xfer->pipe->endpoint->edesc->wMaxPacketSize)) &&
str->count != str->totalcount && !xfer->pipe->repeat)
char zero[ UGETW(xfer->pipe->endpoint->edesc->wMaxPacketSize)];
memset (zero, 0, sizeof zero);
/* fill up the rest of the request with garbage! */
_kernel_swi_regs r;
r.r[0] = BM_InsertBlock;
r.r[1] = (int) str->buffer_id;
r.r[2] = (int) zero;
r.r[3] = str->totalcount - str->count;
CallBufMan (&r);
else if (str->count != str->totalcount && !xfer->pipe->repeat)
/* if we've got a number of bytes including a part packet, then
transfer must have ended.. else.. try more */
// if(!xfer->pipe->repeat)
......@@ -2460,7 +2376,7 @@ static void read_cb(usbd_xfer_handle xfer, usbd_private_handle priv,
// dprintf (("", "Fill insert %x bytes\n",r.r[3]));
// CallBufMan (&r);
// }
// else if (str->count != str->totalcount)
// else if (str->count != str->totalcount)
// {
// dprintf (("", "Starting read from callback\n"));
// start_read (str);
......@@ -2481,7 +2397,6 @@ static void read_cb(usbd_xfer_handle xfer, usbd_private_handle priv,
CallBufMan (&r);
else if (str->count != str->totalcount && !xfer->pipe->repeat)
>>>>>>> 1.26
dprintf (("", "Starting read from callback\n"));
start_read (str);
......@@ -2598,26 +2513,26 @@ void start_read (struct devstream* str)
dprintf (("", "starting (bulk/interrupt) transfer of %d bytes\n",
dprintf (("", "starting (bulk/interrupt) transfer of %d bytes\n",
fill_isoc_xfer (str, maxpacket);
dprintf (("", "starting (isoc) transfer of %d bytes\n", str->size));
dprintf (("", "starting (isoc) transfer of %d bytes\n", str->size));
str->xfer->rqflags |= URQ_RISCOS_BUF;
str->xfer->rqflags |= URQ_RISCOS_BUF;
str->xfer->status = usbd_transfer (str->xfer);
/* this can either return in progress, or normal completion (if
the pipe wasn't already running) */
if (str->xfer->status != USBD_IN_PROGRESS &&
str->xfer->status != USBD_NORMAL_COMPLETION)
dprintf (("", "Failed to insert transfer, status = %d (%s)\n",
str->xfer->status, ccodes[str->xfer->status]));
str->xfer->status = usbd_transfer (str->xfer);
/* this can either return in progress, or normal completion (if
the pipe wasn't already running) */
if (str->xfer->status != USBD_IN_PROGRESS &&
str->xfer->status != USBD_NORMAL_COMPLETION)
dprintf (("", "Failed to insert transfer, status = %d (%s)\n",
str->xfer->status, ccodes[str->xfer->status]));
reentry = 0;
......@@ -2629,7 +2544,7 @@ end:
void terminate_stream (struct ugen_softc* ugen, struct devstream * str, int kill)
dprintf (("", "terminate stream %p, ep %x, kill = %d\n",
str, str->ep, kill));
str, str?str->ep:0, kill));
if (str == NULL)
......@@ -2986,19 +2901,11 @@ _kernel_oserror* driver (_kernel_swi_regs* r, void* pw)
start_read (str);
// dprintf (("", "inserting interrupt transfer\n"));
// usbd_setup_xfer(
// str->xfer,
// str->pipe,
// str,
// (void*) str->buffer_id,
// UGETW(str->pipe->endpoint->edesc->wMaxPacketSize),
// str->timeout,
// read_cb);
// str->xfer->status = usbd_transfer (str->xfer);
/* obviously only do this if we're an in endpoint */
if (UE_GET_DIR(str->ep) == UE_DIR_IN)
case DeviceFSCallDevice_MonitorTX:
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