Commit 00d0c4c3 authored by Neil Turton's avatar Neil Turton
Browse files

Version Spin_merge taken

parent 2329f52d
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ OldOpt SETA {OPT}
; 16-Apr-91 DDV Added StreamCreated reason code.
; 04-Jan-93 JSR Added PrinterDestination_SCSIPrinter
; 17-May-94 AMcC Changed to using the preferred SWI base and name symbols
; 30-Apr-96 RWB Added DeviceCall_IOCtl
; 28-May-96 RWB Added ParentFlag_DeviceUpcalls
SWIClass SETS DeviceFSSWI_Name
......@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ ParentFlag_BlockDevice * 1:SHL:0 ; bit 0 set => block device
ParentFlag_FullDuplex * 1:SHL:1 ; bit 1 set => device is full duplex
ParentFlag_MonitorTransfers * 1:SHL:2 ; bit 2 set => MonitorTX/RX available
ParentFlag_MonitorEOF * 1:SHL:3 ; bit 3 set => Monitor EOF on reading
ParentFlag_DeviceUpcalls * 1:SHL:4 ; bit 4 set => Issue device upcalls
DeviceFlag_BufferedDevice * 1:SHL:0 ; bit 0 set => device should be buffered
DeviceFlag_DefinePathVariable * 1:SHL:1 ; bit 1 set => setup a <device>$Path variable for this object
......@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ DeviceCall_EndOfData * 10 ; has end of data been reached
DeviceCall_StreamCreated * 11 ; stream has now been created reason code.
DeviceCall_MonitorTX * 12 ; is TX going OK?
DeviceCall_MonitorRX * 13 ; is RX going OK?
DeviceCall_IOCtl * 14 ; perform IOCtl
DeviceCall_ExternalBase * &80000000 ; all reasons with bit 31 set are for device dependant use
......@@ -127,7 +127,16 @@
; 07-Sep-93 0.28 SMC Escape now returns error number 17.
; Fixed bug in fs_put where Escape was ignored.
; 04-Feb-94 0.29 TMD Move GET hdr:Territory below GET hdr:NewErrors
; 26-Apr-96 0.30 RWB Implemented OS_Args 2 (Read open file extent) to return
; number of bytes in buffer.
; 30-Apr-96 0.31 RWB Implemented OS_Args 9 (IOCtl) to dispatch IOCtl reason call
; to underlying device driver.
; 14-May-96 0.32 RWB Overload OS_Args 2 to return free space in buffer if a tx
; stream.
; 22-May-96 0.33 RWB Issue an upcall when buffer becomes non-dormant.
; Issue upcalls with stream handle when thresholds are passed
; 14-Jun-96 0.34 RWB Pass file switch handle through to device driver during
; device initialisation.
GET hdr:ListOpts
GET hdr:Macros
......@@ -280,7 +289,12 @@ pf_BlockDevice * 1:SHL:0 ; bit 0 set => Block device (ie. floppy
pf_FullDuplex * 1:SHL:1 ; bit 1 set => Device supports full duplex operation
pf_MonitorTransfers * 1:SHL:2 ; bit 2 set => monitor transfers
pf_MonitorEOF * 1:SHL:3 ; bit 3 set => monitor EOF during read
[ issue_device_upcalls
pf_DeviceUpcalls * 1:SHL:4 ; bit 4 set => issue stream upcalls on buffer thresholding
pf_AllowedBits * pf_BlockDevice+ pf_FullDuplex+ pf_MonitorTransfers+ pf_MonitorEOF+ pf_DeviceUpcalls
pf_AllowedBits * pf_BlockDevice+ pf_FullDuplex+ pf_MonitorTransfers+ pf_MonitorEOF
ff_FileInputOutput * 1:SHL:0
ff_FileForTX * 1:SHL:0 ; bit 0 set => TX
......@@ -1523,32 +1537,48 @@ UpCall ROUT
TEQ r0, #UpCall_BufferFilling
TEQNE r0, #UpCall_BufferEmptying
MOVNES pc, lr ; quick check to see if mine
MOVNES pc, lr ; quick check to see if mine
Push "r0-r4"
Push "r0-r4,pr"
LDR r3, FilesAt ; -> start of the file list
LDR r3, FilesAt ; -> start of the file list
TEQ r3, #0 ; end of the files list?
