Commit 5a88813f authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson
Browse files

Fixed up a deprecated push (in OSBgetBput), untangled two STM single reg (in OSFile).

Delete unused 'KernelFSW'.
 Retire some crusty definitions
 Reserve OS_FSControl reason codes used by ROL

Version 2.71. Tagged as 'FileSwitch-2_71'
parent 2e8eb101
......@@ -23,6 +23,312 @@ Filing system support.
Change Log:
; 1.20 is major rework for reentrancy. Released to Sam for new 1.21+ OS's
; 1.21 internal
; 1.22 GBPB write ordering rehack
; 1.23 Block freeing reorder, transient freeing fixed
; 1.2401 GBPB 9/10/11 fixes; Count/Wipe/Copy allow longer names. Less stack use
; 02 Read address of EnvString/EnvTime to set command line up
; 03 Fix totalsize addition in CopyDirectory errors
; 04 Debungling version to suss grope fulkup
; 05 Removed FED (Palette) types because of inconsistent use
; 06 Debungling version to suss aasm fulkup
; 1.2501 Some OSArgs bugs fixed, Unbuffered filing systems work again
; 02 Error buginess removed, BGet fixed
; 03 Debungling for close problem
; 04 Copy fixed wrt. restamping
; 05 Changed error text of copying onto dir to make sense
; 06 Debugging version, bad file names returned in error strings
; 07 Template and BBC ROM types added
; 08 Palette actions put back in again
; 1.2601 Alias$@xxxType reinstated
; 02 Debugging for transient run problems
; 03 Transient sp bug fixed
; 1.2701 foo.!Run stuff added. Debungling messages in LowLevel fixed
; 02 Error overflow better handled ...
; 03 Added FileType_xxx variables
; 04 Added FileType_xxx variable handling
; 05 Debug for copy/wipe exception
; 06 FSUtils revamped/fixed. StructureOnly copy option added. Code
; shorter, stack frame smaller, global area smaller
; 1.2801 Added -newer option to copy
; 02 Upcalls for osfile/osfind added
; 03 SetType takes names for file types
; 04 Pervy calling mechanism when in ROM now !
; 05 Changed LCat to not give spurious BadFileName error. Changed help
; 06 Fixed -newer option. New FileTypeFromString op
; 07 Fixed *count st. only files counted
; 08 Refixed *count st. it printed again !
; 1.2901 Added BPut cache
; 02 Added WriteCAO call to get proper divorce from OS
; 03 Cache debugging again
; 04 Filename debugging for C
; 05 _FED set to WimpPalette
; 1.3001 Added flush buffers call for Nick to ensure his buffers to disc
; Gave to Sam for 1.34? MOS
; 1.3101 Fixed copy -newer to use unsigned CMP (works better)
; 02 Debugging osfind
; 03 Append handle works now for mistakes in Read/WriteMultiple
; 1.3201 Changed ReadActionVariable to produce 1.20 compatible aliases again
; Also loops over numeric variables to see if variable does exist
; 02 Fixed !Run stuff in ExPathCommon and handle leak in *copy. OS 1.35
; 1.3301 Fixed *copy t option to force r as well
; 02 *copy now saner wrt. 'not copied' and skipping with reason
; 03 *wipe/*count also saner; doesn't say 'and is locked' after datecmpfail
; 04 *copy syntax relaxed. ReadTime shorter. Commoned up more utils code
; 05 Fixed major mistake with globalerror and errors going missing in
; reentrant situations. *opt shorter. Speedup in FS entry code
; 06 Tried to fix OSGBPB unnecessary underlay reading
; 07 Added *FileInfo
; 08 Fixed vector problems
; 09 Fixed BPut/BGet cache causing write to UnallocatedStream
; 10 Fixed BPut/BGet stack corruption
; 11 Fixed BPut stack level
; 12 Fixed file restamping
; 13 Added WimpRun alias for FEB
; 14 Debugging for HCM GBPB bug
; 1.3401 Fixed HCM GBPB bug
; 02 Added WimpRun file type
; 03 Added 'Too big' error
; 04 Another GBPB bug fixed, added the other day. code slightly smaller
; Also checks GBPB write to see if silly (bug 601)
; WimpRun changed to Obey for new scheme of things. New MOS
; 1.3501 Obey changed to FEA; GBPB power of two inefficiency believed solved
; 02 Rename and Access now do UpCall
; 03 fp now restored in error cases before CopyError! fp set to 0 in commns
; 04 ReadFSName FSControl added; lots saved in FSControl by commoning up
; 05 Fixes in *copy syntax relaxation, move code shavings
; 06 Fixed GBPB write ordering for efficient write behind. Into MOS ...
