Commit 2a7c44db authored by Tim Roddis's avatar Tim Roddis
Browse files

Modifications for Phoebe HW.

parent 26a160c7
No related merge requests found
......@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ Module_BaseAddr
GET Hdr:MsgTrans
GET Hdr:NdrDebug
GET Hdr:Podule
GET Hdr:HostDebug
GET Hdr:HostFS
GET Version
......@@ -49,11 +53,13 @@ Module_BaseAddr
GBLL debugmod
GBLL debugtmp
GBLL debugwt
GBLL debugtgr
debug SETL false
debugmod SETL false ; Module debug
debugtmp SETL false ; Temporary debug
debugwt SETL false ; Misc debugging by WT
debugmod SETL false ; Module debug
debugtmp SETL false ; Temporary debug
debugwt SETL false ; Misc debugging by WT
debugtgr SETL false
hostvdu SETL false
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -72,9 +78,19 @@ AnalogueJoyFire * DigitalJoystickAddress
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
[ AD1816_Podule
AnalogueJoy * &88400800
AnalogueJoyFire * &03220000
AnalogueIrqReg * &032000e0 ; Provisional MORRIS address
AnalogueStatusReg * &032000e4 ; " " "
......@@ -118,11 +134,23 @@ DigitalFireBit * 1 :SHL: 4
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
AnalogueJoy0FireShift * 4
AnalogueJoy0Fire * 3 :SHL: AnalogueJoy0FireShift
AnalogueJoy1FireShift * 6
AnalogueJoy1Fire * 3 :SHL: AnalogueJoy1FireShift
AnalogueAdvalFireA * 1 :SHL: AnalogueJoy0FireShift
AnalogueAdvalFireB * 1 :SHL: AnalogueJoy1FireShift
AnalogueJoy0Fire * &0f :SHL: 0
AnalogueJoy1Fire * &0f :SHL: 8
AnalogueAdvalFireA * 1 :SHL: 0
AnalogueAdvalFireB * 1 :SHL: 8
UpCode * &00040 ; 64 in byte 0
DownCode * &000C0 ; -64 in byte 0 (signed)
LeftCode * &0C000 ; -64 in byte 1 (signed)
......@@ -145,10 +173,12 @@ workspace RN R12
^ 0,workspace
message_file_open # 4
message_file_block # 4*4
[ {TRUE} ;Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
magic_chan_one # 4
magic_chan_two # 4
magic_chan_three # 4
magic_chan_four # 4
range_chan_one # 4 ;Split XXXXYYYY where XXXX is max-min, YYYY is min
range_chan_two # 4 ;
range_chan_three # 4 ;
......@@ -158,9 +188,13 @@ misc_flags # 1
adc_numchanstosample # 1
adc_lastconversion # 1
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
defaultrange * &1700 ;These happen to suit Quickshot Warrior (cheap & nasty!)
defaultmin * &50 ;PC-compatible joysticks
defaultrange * &1000 ;These happen to suit Quickshot Warrior (cheap & nasty!)
defaultmin * &30 ;PC-compatible joysticks
SixteenBitFlag * 1 ;This is a SWI entry flag, _NOT_ a misc flag
NoJoystickFlag * 1 :SHL: 0 ;However, these _ARE_ the misc flags!
......@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ Init
MOVVS r1, #0
LDRVC r1, magic_chan_one ;r1 contains the podule id byte in bits 0->7
Debug wt,"Read back from type detect:",r1
TST r1, #DetectHardwareBit ; Check for hardware first
BNE NoHware
......@@ -84,13 +83,10 @@ Init
; ORR r1, r1, #RstFlags ; Set the reset flags too
STRB r1, misc_flags ; And store it away, zeroing the rest of the misc flags too.
BLNE init_analogue ; And then go set it in action...
