- 12 Jul, 2001 2 commits
ROOL authored
Sprout from master 2001-07-12 16:50:42 UTC Steve Revill <srevill@gitlab.riscosopen.org> ' Changed STB-400 NVRAM Tags file.' Cherrypick from master 2000-10-16 09:52:14 UTC Rob Thornburrow <rthornb@gitlab.riscosopen.org> ' Fixed build related problems.': MkClean,fd7 MkRam,fd7 MkTrace,fd7 Cherrypick from Spinner 1997-03-18 18:10:15 UTC Steve Cormie <scormie@gitlab.riscosopen.org> 'Initial version.': MkRom,fd7 dev/nvramres/Contents dev/nvramres/Mk,fd7 dev/nvramres/MkClean,fd7
Steve Revill authored
Detail: Allocated a 1KB chunk of the STB-400 NVRAM to the Customer N software. This is for their code to play with so I have no idea what it will contain. Admin: No tests performed. Version 0.57. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_57'
- 20 Apr, 2001 1 commit
Justin Kelly authored
Detail: The macro NVRAMSWI_Base was being defined in the exported header nvram.h as well as the global header swis.h, causing a multiple definition warning. The exported header version has now been macro wrapped to prevent it being multiply defined. Admin: Tested in a Lazarus build. Version 0.56. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_56'
- 19 Apr, 2001 1 commit
David Cotton authored
Detail: Reordered the makefile slightly. There is now a Docs directory, in which is a file that contains detail of the five SWIs that were added to version 0.48 of this module. This information was not available elsewhere and needs to go into the FS sometime. Replace the Mk... obey files with !Mk... files. The header files now include the five new SWI definitions. Admin: Untested. Version 0.55. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_55'
- 07 Dec, 2000 1 commit
Stewart Brodie authored
Detail: Exports Resources.<System>.Tags during BBE resource phase. Admin: Tested in BBE. Version 0.54. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_54'
- 27 Nov, 2000 1 commit
Simon Forrest authored
Detail: * MakeImage (for Lazarus/Bethany systems) is now South Africa aware. Non-supported countries are deliberately omitted so as to ensure that the NVRAM cannot be programmed with an unsupported territory. Admin: * Tested on RPC. Verified the resultant NVRAM image. Version 0.53. Not tagged
- 16 Nov, 2000 1 commit
Simon Forrest authored
- 25 Oct, 2000 1 commit
Rob Thornburrow authored
Admin: ECO4397 Will point the tag NVRAM-0_53 to point to this, so it will check out with the correct sources.
- 24 Oct, 2000 1 commit
Rob Thornburrow authored
Detail: The NVRAM image creator for Lazarus/Bethany has been updated to be aware of a DefaultTimeZone flag. It takes a standard time zone (ie. +9:30) and converts it to an integer to store in the NVRAM. Admin: The produced outputs look correct. Still need to update the functional spec and update copy in DO, but I'll do this tomorrow as I want to go home now... Version 0.53. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_53'
- 16 Oct, 2000 1 commit
Rob Thornburrow authored
Detail: Various Makefile bugs were preventing CMHG from working correctly resulting in build failures. The CMHG automatically generated header.h file is now removed during a MkClean along with the dynamic dependices. Admin: Build testing performed on local machine. Version 0.52. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_52'
- 13 Oct, 2000 1 commit
Rob Thornburrow authored
Detail: Updated section 2.2.3 (Default settings) to include country codes as required by Bethany to make the document more complete. Admin: NVRAM version remains the same as this is not a functional change. The tag on this function specification will be moved to NVRAM-0_51.