; 07 Chase core corruption in *copy. Made better wrt. being in ROM
; 1.3601 Copy fixed; also has use abs buffer option for JThackray
; Writes 'DEAD' into file load and exec while invalid during copy
; 02 Fulkup in SFreeCopy fixed; BPut cache moved to kernel
; 03 Obey changed to FEB again
; 04 Debug for settype. Released for 1.60 MOS
; 1.3701 Fixed call to GetFileBuffer in OSGBPB ReadMultiple
; 02 SetType <number> fixed
; 03 Changes to help texts; uses tokenised forms now. Uses Immediate for
; backwards addressing. New copy option (L)
; 04 Fixed GBPB write bug and inefficiency
; 05 Finally tracked Copy wierd behaviour down to routines getting VSet
; from date comparisons ! Aaargh. Debug for deep wipes. Bugs in
; file closing, block deallocation fixed in copy
; 06 Changed errors to not overflow in all cases. Upcall from close
; 1.3801 Changed heap allocation to try and extend system heap if claim fails
; 02 Fixed help strings wrt. Token0's
; 03 Seriously wacky new buffer allocation in progress. Caution !!!
; 04 Changed copy a * to use CopyWildObject not CopyObject
; 05 Fixed copy to do XOS_Find to close files rather than BL CloseFile
; as globalerror being set gave totally confusing error messages
; when the destination gave an error in creation and we closed src!
; 06 Debug for copy upcall; upcall fixed to recognise MediaNotKnown
; and pass on in sensible order
; 1.3901 Copy upcall fixed to check upcall reason after it gets passed back
; 02 Help messages fixed again
; 03 And again
; 04 debug for SetExtent in ReadMail. False alarm - Twin had changed!
; 1.4001 New code for moving bytes around in and out of buffers
; Tweaked prompt to say 'Quiet/Abandon'
; 02 Fixed minor bits in FSUtils user interfake, bug in PromptSpaceBar
; 03 Made OpenOut return scb_modifed always. Made Make,ClearCritical macros
; 04 If ROM FileSwitch got restarted with different workspace, it could
; corrupt 01800014 anyway if errors!
; 05 Changed string allocation to be kept locally, rather than fully
; globally to allow dethreading of FileSwitch in any order.
; 06 0 accepted as '*' for wildcard match in OS_GBPB (so Logistix works)
; 07 fp used to get distinct upcall handlers. some bugs in string alloc
; 08 now only one instance of upcall handlers, with ref count, as could not
; guarantee uniqueness between domains.
; 09 irq debugging help for Nick
; 10 permit leading spaces in filename expansion. Fixed wipe/count/rename
; 11 fixed copy (it had a bigger local frame and couldn't cope)
; 1.4101 fixed wipe/count (used non-local object)
; 02 fixed OSArgs for reentrancy stuffing; also faster if not directory
; 03 fixed wipe/count again (used non-local object). Allow longer paths
; 04 got rid of StaticName
; 1.4201 fixed MoveBytes
; 02 Fixed Copy restamp
; 1.4301 added SetContexts call
; 02 make local frame hang backwards off fp to access i/p registers easier
; 03 fixed bug of long standing; could have corrupted FIQ ws before
; 04 speeded up InvalidateCache
; 1.4401 make copy use wimp free slot. Shorten exit sequences. A few more addr
; FileSystem help text fixed
; 02 debug for bget
; 1.4501 OSFile_MakeError
; 1.4601 Changed way copy treats sources of memory
; 1.4701 Start to put path stuff in
; 02 Better test for date stamp (CMN &00100000). Better RUN errors
; 03 debugging on FSControl for FileCore redeclaration
; 04 Take ValidateAddress out of GBPB so that copy works under wimp - it
; also slows GBPB down far too much. Punter made responsible; sorry!