MOV r1, #AnalogueFlag
STRB r1, misc_flags
BL init_analogue
;Initialise any other flags
......@@ -145,14 +141,15 @@ Die
MOV r0,#7
MOV r2,r12
SWI XOS_Module ; Clear workspace
[ Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
BL StopTickyRoutine
BL Shut_Down
Pull "r4,pc",,^
[ Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
Push "r0-r2,lr"
......@@ -171,7 +168,7 @@ StopTickyRoutine
SWI XOS_Release ; Release the ticker routine
Pull "r0-r2,pc"
Push "r0,lr"
......@@ -188,6 +185,14 @@ Shut_Down
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Initialising the analogue registers in Morris
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
LDR r0, =AD1816_SSBase
LDRB r1, [r0, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
ORR r1, r1, #SS_JWRP :OR: (SS_JMSK_Mask :SHL: SS_JMSK_Shift)
STRB r1, [r0, #SS_JoystkCtrl] ; set sampling off circa every 16 ms
STRB r1, [r0, #SS_JoystkPos]
STRB r1, [r0, #SS_JoystkPos + 4]
LDR r1, =AnalogueIrqReg
MOV r0, #&0f ;Enable all channels, but don't allow irqs
STRB r0, [r1] ;
......@@ -195,7 +200,7 @@ init_analogue
LDR r1, =AnalogueControlReg
MOV r0, #&0f ;Counters on, discharge off
STRB r0, [r1]
MOV pc,lr
......@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ SWInames
Push "r2-r5,lr"
Push "r1"
Push "r1-r6,lr"
CMP r11, #3
......@@ -37,15 +36,18 @@ SWIhandler
LDR r12,[r12] ; Get workspace from private word
ADD pc, pc, r11, LSL #2 ; Jumptable calculation
MOV r0, r0 ; dummy instruction
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
B Read
B AreWeAnaOrDigi ; Oh look! it's a jumptable after all...
B Calib_SWIS ; If it's the calibrationTL SWI, then go do it...
B Calib_SWIS ; If it's the calibrationBR SWI, then go do it...
01 ADR r0,ErrorBlock_BadSWI ; Uh Oh!
addr r4, Title
BL msgtrans_errorlookup
Pull "r1",VS
Pull "r2-r5,pc",VS
Pull "r1-r6,pc",VS
......@@ -58,6 +60,54 @@ ErrorBlock_BadJoystick
DCB "BadJoy",0
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
MOV r5, r0, LSR #8 ; R5 contains the flag info now
AND r0, r0, #&FF ; Mask off the flags from R0
CMP r0, #1 ; Test against 1
ADRHI r0,ErrorBlock_BadJoystick ; Too high
BLHI msgtrans_errorlookup
Pull "r1-r6,pc",VS ; Return if error
LDR r6, =AD1816_SSBase
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_RawJoystk]
ANDNE r3, r4, #AnalogueJoy0Fire ; Pick out Joystick 0 fire buttons
EORNE r3, r3, #AnalogueJoy0Fire ; Invert them
MOVNE r4, r3, LSL #16 - AnalogueJoy0FireShift ; Put in byte 2 of R4
ANDEQ r3, r4, #AnalogueJoy1Fire ; Pick out Joystick 1 fire buttons
EOREQ r3, r3, #AnalogueJoy1Fire ; Invert them
MOVEQ r4, r3, LSL #16 - AnalogueJoy1FireShift ; Put in byte 2 of R4
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
TST r3, r3, #SS_JRDY
CMP r0, #1
BIC r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_Mask
; figure out which joystick was wanted (above)
; read in relevant two channels
ORRNE r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_AX ; Get x axis
ORREQ r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_BX ;
STRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r1, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get 16-bit
LDRB r2, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; x position
ORR r1, r1, r2, LSL # 8 ; into r1
BIC r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORRNE r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_AY ; Get y axis
ORREQ r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_BY ;
STRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r2, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get 16-bit
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; y position
ORR r2, r2, r3, LSL # 8 ; into r2
;Don't upset R0 or R4!
......@@ -78,8 +128,7 @@ AreWeAnaOrDigi
BL StartTickyRoutine ; If set, special case...
Debug wt,"Ticky tick tick started"
05 MOV r0, #0 ; Dummy value to return from the SWI (centred joystick)
Pull "r1"
Pull "r2-r5,pc" ; All done, let's go
Pull "r1-r6,pc" ; All done, let's go
; Drop through to...
......@@ -96,8 +145,7 @@ Joystick_ReadAnaSWICode
CMPNE r0, #0 ; No, but did we really want Joystick 0?
