1. 30 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • Rob Thornburrow's avatar
      Support for the IMM (Iomega Match Maker) protocol added to allow newer · b034a806
      Rob Thornburrow authored
        Zip drives to work.
        - Now supports the IMM protocol, as used by the latest Iomega drives
          (Zip Plus, 250 etc.).  PPADriver has enough intelligence to swap
          protocols between PPA/IMM depending on the drive currently connected.
        - SWI PPADriver_Reset has been added to PPADriver.  This SWI sends a
          reset pulse to the Zip drive, returning it to a known state.  The SWI
          makes no judgement to which protocol is in use (in case the drive is
          in such a state that the protocol can not be deduced) so both
          protocols are used - PPA followed by IMM.
        - The service call Service_PreReset is now caught and the SWI
          PPADriver_Reset is called.  The same SWI is also called in the module
          initialisation.  These should help reduce disc trashing.
        - If a non-PPA or non-IMM drive (or no drive at all) is connected, the
          module realises that it cannot communicate and therefore does not
          attempt to communicate.  This...
  2. 21 Nov, 2000 1 commit
    • David Cotton's avatar
      Now allows binary to be built during the resources phase. · 7ccdbe10
      David Cotton authored
          For years IZipFS and PPADriverJ have been binary exports in the Boot
      component. Now we are moving to a 32-bit world, we need to have both 26 and
      32 bit compatible versions. Rather than have two binaries in CVS (and have
      the normal hassles of keeping them up to date), PPADriverJ has been altered so that if you pass in the flags
            -options TYPE=install RES=!Boot.Modules it will install the built
      module to the given directory during the resources phase. If there is no TYPE
      flag then the component will build as normal.
          Tested in a Lazarus 32-bit build.
      Version 1.00, Tagged as 'PPADriverJ-1_00-1_2_2_3'
  3. 26 Oct, 2000 1 commit
  4. 25 Oct, 2000 1 commit
    • Stewart Brodie's avatar
      32-bit compatible. · 9d5a7bf8
      Stewart Brodie authored
        First attempt at making this module 32-bit compatible.  Only a couple
          of bug fixes, the main one being that if the OS_Module call fails
          during module initialisation, it now returns with V set instead of
          F set (the FIQ disable bit).
        Built (26-bit and 32-bit)
        Not tested.
      Version 1.00, Tagged as 'PPADriverJ-1_00-1_2_2_1'
  5. 07 Oct, 1999 2 commits
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Changed to use srccommit. · 0f8be843
      Kevin Bracey authored
      Our version doesn't attempt to mess with the CC TurboDrivers. This reduces
      system load (so my game of Cataclysm doesn't judder :) and will stop all
      those "SWI &41446 not known" errors popping up.
      Version 1.00. Tagged as 'PPADriverJ-1_00'
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      created by srccommit. · 6db5fecb
      Kevin Bracey authored
  6. 23 Apr, 1997 1 commit
  7. 08 Apr, 1997 3 commits
  8. 07 Apr, 1997 1 commit