; 05 OSArgs/OSGBPB speeded up if rc in 00..FF, slower otherwise
; 06 Changed !Run implementation as it had rotted
; 1.4801 Changed back to ConvertCardinal for PrintFullSize. SpacedCardinal yuk
; 02 REEEEEELY nasty BPut speedup for kernel cache; deviant wp
; 1.4901 Conditionally removed AppendHandleToError
; 02 Fixed bugs introduced by above change
; 1.5001 Tweak messages for copy verbose
; 02 Separate data lost errors on flushes to foul correct stream
; Made it behave better if you do strange things with task module
; Made it do less disc swaps if P and L options set -> ~L always
; 03 Added type for PoScript
; 04 Fixed Rename errors for wildcards to be more consistent
; 05 Fixed Copy CDir not to look for object now Bruce has got it right
; 06 Didn't bother to do the above as we got more meaningful error
; Make errors where parent dir of dest not a dir better
; More concrete copy Q; bum - I can't do the above ^^^ cos of null: etc
; Make errors in loading files during newapp go sprong
; ------------------- release for 1.85 ---------------------------
; 1.5101 Debug for copy Q
; 02 Approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSUtils: changed dummy userbuffer to &4000 so it doesn't conflict
; with apl claim/release.
; added another test on the util_look bit so that Copy using
; GBPB doesn't prompt twice
; removed spurious 3 instructions
; fixed CopyDirectory with respect to dest dir locking
; 03 More approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; OSGBPB: fixed so exception conditions don't sprong and unbuffereds
; work again
; FSControl: fixed so service comes AFTER UpCall again like it was
; 04 More approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; OSFile: fixed so duff reason codes don't explode
; FSCommon: fixed so SFreePathString doesn't corrupt caller's V
; 05 Unapproved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSUtils: Way I was doing apl locking was wally and wrong
; also didn't get &8000 as buffer pointer in one path thru
; Fixed amusing bug when we get 0 bytes back from all sources!
; 1.5201 More approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSCtrl2: Fixed so gives bad file type error
; FSUtils: Fixed so it does StartApplication in Copy Q
; FSCommon:Tweaked to allow the above change
; 02 Now does domain stuff properly on alloc/free all
; 03 LowLevel: Now takes space as a terminator for OPT 1 string
; FSCommon: tweaks to strxxx to allow the above
; 04 Approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSUtils: fix copy bug with ~F~C in GBPB case; take off one disc swap
; when source has expired, fix copy bug with stamping wrong
; file in copy p case
; 05 Unapproved changes for 1.86:
; FSControl: set MOS handlers in StartApplication (see Sam)
; 06 FileSwBody: Alter number of args for Cat/LCat
; 07 FSUtils: Don't prompt ever if datecmp fails.
; 08 Debug for file corruption problem - was in RamFS drivers
; 1.5301 FSCtrl2: Fix for ConvertHandle
; 02 Debug for other file corruption problem
; 1.5401 StreamBits: Fixed FlushSomeone to remove buffer reference from
; flushed stream
; 1.55 FileSwBody: run type of text files := *Type
; ----------------------- release for RISC OS 2.00 ----------------
; 1.56 FSCommon: Fixed use of path:fred in ops that use path strings or nopath
; FileSwBody: added run type for Desktop (&FEA) files
; 1.57 FSControl: prepend tempfs name onto FullFileName in ReadActionVariable
; 1.58 OSGBPB: Call FlushBuffer_IfNoError when writing data
; LowLevel: Don't automatically mark stream 'data lost' if error on flushing
; StreamBits: Mark scb 'data lost' when appending ": data lost" onto errors
; Implement FlushBuffer_IfNoError, which leaves the data in the
; buffer intact if there was an I/O error (allows re-tries).
; Note that a stream is now only marked 'data lost' if data which was
; previously successfully written to the stream is subsequently lost
; by FileSwitch. OS_GBPB (when extending) simply returns the error
; to the punter, and leaves its buffers in a consistent state for
; next time. I/O errors while flushing or closing a file cause 'data
; lost', because the file is deemed to have been flushed or closed
; even if there was an error.
; 1.59 File$Type variables added: AF1, AFF, FF2, FF4
; Alias$@RunType variables added for DeskFS:$.Apps applications:
; AFF = DrawFile, FF2=Config, FF9=Sprite, FFF=Text
; Alias$@PrintType_AFF and Alias$@PrintType_FF9 set up
; 1.60 #### Issue fsfunc_LastFileClosed whenever there are no files left open
; #### on the tempfs after a call to CloseFile
; 1.61 Look for foo$Path_Message variable when reporting "Filing system or
; path 'foo:' not found", and replace the error message.