Pull "r0-r4", EQ
MOVEQS pc, lr ; yes, so unstack and then exit
TEQ r3, #0 ; end of the files list?
Pull "r0-r4,pr", EQ
MOVEQS pc, lr ; yes, so unstack and then exit
LDR lr, [r3, #file_BufferHandle]
TEQ lr, r1 ; is it our buffer?
TEQ lr, r1 ; is it our buffer?
LDRNE r3, [r3, #file_Next]
BNE %00 ; loop until all checked
BNE %00 ; loop until all checked
TEQ r0, #UpCall_BufferFilling
MOVEQ r0, #DeviceCall_Halt
MOVNE r0, #DeviceCall_Resume ; convert to an understandable device call
MOVNE r0, #DeviceCall_Resume ; convert to an understandable device call
LDR r1, [r3, #file_Parent]
LDR r2, [r3, #file_InternalHandle]
BL CallDevice
STRVS r0, [sp] ; write the error address to frame
Pull "r0-r4, lr" ; balance stack (pull extra one to claim vector)
BICVCS pc, lr, #V_bit ; only errors are external
STRVS r0, [sp] ; write the error address to frame
[ issue_device_upcalls
; check to see if device driver wants these upcalls forwarding
BVS %10
LDR pr, [r3, #file_Parent]
LDR r1, [pr, #parent_Flags]
TST r1, #pf_DeviceUpcalls
BEQ %10
; now issue upcalls based on stream handle
TEQ r0, #DeviceCall_Halt
MOVEQ r0, #UpCall_DeviceThresAbove
MOVNE r0, #UpCall_DeviceThresBelow
LDR r1, [r3, #file_FSwitchHandle]
STRVS r0, [sp]
Pull "r0-r4,pr, lr" ; balance stack (pull extra one to claim vector)
BICVCS pc, lr, #V_bit ; only errors are external
ORRS pc, lr, #V_bit
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
......@@ -85,9 +85,10 @@ fs_control & fs_name -module_start ; -> fs name, eg
& fs_args -module_start ; -> fs args
& fs_close -module_start ; -> fs close
& fs_file -module_start ; -> fs file
fs_infoword & fsinfo_special+ fsinfo_flushnotify+ fsinfo_dontusesave+ fsnumber_DeviceFS
fs_infoword & fsinfo_special+ fsinfo_flushnotify+ fsinfo_dontusesave+ fsinfo_extrainfo+ fsnumber_DeviceFS
& fs_func -module_start ; -> fs func
& fs_gbpb -module_start ; -> gbpb routine
& fsextra_IOCtl
ADR r0, ErrorBlock_DeviceFS_BadOp
......@@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ open_input
LDR r6, [fr, #file_UserSpecialData] ; -> decoded special field string
MOV r2, fr ; = internal handle
LDR r4, [fr, #file_FSwitchHandle]
MOV r1, pr
MOV r0, #DeviceCall_Initialise
BL CallDevice ; attempt to call the device
......@@ -382,6 +384,7 @@ open_output
Debug open, "file flags", r3
LDR r6, [fr, #file_UserSpecialData] ; -> decoded special field string
LDR r4, [fr, #file_FSwitchHandle]
MOV r2, fr
MOV r1, pr
MOV r0, #DeviceCall_Initialise
......@@ -485,8 +488,14 @@ make_buffer ROUT
STR r0, [fr, #file_BufferHandle]
LDR r1, [fr, #file_Flags]
[ wakeup_data_present
TST r1, #ff_FileForTX
ADRNE r1, wakeup ; normal tx wakeup
ADREQ r1, wakeup_rx ; special rx wakeup
ANDS r1, r1, #ff_FileForTX ; if an output device (r1<>0)
ADRNE r1, wakeup ; then use real wake up code else use none
ADR r2, detach ; try to close stream if someone tries to detach
MOV r3, fr
MOV r4, wp ; workspace + private word
......@@ -532,6 +541,26 @@ wakeup ENTRY "r0-r3"
SWI XBuffer_ModifyFlags
[ wakeup_data_present
; wake up code, this is called when some data is inserted into a dormant RX buffer.