- 12 Oct, 2000 1 commit
Rob Thornburrow authored
Added support for a default country to prevent non-UK Bethany boxes being set to UK on a hard reset. Detail: Countries are now specified as the country name, not the RISC OS country code as previous versions. Fixed bug by where the NVRAM locations for DefaultTerritory and ModemCountry were swapped. Also fixed bug regarding the NVRAM setting for DefaultTerritory. When storing this, the value must be the RISC OS country code EOR 1. Admin: Spec updated (included here in the Resources directory). ECO number 4392. Software modifications tested on my Risc PC and on the Bethany hardware. Version 0.51. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_51'
- 11 Oct, 2000 1 commit
David Cotton authored
Detail: Now supports CSFS tags being available within the configuration file. To compile this functionality in, then compile the code with the SUPPORT_CSFS preprocessor flag set. Altered the DefaultCountry and ModemCountry tags so that their types are now correct. This will stop a potential bug from occuring. Tags are now written into the BootBlock area if they have a TagType greater than zero. This allows us to disperse the tags in the internal big_list in a more sane manner. Also added an example config file for CSFS support. Admin: Tested. Please note that if giving this code to outside customers for the Customer A-based projects they must not get any of the SUPPORT_CSFS-enabled code. Plase strip this out if sending the code outside the company. Version 0.50. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_50'
- 26 Sep, 2000 1 commit
Robert Catherall authored
Tidied up indirect tags pointing to integer values. Detail: If the default field is enclosed in quotes it is taken as being a string the escape character is currently a forward slash. Any character apart from '\0' may be used in the string so in theory any data type could be encoded provided it doesn't need a 0 byte anywhere in it. Infact this would be easy to fix - the removal of the escape characters could be done as the string is copied into the cache buffer so 0 bytes could be escaped. When a string is read and temporary buffer is allocated and it's address is returned in the value field. To indicate this a bit in the flag word is set LOCATION_FLAGS_POINTER - this bit is not useful outside the module but is returned by NVRAM_Lookup. c/nvram FullReset & LockedReset both modified to understand what to do if LOCATION_FLAGS_POINTER is set GetLocation now takes an extra argument either TRUE or...
- 08 Sep, 2000 1 commit
Robert Catherall authored
Added SWI NVRAM_Lookup which takes a pointer to a Tag in r0 on entry and returns startbyte within NVRAM (suitable for use with OS_NVMemory) in r0, startbit within byte in r1, length in r2 and flags in r3 Added SWI NVRAM_Set and Get which take the same arguments as Read and Write but now return error pointers in r0 an error occurs instead of a -ve number. Added SWI NVRAM_SetBytes and GetBytes which work like Set/Get but also take an offset in r3 that is added to the address of the Tag to allow access to part of a Tag without needing to read or write the whole thing. Detail: NVRAM_Read and Write used to pass on proper RISC OS errors if an external error was generated, but returned a -ve number in r0 if an internal error occured. NVRAM_Get and Set behave properly and use the error block 0x00819200 this also means that Set preserves r0 (it used to return 0 for success) For compatibility Read and Write have not been removed but are deprecated, additionally the new error codes are t...
- 11 Aug, 2000 1 commit
Justin Fletcher authored
Detail: * On advice from Stewart, tied nvcheck utility version number to the parent component. * MkClean script modified to only remove files, not recursing through the directory structure. Admin: Briefly tested that it compiles. No other changes made. Version 0.47. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_47'
- 10 Aug, 2000 4 commits
Justin Fletcher authored
Detail: * After discussion with Kevin, changed to using <> instead of "'s around indirected tags. This might allow strings to be included at some future date. Admin: Tested. Works the same as before. Version 0.46. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_46'
Justin Fletcher authored
Detail: * Indirected tag checking support added to identify tags which refer to tags which don't exist or cyclic dependencies. * Initial work to allow Throwback to be dropped in if it's ever needed. * Now includes a versionnum file to ensure that versions of the file can be identified. Admin: Tested with the supplied test file and a number of real well-formed files. Version 0.02. Not tagged
Justin Fletcher authored
Justin Fletcher authored