; 1.62 fsfunc_LastFileClosed feature removed
; 1.63 Fixed OS_BPut - didn't properly check for scb_modified being unset
; 1.64 Set up Alias$@RunType_xxx to use Wimp$State code variable
; 1.65 Remove all references to DeskFS: (now done by !Boot files)
; 1.66 Fix bug: OS_Find of a non-existent file via a path when there is no
; current filing system caused an address exception.
; This is a symptom of a deeper problem - fsinfo_alwaysopen should be
; checked during path lookup, not at the OS_Find stage.
; 1.67 Fix bug: OS_Args 3 (set extent) used to retain a buffer on the file
; which was beyond the new end of file when the file was
; truncated.
; Change &.Hdr. to Hdr:
; 1.70 Implement MultiFS handling
; Reorganise to GET the sources rather than LNKing
; Sort out path variable handling
; Pull up cataloging and examining into FileSwitch
; Handle absolute directories in FileSwitch
; New interfaces:
; OS_FSControl 35 (register MultiFS)
; OS_FSControl 36 (deregister MultiFS)
; OS_FSControl 37 (canonicalise path)
; OS_FSControl 38 (FileInfo to Filetype)
; OS_Args 7 (read path)
; OS_File 20 (ReadWithType)
; OS_File 21 (ReadWithTypePath)
; OS_File 22 (ReadWithTypePathVar)
; OS_File 23 (ReadWithTypeNoPath)
; OS_GBPB 12 (Read dir entries with filetype)
; 1.71 Fixes:
; * Fix OS_File 6 (delete object) to delete without giving error.
; * Fix OS_Find openout such that if the filing system returns any error
; during the create, then fileswitch will resort to using openout,
; rather than openup. This gets NFS#Printer: working.
; * Fix OS_Find path handling when a path string was specified. This fixes a
; bug whereby the Risc OS make sequence gave bad name errors
; erroneously.
; * Fix *Ex to correctly display the dates.
; * Fix *Run and *Load to include the special field when constructing
; filetype specific command lines. ReadActionVariable at fault here.
; * Fix OS_FSControl rename to not complain when renaming to same thing (eg for change of case).
; * Fix OS_FSControl rename to not address exception on error from destination name check.
; * Fix OS_FSControl rename to preserve r7 and r8 too.
; 1.72 More fixes:
; * Fix CanonicaliseSpecialAndDisc and StitchAbsolutePartsTogether to work with
; fsenftry_func CanonicaliseSpecialAndDisc properly
; * Fix FSControl 37 (canonicalise path) to not have heap rot.
; * Fix ResolveWildcard using fsentry_func resolvewildcard.
; 1.74 More fixes:
; * Fix RegisterMultiFS to copy filetype
; * Fix directory handling to not stored unset directories and to fix *Dir functionality to be same as was.
; * Add NoDir, NoURD and NoLib interfaces (commands and FSControl reasons).
; * Fix *Dir without args to set Dir to &.
; 1.75 More fixes:
; * Fix ReadDir's handling of multi-element (internally generated) stored directories.
; * Fix ObtainAbsoluteParts to correctly handle the rejection of ReadDirs.