ADRNE r0,ErrorBlock_BadJoystick ; Nope, so it's not a valid joystick ( >1 )
BLNE msgtrans_errorlookup
Pull "r1",VS
Pull "r2-r5,pc",VS ; Return if error
Pull "r1-r6,pc",VS ; Return if error
;Now sort out the fire buttons, into R4
LDR r4, [r3] ; Latch &
......@@ -113,42 +161,44 @@ Joystick_ReadAnaSWICode
;Do twiddling to go from raw to 16 or 8 bits scaled
LDR r1, [r1] ; Read the X channel
LDR r2, [r2] ; Read the Y channel
MOV r3, #&ff
ORR r3, r3, r3, LSL #8 ; Now we have &ffff in r3
AND r1, r1, r3 ; Clear the top 16 bits from r1...
AND r2, r2, r3 ; ... and from R2.
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
MOV r3, #&ff
ORR r3, r3, r3, LSL #8 ; Now we have &ffff in r3
;Now scale to cover the entire 16-bit range (0 -> &ffff)
BL ExpandRange ; NB: This routine needs the joystick number in R0!
TST r5, #SixteenBitFlag ; Do we want 16 or 8 bit results?
BNE %FA30 ; Sixteen, so jump
; Bug fix applied to the following - TGR
MOV r3, r1, LSR #8 ; If 8-bits,
TST r3, #1<<7 ;bit 7 set?
BICNE r3, r3, #1<<7 ;Clear top bit then.
EOREQ r3, r3, #&ff ;Nope, so invert all bits.
MOV r1, r3 ; this bit
MOV r3, r2, LSR #8 ; twiddling
TST r3, #1<<7 ;bit 7 set?
BICNE r3, r3, #1<<7 ;Clear top bit then.
EOREQ r3, r3, #&ff ;Nope, so invert all bits.
SUB r3, r3, #128 ; range -128 to 127
AND r3, r3, #&ff ; 8-bit signed
MOV r1, r3 ;
MOV r3, r2, LSR #8 ;
SUB r3, r3, #128
AND r3, r3, #&ff
MOV r2, r3 ; .
;Put the values into the result word if 8-bit values wanted
MOV r0, r4
ORR r0, r0, r2 ; Put the Y in the result
ORR r0, r0, r1, LSL #8 ; Put the X in the result
Pull "r1"
Pull "r2-r5,pc" ; All done, let's go
Pull "r1-r6,pc" ; All done, let's go
;Put the values into the result word, unsigned
30 Pull "r5" ; Pull r1 into r5 so we can fill it instead...
MOV r0, r2 ; Put the Y axis value in R0
ORR r0, r0, r1, LSL #16 ; Put the X axis value in R0
MOV r1, r4, LSR #16 ; Put switch bits in R1, bottom byte
Pull "r2-r5,pc" ; End of story
Pull "r2-r6,pc" ; End of story
[ IOMD_C_JoystickDetectBits <> 0
......@@ -166,8 +216,7 @@ Joystick_ReadDigSWICode
CMPNE r0, #0 ; But did we?
ADRNE r0, ErrorBlock_BadJoystick ; Nope, so error & quit
BLNE msgtrans_errorlookup
Pull "r1",VS
Pull "r2-r5,pc",VS
Pull "r1-r6,pc",VS
;At this point, we have the joystick info in the low byte of r2
MOV r0, #0 ; Clear R0!
......@@ -182,10 +231,10 @@ Joystick_ReadDigSWICode
TST r2, #DigitalFireBit ; And finally the fire bit (in byte 2)
ORREQ r0, r0, #FireCode
Debug wt,"Done calculatin'"
Pull "r1"
Pull "r2-r5,pc" ; All done, let's go
Pull "r1-r6,pc" ; All done, let's go
[ Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
......@@ -202,9 +251,10 @@ StartTickyRoutine
MOV r1, #4 ; Claim VSync event
Pull "pc",,^
;On entry, R0=joystick number, R1=Xval, R2=Yval, R3=&ffff, R4=fires, R5=16-bit flag
;On exit, R0=joystick number, R1=scaled Xval, R2=scaled Yval, R3=&ffff, R4=fires, R5=16-bit flag
......@@ -232,6 +282,8 @@ ExpandRange
CMP r0, #0 ;Joystick 0 or 1?
