Commit 279177ce authored by Kevin Bracey's avatar Kevin Bracey
Browse files

Version RO_3_71 taken

parent a0f37cd9
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
; (no change to object)
; 27-Mar-91 ECN Internationalised
; 21-May-93 TMD Applied "-1" correction to timer latch programming
; 31-Jan-97 MJS Fix the bug that means CallEvery is requested twice
; (see SingleCallEveryFix)
GET Hdr:ListOpts
GET Hdr:Macros
......@@ -43,6 +45,15 @@
LEADR Module_LoadAddr
;Fix bug such that CallEvery is requested twice during start-up - once
;on module init, once when ServiceReset is seen. This is a latent bug
;since RO 3.1. It means that corrections are done on the very short
;period between the double CallEvery's, and may inject very large time
;rate variations (which then are not recorrected until the next main
;period, currently 1 hour).
GBLL SingleCallEveryFix
SingleCallEveryFix SETL {TRUE}
TAB * 9
LF * 10
FF * 12
......@@ -75,6 +86,9 @@ RTCCentiLo # 4
RTCCentiHi # 4
IOCCentiLo # 4
IOCCentiHi # 4
[ SingleCallEveryFix
NCorrections # 4 ;no. of corrections made - just to aid test monitoring
MessageFile_Block # 16
MessageFile_Open # 4
......@@ -123,7 +137,7 @@ RTC_Title
= "RTCAdjust"
= "0.04 (21 May 1993)", 0
= "0.05 (31 Jan 1997)", 0
; **************************************************************************
......@@ -222,6 +236,9 @@ DoInit ENTRY
MOV R0, #0
STR R0, CallBackPending
STR R0, FailureMode
[ SingleCallEveryFix
STR R0, NCorrections
BL InitVars
......@@ -235,6 +252,14 @@ DoInit ENTRY
[ SingleCallEveryFix
;remove previous request if any, in case this is the second
;request on start-up (one from module init, one from Service_Reset)
ADR R0, MyCallEvery
MOV R1, R12
SWI XOS_RemoveTickerEvent
LDR R0, =Period-1 ; adjust for bug
ADR R1, MyCallEvery
MOV R2, R12
......@@ -468,6 +493,11 @@ Recalibrate ENTRY "R0-R9"
ADD R13, R13, #2*4
STR R0, FailureMode
[ SingleCallEveryFix
LDR R0, NCorrections
ADD R0, R0, #1
STR R0, NCorrections
; **************************************************************************
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