; 1.76 Fixes and features:
; * Add OSFile_ReadBlockSize
; * Fix generation of Bad OSFile Op errors
; * Split off CatExInfo and construct path stuff from FSControl
; * Add:
; FSControl_DefectList
; FSControl_AddDefect
; FSControl_ReadBootOption
; FSControl_WriteBootOption
; FSControl_UsedSpaceMap
Version 1.57
* File$Type and Alias$@RunType variables set up for type &FEA (Desktop)
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
GBLS Module_HelpVersion
GBLS Module_ComponentName
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "2.70"
Module_Version SETA 270
Module_MajorVersion SETS "2.71"
Module_Version SETA 271
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "20 Oct 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "20-Oct-11"
Module_Date SETS "27 Nov 2011"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "27-Nov-11"
Module_ComponentName SETS "FileSwitch"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/FileSys/FileSwitch"
Module_FullVersion SETS "2.70"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "2.70 (20 Oct 2011)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "2.71"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "2.71 (27 Nov 2011)"
/* (2.70)
/* (2.71)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 2.70
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 2.71
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 20 Oct 2011
#define Module_Date_CMHG 27 Nov 2011
#define Module_MajorVersion "2.70"
#define Module_Version 270
#define Module_MajorVersion "2.71"
#define Module_Version 271
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "20 Oct 2011"
#define Module_Date "27 Nov 2011"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "20-Oct-11"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "27-Nov-11"
#define Module_ComponentName "FileSwitch"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/FileSys/FileSwitch"
#define Module_FullVersion "2.70"
#define Module_HelpVersion "2.70 (20 Oct 2011)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "2:70"
#define Module_FullVersion "2.71"
#define Module_HelpVersion "2.71 (27 Nov 2011)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "2:71"
......@@ -272,12 +272,11 @@ FSControl_ReadFreeSpace64 # 1 ; 55 - These introduced after RISC O
FSControl_DefectList64 # 1 ; 56
FSControl_AddDefect64 # 1 ; 57
; Aliases (to be removed)
FSControl_OPT * FSControl_Opt
FSControl_RUN * FSControl_Run
FSControl_CAT * FSControl_Cat
FSControl_SHUT * FSControl_Shut
FSControl_ROL_EnumerateHandles # 1 ; 58 - In RISC OS Select 1i9
FSControl_ROL_FileSwitchInfo # 1 ; 59 - In RISC OS Select 1i9 (undocumented)
FSControl_ROL_RunAbsolute # 1 ; 60 - In RISC OS Select 4
FSControl_ROL_RunUntyped # 1 ; 61 - In RISC OS Select 4
FSControl_ROL_RunTransientUtility # 1 ; 62 - In RISC OS Select 4
; Sub-reasons to FSControl_StampImage
FSControl_StampImage_NextUpdate * 0
......@@ -353,10 +353,6 @@ urdspaceu DCB "URDSU", 0
; Out Directory catalogued
GBLL CatExLong
CatExLong SETL {TRUE} ; if this is set to TRUE, then *cat, *ex, etc, will attempt
; to make the display look better with long filenames
[ CatExLong
; When long file names are in use, we vary the width of columns according to
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
TTL > Sources.FSCommon : common routines, heap stuff
TTL > Sources.FSCommon - common routines, heap stuff
; System heap used for: fscb, scb, stream buffers
......@@ -49,32 +49,32 @@ FSControlEntry ROUT
; Check reason codes against &.Hdr.File
JTE DirEntry, FSControl_Dir
JTE LibEntry, FSControl_Lib
JTE StartApplicEntry, FSControl_StartApplication
JTE RunTypeEntry, FSControl_RunType
JTE RunEntry, FSControl_Run
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_Cat
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_Ex ; Same as Cat
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_LCat
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_LEx
JTE InfoEntry, FSControl_Info ; Same as Cat
JTE OptEntry, FSControl_Opt
JTE SetFromNameEntry, FSControl_StarMinus
JTE AddFSEntry, FSControl_AddFS
JTE LookupFSEntry, FSControl_LookupFS
JTE SelectFSEntry, FSControl_SelectFS
JTE BootupFSEntry, FSControl_BootupFS
JTE RemoveFSEntry, FSControl_RemoveFS
JTE AddSecondaryFSEntry, FSControl_AddSecondaryFS
JTE ReadFileTypeEntry, FSControl_ReadFileType
JTE RestoreCurrEntry, FSControl_RestoreCurrent
JTE ReadTempModEntry, FSControl_ReadModuleBase
JTE ReadFSHandle, FSControl_ReadFSHandle
JTE ShutFilesEntry, FSControl_Shut
JTE ShutDownEntry, FSControl_ShutDown
JTE AccessEntry, FSControl_Access
JTE RenameEntry, FSControl_Rename
JTE DirEntry, FSControl_Dir
JTE LibEntry, FSControl_Lib
JTE StartApplicEntry, FSControl_StartApplication
JTE RunTypeEntry, FSControl_RunType
JTE RunEntry, FSControl_Run
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_Cat
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_Ex ; Same as Cat
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_LCat
