Jeffrey Lee authored
Add workaround for incorrect sizeof(usb_status_t), disable debug_set_stamp_debug(TRUE) to fix interrupt issue Detail: build/c/ehcimodule, build/c/ohcimodule, build/c/usbmodule - Make sure that timestamped debug messages aren't used, as they appear to cause interrupts to be briefly enabled, which causes all kinds of problems in sensitive bits of the code. dev/usb/c/usbdi, dev/usb/c/usbdi_util, dev/usb/h/usb - Because DISABLE_PACKED is being used to compile the USB drivers, sizeof(usb_status_t) was being calculated as 4 bytes instead of 2. Somehow this works fine with the EHCI driver (and presumably the OHCI driver), but it was causing problems with the MUSBDriver, so a hardcoded size of 2 is now used. Admin: Tested on rev C2 beagleboard. Version 0.48. Tagged as 'NetBSD-0_48'