LDREQ r4, range_chan_two
LDRNE r4, range_chan_four
Debug tgr,"Y was ",r2
Debug tgr,"Range is ",r4
AND r5, r4, r3 ;R5=min calib
SUBS r6, r2, r5 ;R6=value-min
MOVMI r6, #0 ; Don't allow R6 < 0
......@@ -243,6 +295,8 @@ ExpandRange
CMP r2, #0
MOVMI r2, #0 ;and a 0 min
Debug tgr,"Y is ",r2
;Ranges done, now invert R1,R2 if necessary
LDRB r4, range_polarity
......@@ -268,6 +322,7 @@ ExpandRange
Calib_SWIS ;R2 to R5 and LR are pushed, as is R1 (separately)
;Need optional checks here to determine axis polarity.
[ Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
LDRB r2, misc_flags
TST r2, #FirstTimeFlag ; Check the first time flag if we're analogue
BEQ %FT48 ; Not first time, so don't set the ticky thing going
......@@ -277,15 +332,111 @@ Calib_SWIS ;R2 to R5 and LR are pushed, as is R1 (separately)
SWI OS_Byte ;Wait for a VSync so we get some sensible values...
SWI OS_Byte ;Wait for a VSync so we get some sensible values...
SWI OS_Byte ;Wait for a VSync so we get some sensible values...
48 MOV r1, #&ff
LDR r6, =AD1816_SSBase
[ Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
MOV r1, #&ff
ORR r1, r1, r1, LSL #8 ;R1 is &ffff
LDRB r2, misc_flags
TST r2, #CalibrateFlag
BNE %FT50 ;This is the second calibration!
ORR r2, r2, #CalibrateFlag ;I'm 'aving a CALIBRATE!
STRB r2, misc_flags
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
TST r3, r3, SS_JRDY
CMP r0, #1
BIC r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_AX ; Get x axis
STRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r2, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r2, r4, r2, LSL # 8 ; position
STR r2, range_chan_one
BIC r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_AY ; Get y axis
STRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r2, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r2, r4, r2, LSL # 8 ; position
STR r2, range_chan_two
BIC r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_BX ; Get x axis
STRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r2, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r2, r4, r2, LSL # 8 ; position
STR r2, range_chan_three
BIC r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_BY ; Get y axis
STRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r2, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r2, r4, r2, LSL # 8 ; position
STR r2, range_chan_four
Pull "r1-r6, pc"
50 BIC r2, r2, #CalibrateFlag ;Clear the calibrate flag
STRB r2, misc_flags
LDRB r1, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
TST r1, r1, SS_JRDY
CMP r0, #1
MOV r2, #0 ;Clear R2 ready to accept polarity flags
BIC r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_AX ; Get x axis
STRB r1, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r3, r4, r3, LSL # 8 ; position
LDR r4, range_chan_one ;Previous reading
MOV r5, #polarity_chan_one
BL DoRanging
STR r3, range_chan_one
BIC r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_AY ; Get y axis
STRB r1, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r3, r4, r3, LSL # 8 ; position
LDR r4, range_chan_two ;Previous reading
MOV r5, #polarity_chan_two
BL DoRanging
STR r3, range_chan_two
BIC r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_BX ; Get x axis
STRB r1, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r3, r4, r3, LSL # 8 ; position
LDR r4, range_chan_three ;Previous reading
MOV r5, #polarity_chan_three
BL DoRanging
STR r3, range_chan_three
BIC r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r1, r1, #SS_JSEL_BY ; Get y axis
STRB r1, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; 16-bit
ORR r3, r4, r3, LSL # 8 ; position
LDR r4, range_chan_four ;Previous reading
MOV r5, #polarity_chan_four
BL DoRanging
STR r3, range_chan_four
LDR r2, magic_chan_one ;Take snaphots
AND r2, r2, r1
STR r2, range_chan_one
......@@ -299,8 +450,7 @@ Calib_SWIS ;R2 to R5 and LR are pushed, as is R1 (separately)
AND r2, r2, r1
STR r2, range_chan_four
Pull "r1"
Pull "r2-r5,pc"
Pull "r1-r6,pc"
;Right, munge stuff to get range-min pairs & polarities
......@@ -335,31 +485,31 @@ Calib_SWIS ;R2 to R5 and LR are pushed, as is R1 (separately)
MOV r5, #polarity_chan_four
BL DoRanging
STR r3, range_chan_four
Debug wt,"Storing r2 as ",r2
STRB r2, range_polarity
Pull "r1"
Pull "r2-r5,pc"
Pull "r1-r6,pc"
CMP r3, r4 ;Sort out which way around they are to get the 'range'
BPL %FT60 ;first call was the smaller X1
BPL %FT60 ;first call was the smaller
SUB r4, r4, r3 ;R4 = range now
SUB r4, r4, r4, LSR #12 ;Decrease the range slightly at CWhyte's request :-P
; SUB r4, r4, r4, LSR #12 ;Decrease the range slightly at CWhyte's request :-P
CMP r4, #0
MOVEQ r4, #1
ORR r3, r3, r4, LSL #16 ;Combine the min & range in r3
CMP r11, #1 ;Is this 2nd call the TR?