JTE CatEntry, FSControl_LEx
JTE InfoEntry, FSControl_Info ; Same as Cat
JTE OptEntry, FSControl_Opt
JTE SetFromNameEntry, FSControl_StarMinus
JTE AddFSEntry, FSControl_AddFS
JTE LookupFSEntry, FSControl_LookupFS
JTE SelectFSEntry, FSControl_SelectFS
JTE BootupFSEntry, FSControl_BootupFS
JTE RemoveFSEntry, FSControl_RemoveFS
JTE AddSecondaryFSEntry, FSControl_AddSecondaryFS
JTE ReadFileTypeEntry, FSControl_ReadFileType
JTE RestoreCurrEntry, FSControl_RestoreCurrent
JTE ReadTempModEntry, FSControl_ReadModuleBase
JTE ReadFSHandle, FSControl_ReadFSHandle
JTE ShutFilesEntry, FSControl_Shut
JTE ShutDownEntry, FSControl_ShutDown
JTE AccessEntry, FSControl_Access
JTE RenameEntry, FSControl_Rename
[ hascopy
JTE CopyEntry, FSControl_Copy
......@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ Util_IntoDirectory ROUT
; Out Contexts unnested, stack freed
; r0 = old value of util_nskipped
; r1 = util_length (old value of util_totalsize)
; r1 = old value of util_totalsize
Entry "r2-r6,r9-r10"
......@@ -12,372 +12,7 @@
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
TTL > s.FileSwBody : FileSwitch - Top layer of Filing System rubbish
GET VersionASM
GBLA Version
Version SETA Module_Version
; 1.20 is major rework for reentrancy. Released to Sam for new 1.21+ OS's
; 1.21 internal
; 1.22 GBPB write ordering rehack
; 1.23 Block freeing reorder, transient freeing fixed
; 1.2401 GBPB 9/10/11 fixes; Count/Wipe/Copy allow longer names. Less stack use
; 02 Read address of EnvString/EnvTime to set command line up
; 03 Fix totalsize addition in CopyDirectory errors
; 04 Debungling version to suss grope fulkup
; 05 Removed FED (Palette) types because of inconsistent use
; 06 Debungling version to suss aasm fulkup
; 1.2501 Some OSArgs bugs fixed, Unbuffered filing systems work again
; 02 Error buginess removed, BGet fixed
; 03 Debungling for close problem
; 04 Copy fixed wrt. restamping
; 05 Changed error text of copying onto dir to make sense
; 06 Debugging version, bad file names returned in error strings
; 07 Template and BBC ROM types added
; 08 Palette actions put back in again
; 1.2601 Alias$@xxxType reinstated
; 02 Debugging for transient run problems
; 03 Transient sp bug fixed
; 1.2701 foo.!Run stuff added. Debungling messages in LowLevel fixed
; 02 Error overflow better handled ...
; 03 Added FileType_xxx variables
; 04 Added FileType_xxx variable handling
; 05 Debug for copy/wipe exception
; 06 FSUtils revamped/fixed. StructureOnly copy option added. Code
; shorter, stack frame smaller, global area smaller
; 1.2801 Added -newer option to copy
; 02 Upcalls for osfile/osfind added
; 03 SetType takes names for file types
; 04 Pervy calling mechanism when in ROM now !
; 05 Changed LCat to not give spurious BadFileName error. Changed help
; 06 Fixed -newer option. New FileTypeFromString op
; 07 Fixed *count st. only files counted
; 08 Refixed *count st. it printed again !
; 1.2901 Added BPut cache
; 02 Added WriteCAO call to get proper divorce from OS
; 03 Cache debugging again
; 04 Filename debugging for C
; 05 _FED set to WimpPalette
; 1.3001 Added flush buffers call for Nick to ensure his buffers to disc
; Gave to Sam for 1.34? MOS
; 1.3101 Fixed copy -newer to use unsigned CMP (works better)
; 02 Debugging osfind
; 03 Append handle works now for mistakes in Read/WriteMultiple
; 1.3201 Changed ReadActionVariable to produce 1.20 compatible aliases again
; Also loops over numeric variables to see if variable does exist
; 02 Fixed !Run stuff in ExPathCommon and handle leak in *copy. OS 1.35
; 1.3301 Fixed *copy t option to force r as well
; 02 *copy now saner wrt. 'not copied' and skipping with reason
; 03 *wipe/*count also saner; doesn't say 'and is locked' after datecmpfail
; 04 *copy syntax relaxed. ReadTime shorter. Commoned up more utils code
; 05 Fixed major mistake with globalerror and errors going missing in
; reentrant situations. *opt shorter. Speedup in FS entry code
; 06 Tried to fix OSGBPB unnecessary underlay reading
; 07 Added *FileInfo
; 08 Fixed vector problems
; 09 Fixed BPut/BGet cache causing write to UnallocatedStream
; 10 Fixed BPut/BGet stack corruption
; 11 Fixed BPut stack level
; 12 Fixed file restamping
; 13 Added WimpRun alias for FEB
; 14 Debugging for HCM GBPB bug
; 1.3401 Fixed HCM GBPB bug
; 02 Added WimpRun file type
; 03 Added 'Too big' error
; 04 Another GBPB bug fixed, added the other day. code slightly smaller
; Also checks GBPB write to see if silly (bug 601)
; WimpRun changed to Obey for new scheme of things. New MOS
; 1.3501 Obey changed to FEA; GBPB power of two inefficiency believed solved
; 02 Rename and Access now do UpCall
; 03 fp now restored in error cases before CopyError! fp set to 0 in commns
; 04 ReadFSName FSControl added; lots saved in FSControl by commoning up
; 05 Fixes in *copy syntax relaxation, move code shavings
; 06 Fixed GBPB write ordering for efficient write behind. Into MOS ...