wakeup_rx ENTRY "r0-r2"
MOV r2, pc
ORR r0, r2, #SVC_mode
TEQP r0, #0
Push "lr"
MOV r0, #UpCall_DeviceRxDataPresent
LDR r1, [r8, #file_FSwitchHandle]
Pull "lr"
TEQP r2, #0
; detach code, this is called when someone tries to deregister the buffer, or link it some other device
detach ENTRY "r0-r2"
......@@ -807,7 +836,14 @@ fs_put ENTRY "r0-r2, fr, r9"
fs_args ROUT
CMP r3, #3
BNE %1
Push "r0-r1"
MOV r0, #&3500000
LDR r1, =&40ff0000
STR r1, [r0]
Pull "r0-r1"
Debug args, "fs_args called with reason code", r0
TEQ r0, #fsargs_SetEXT ; ignore SetEXT
......@@ -816,29 +852,117 @@ fs_args ROUT
TEQ r0, #fsargs_SetPTR
TEQNE r0, #fsargs_EnsureSize
TEQNE r0, #fsargs_WriteZeroes
BEQ fs_badop ; these ones give nice clean and tidy errors
BEQ fs_badop ; these ones give nice errors
TEQ r0, #fsargs_ReadPTR
TEQNE r0, #fsargs_ReadEXT
TEQNE r0, #fsargs_ReadSize
MOVEQ r2, #0 ; these ones return size pointer
MOVEQ r2, #0 ; return 0
MOVEQS pc, lr
TEQ r0, #fsargs_ReadEXT
BEQ args_ext
TEQ r0, #fsargs_IOCtl
BEQ args_ioctl
TEQ r0, #fsargs_ReadLoadExec
BEQ args_loadexec
TEQ r0, #fsargs_Flush ; is it a flush?
TEQ r0, #fsargs_Flush ; is it a flush?
BEQ args_flush
TEQ r0, #fsargs_EOFCheck ; is it a eof read?
BEQ args_eof ; then do it
TEQ r0, #fsargs_EOFCheck ; is it a eof read?
BEQ args_eof ; then do it
B fs_badop
; handle ioctl's
args_ioctl ENTRY "r0-r3, fr,pr"
MOV fr, r1 ; -> file record
LDR pr, [fr, #file_Parent]
MOV r0, #DeviceCall_IOCtl
MOV r1, pr
MOV r3, r2 ; shift r2 up a reg
MOV r2, fr
BL CallDevice
STRVS r0, [sp]
PullEnv VS
ORRVSS pc, lr, #V_bit
; handle checking of the file extent
args_ext ENTRY "r0-r1,r3-r6, fr"
MOV fr, r1 ; -> file record
LDR r0, [fr, #file_BufferHandle]
CMP r0, #-1 ; is the object buffered
BEQ %FT10 ; look at rx/tx word
; is this a tx stream
LDR r0, [fr, #file_Flags]
TST r0, #ff_FileForTX
BNE %5
[ FastBufferMan
MOV r0, #BufferReason_UsedSpace
LDR r1, [fr, #file_BufferPrivId]
SWI XBuffer_GetInfo
STRVS r0, [sp]
PullEnv VS
ORRVSS pc, lr, #V_bit
[ :LNOT: FastBufferMan
MOV r6, r2
; deal with tx stream
[ FastBufferMan
MOV r0, #BufferReason_FreeSpace
LDR r1, [fr, #file_BufferPrivId]
SWI XBuffer_GetInfo
STRVS r0, [sp]
PullEnv VS
ORRVSS pc, lr, #V_bit
[ :LNOT: FastBufferMan
MOV r6, r2
; handle checking the EOF flag within the system. Could return errors, assumes that r1
; on entry contains the internal handle passed to and from fileswitch to the filing
; system.
; handle the case where none-buffered, just a word
LDR r0, [fr, #file_RXTXWord]
CMP r0, #-1 ; RX/TX word full
MOVEQ r2, #0 ; no
MOVNE r2, #1 ; yes
; is this a tx stream
LDR r0, [fr, #file_Flags]
TST r0, #ff_FileForTX
CMP r2, #0
MOVEQ r2, #1
MOVNE r2, #0
; handle checking the EOF flag within the system. Could return errors, assumes
; that r1 on entry contains the internal handle passed to and from fileswitch to
; the filing system.
checkeof ENTRY "r2" ; internal routine,
BL args_eof
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