ORREQ r2, r2, r5 ;Nope, so we need reverse polarity
Debug wt,"After a doranging, r2 is ",r2
Debug tgr,"range is ",r3
MOV pc, lr
60 SUB r3, r3, r4 ;R3 = range now
SUB r3, r3, r3, LSR #12 ;Decrease the range slightly at CWhyte's request :-P
; SUB r3, r3, r3, LSR #12 ;Decrease the range slightly at CWhyte's request :-P
CMP r3, #0
MOVEQ r3, #1
ORR r4, r4, r3, LSL #16 ;Combine the min & range in r4
......@@ -367,6 +517,7 @@ DoRanging
ORRNE r2, r2, r5 ;Yup, so we need reverse polarity
Debug wt,"After a doranging.., r2 is ",r2
MOV r3, r4
Debug tgr,"range is ",r3
MOV pc, lr
LNK s.Service
......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ Service
Pull "r0,r12,pc",EQ,^ ;It's a digital i/f, so ignore the service
TST r0, #CalibrateFlag ;and the 'calibrate' flag
Pull "r0,r12,pc",NE,^ ;It's being calibrated at the mo, so ignore the service
[ Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
TST r0, #FirstTimeFlag ;Is the ticky routine going yet?
Push "r0-r5",NE
MOV r4, r14 ;Grab the value of R12 into R4 from R14
BLNE StartTickyRoutine ;Nope, so go start it
Pull "r0-r5",NE
;I know I should be claiming ByteV, but doing it this way is the easiest
;way to ensure that if present, the I/O podule will get to the UKByte first...
;However, it does mean that we can't indicate any errors :-(
......@@ -86,6 +86,41 @@ OSByte128
; BLT %BT05 ;Bzzt, wrong answer!
CMP r3, #0
[ Codec_Type = "AD1816"
LDR r1, =AD1816_SSBase
LDRB r3, [r1, #SS_RawJoystk]
AND r3, r3, #AnalogueAdvalFireA :OR: AnalogueAdvalFireB
ORR r3, r3, r3, LSR #1
MOV r3, r3, LSR #AnalogueJoy0FireShift
LDRB r4, adc_lastconversion
B %FT20
MOV r0, #0 ; bit mask in use
TEQ r3, #1
TEQ r3, #2
TEQ r3, #3
TEQ r3, #4
TEQ r0, #0
Pull "r0, r12, pc",EQ,^ ; not one of ours
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
TST r3, r3, #SS_JRDY
CMP r0, #1
BIC r3, r3, #SS_JSEL_Mask
ORR r3, r3, r4 ; which channel to read
STRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkCtrl]
LDRB r3, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos] ; Get lo order byte
LDRB r4, [r6, #SS_JoystkPos + 4] ; Get hi order byte
B %FT20
;Do the fire bit reading here
LDR r3, =AnalogueJoyFire
LDR r4, [r3] ; Latch &
......@@ -112,6 +147,7 @@ OSByte128
MOV r4, r0, LSR #8 ; R4 (Y) contains the high 8 bits now
B %FT20 ; Claim & quit
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
; > Sources.Ticky
[ Codec_Type <> "AD1816"
TickerRoutine ;Periodically executes, updating the magic locations.
CMP r0, #4
......@@ -163,7 +165,7 @@ SortChan4 ;Don't use R4!
MOV pc, lr ;Return
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