; 07 Chase core corruption in *copy. Made better wrt. being in ROM
; 1.3601 Copy fixed; also has use abs buffer option for JThackray
; Writes 'DEAD' into file load and exec while invalid during copy
; 02 Fulkup in SFreeCopy fixed; BPut cache moved to kernel
; 03 Obey changed to FEB again
; 04 Debug for settype. Released for 1.60 MOS
; 1.3701 Fixed call to GetFileBuffer in OSGBPB ReadMultiple
; 02 SetType <number> fixed
; 03 Changes to help texts; uses tokenised forms now. Uses Immediate for
; backwards addressing. New copy option (L)
; 04 Fixed GBPB write bug and inefficiency
; 05 Finally tracked Copy wierd behaviour down to routines getting VSet
; from date comparisons ! Aaargh. Debug for deep wipes. Bugs in
; file closing, block deallocation fixed in copy
; 06 Changed errors to not overflow in all cases. Upcall from close
; 1.3801 Changed heap allocation to try and extend system heap if claim fails
; 02 Fixed help strings wrt. Token0's
; 03 Seriously wacky new buffer allocation in progress. Caution !!!
; 04 Changed copy a * to use CopyWildObject not CopyObject
; 05 Fixed copy to do XOS_Find to close files rather than BL CloseFile
; as globalerror being set gave totally confusing error messages
; when the destination gave an error in creation and we closed src!
; 06 Debug for copy upcall; upcall fixed to recognise MediaNotKnown
; and pass on in sensible order
; 1.3901 Copy upcall fixed to check upcall reason after it gets passed back
; 02 Help messages fixed again
; 03 And again
; 04 debug for SetExtent in ReadMail. False alarm - Twin had changed!
; 1.4001 New code for moving bytes around in and out of buffers
; Tweaked prompt to say 'Quiet/Abandon'
; 02 Fixed minor bits in FSUtils user interfake, bug in PromptSpaceBar
; 03 Made OpenOut return scb_modifed always. Made Make,ClearCritical macros
; 04 If ROM FileSwitch got restarted with different workspace, it could
; corrupt 01800014 anyway if errors!
; 05 Changed string allocation to be kept locally, rather than fully
; globally to allow dethreading of FileSwitch in any order.
; 06 0 accepted as '*' for wildcard match in OS_GBPB (so Logistix works)
; 07 fp used to get distinct upcall handlers. some bugs in string alloc
; 08 now only one instance of upcall handlers, with ref count, as could not
; guarantee uniqueness between domains.
; 09 irq debugging help for Nick
; 10 permit leading spaces in filename expansion. Fixed wipe/count/rename
; 11 fixed copy (it had a bigger local frame and couldn't cope)
; 1.4101 fixed wipe/count (used non-local object)
; 02 fixed OSArgs for reentrancy stuffing; also faster if not directory
; 03 fixed wipe/count again (used non-local object). Allow longer paths
; 04 got rid of StaticName
; 1.4201 fixed MoveBytes
; 02 Fixed Copy restamp
; 1.4301 added SetContexts call
; 02 make local frame hang backwards off fp to access i/p registers easier
; 03 fixed bug of long standing; could have corrupted FIQ ws before
; 04 speeded up InvalidateCache
; 1.4401 make copy use wimp free slot. Shorten exit sequences. A few more addr
; FileSystem help text fixed
; 02 debug for bget
; 1.4501 OSFile_MakeError
; 1.4601 Changed way copy treats sources of memory
; 1.4701 Start to put path stuff in
; 02 Better test for date stamp (CMN &00100000). Better RUN errors
; 03 debugging on FSControl for FileCore redeclaration
; 04 Take ValidateAddress out of GBPB so that copy works under wimp - it
; also slows GBPB down far too much. Punter made responsible; sorry!