Detail: * Tags with a default value as a tagname in quotes will use the default value from that tag. This will allow certain tags to be programmed into the NVRAM at manufacture which are always restored, regardless of the configuration of the main tag. This is required * For reasons of ease, parts of the decoding process have been reworked; with the effect that pointers to register blocks aren't passed around now. Admin: Tested locally; needs testing in a full build. This feature is needed for Bethany to support a default country, so that they will always start in a valid state. Version 0.45. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_45'
- 02 Aug, 2000 1 commit
Justin Fletcher authored
Detail: * This code was previously on the internal Customer A website, but has now been moved to CVS control. Admin: Generates correct images for Bethany EEPROM. Version 0.44. Not tagged
- 26 Jun, 2000 1 commit
Steve Revill authored
Detail: The Desktop module has been moved nearer the top of the Components for STB-400 to avoid any future confusion about module lists getting out-of-sync. Admin: To be tested in ROM build STB400151c Version 0.44. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_44'
- 23 Jun, 2000 1 commit
Steve Revill authored
Detail: The MPEGDriver module initialises another module, MPEGDriver+, during ROM init. This means that *ROMMOdules and SYS"OS_Module" enumerations of the module chain give different valued for the Desktop module. Thus, the configured language was missing the Desktop module by one place (hitting WindowManager). This fix is until the ROM build of MPEGDriver is changed to link-in MPEGDriver+ on Service_PostInit. Admin: To be tested in build STB400151A Version 0.43. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_43'
- 17 May, 2000 1 commit
Alistair Rodger authored
Detail: Added DebugLib to the trace file. All of the tags for the DSL400 resource are 3 digits with the exception of one this has been fixed. Admin: Oh! ran it a couple of times. Prodded it with a stick, it seemed alright. Version 0.42. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_42'
- 13 Mar, 2000 3 commits
Steve Revill authored
Detail: MPEGDriver creates a dummy module which puts numbering of modules out by one (ie: configured language!). Version 0.41. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_41'
Steve Revill authored
Detail: The new, improved NetTime module requires a four-byte block for the SystemTime. This tag has been added for the STB-400 build. Admin: Untested. Version 0.40. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_40'
Alistair Rodger authored
* This is a change to the STB400 tags file only Version 0.39. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_39'
- 10 Mar, 2000 2 commits
Steve Revill authored
Detail: The configured language is stored in byte 185 (&B9) and is set to default to the Desktop module. Admin: Untested. Version 0.38. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_38'
Alistair Rodger authored
* added the 'WideScreenSignalling' tag. This is used by the DENC driver to determine if the STB will send signalling over the SCART connection to determine the picture type. Admin: * this has been passed through the CheckNVRAM utility. Version 0.37. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_37'
- 07 Mar, 2000 1 commit
Kevin Bracey authored
Version 0.36. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_36'
- 28 Feb, 2000 1 commit
Alistair Rodger authored
CVS has managed to gets its knickers in a twist and not tag all of the files on the last check-in so there are no changes between 0.35 and 0.34 Version 0.35. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_35'
- 21 Feb, 2000 1 commit
Alistair Rodger authored
Version 0.34. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_34'
- 11 Feb, 2000 2 commits
Ben Avison authored
* WimpAutoScrollDelayUnit was missing * WimpIconiseButton had the wrong default value Version 0.33. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_33'
Alistair Rodger authored
Changed all of the locations to be three digit hex i.e. &XXX. and ensured that the locations were in order, ran it through the test script, and checked it with a test module. Version 0.32. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_32'
- 10 Feb, 2000 2 commits
Alistair Rodger authored
Version 0.31. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_31'
Kevin Bracey authored
SecondaryFileSystem was overlapping the TV tags. NetworkBootFileSystem replaced by SecondaryFileSystem (new name). Missing newline at end of file stopped MAC address working. Version 0.30. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_30'
- 09 Feb, 2000 2 commits
Alistair Rodger authored
Version 0.29. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_29'
Alistair Rodger authored
Version 0.28. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_28'
- 08 Feb, 2000 1 commit
Alistair Rodger authored
Version 0.27. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_27'
- 11 Jan, 2000 1 commit
Stewart Brodie authored
Detail: New tag: SecondaryFileSystem added to hold the second-stage boot filesystem for STB400. Admin: See diffs between revision 1.3 and 1.4 of the STB400 tags file for details of the other IPConfig additions. Version 0.26. Tagged as 'NVRAM-0_26'