• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Source file subdivision · eea0d135
    Robert Sprowson authored
    The sources to DOSFS had become rather jumbled and monolithic
    * Split FileSwitch interface out into seperate ops source files.
    * Combined international error lookup with MsgTrans code.
    * Split utility functions into 'Helpers.c' along with wildcard matching functions.
    * Moved DOS naming functions into, erm, 'DOSnaming.c'.
    * Makefile tweaked to remove 'symbols' on clean.
    * Obsolete 'Help' and 'Syntax' placed in attic.
    RAM, debug, and ROM targets built. RAM target tested with a DOS floppy disc.
    Version 0.96. Tagged as 'DOSFS-0_96'
DOSnaming 20.6 KB