; 05 OSArgs/OSGBPB speeded up if rc in 00..FF, slower otherwise
; 06 Changed !Run implementation as it had rotted
; 1.4801 Changed back to ConvertCardinal for PrintFullSize. SpacedCardinal yuk
; 02 REEEEEELY nasty BPut speedup for kernel cache; deviant wp
; 1.4901 Conditionally removed AppendHandleToError
; 02 Fixed bugs introduced by above change
; 1.5001 Tweak messages for copy verbose
; 02 Separate data lost errors on flushes to foul correct stream
; Made it behave better if you do strange things with task module
; Made it do less disc swaps if P and L options set -> ~L always
; 03 Added type for PoScript
; 04 Fixed Rename errors for wildcards to be more consistent
; 05 Fixed Copy CDir not to look for object now Bruce has got it right
; 06 Didn't bother to do the above as we got more meaningful error
; Make errors where parent dir of dest not a dir better
; More concrete copy Q; bum - I can't do the above ^^^ cos of null: etc
; Make errors in loading files during newapp go sprong
; ------------------- release for 1.85 ---------------------------
; 1.5101 Debug for copy Q
; 02 Approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSUtils: changed dummy userbuffer to &4000 so it doesn't conflict
; with apl claim/release.
; added another test on the util_look bit so that Copy using
; GBPB doesn't prompt twice
; removed spurious 3 instructions
; fixed CopyDirectory with respect to dest dir locking
; 03 More approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; OSGBPB: fixed so exception conditions don't sprong and unbuffereds
; work again
; FSControl: fixed so service comes AFTER UpCall again like it was
; 04 More approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; OSFile: fixed so duff reason codes don't explode
; FSCommon: fixed so SFreePathString doesn't corrupt caller's V
; 05 Unapproved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSUtils: Way I was doing apl locking was wally and wrong
; also didn't get &8000 as buffer pointer in one path thru
; Fixed amusing bug when we get 0 bytes back from all sources!
; 1.5201 More approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSCtrl2: Fixed so gives bad file type error
; FSUtils: Fixed so it does StartApplication in Copy Q
; FSCommon:Tweaked to allow the above change
; 02 Now does domain stuff properly on alloc/free all
; 03 LowLevel: Now takes space as a terminator for OPT 1 string
; FSCommon: tweaks to strxxx to allow the above
; 04 Approved changes for 1.86: all marked with >>>a186<<<
; FSUtils: fix copy bug with ~F~C in GBPB case; take off one disc swap
; when source has expired, fix copy bug with stamping wrong
; file in copy p case
; 05 Unapproved changes for 1.86:
; FSControl: set MOS handlers in StartApplication (see Sam)
; 06 FileSwBody: Alter number of args for Cat/LCat
; 07 FSUtils: Don't prompt ever if datecmp fails.
; 08 Debug for file corruption problem - was in RamFS drivers
; 1.5301 FSCtrl2: Fix for ConvertHandle
; 02 Debug for other file corruption problem
; 1.5401 StreamBits: Fixed FlushSomeone to remove buffer reference from
; flushed stream
; 1.55 FileSwBody: run type of text files := *Type
; ----------------------- release for RISC OS 2.00 ----------------
; 1.56 FSCommon: Fixed use of path:fred in ops that use path strings or nopath
; FileSwBody: added run type for Desktop (&FEA) files
; 1.57 FSControl: prepend tempfs name onto FullFileName in ReadActionVariable
; 1.58 OSGBPB: Call FlushBuffer_IfNoError when writing data
; LowLevel: Don't automatically mark stream 'data lost' if error on flushing
; StreamBits: Mark scb 'data lost' when appending ": data lost" onto errors
; Implement FlushBuffer_IfNoError, which leaves the data in the
; buffer intact if there was an I/O error (allows re-tries).
; Note that a stream is now only marked 'data lost' if data which was
; previously successfully written to the stream is subsequently lost
; by FileSwitch. OS_GBPB (when extending) simply returns the error
; to the punter, and leaves its buffers in a consistent state for
; next time. I/O errors while flushing or closing a file cause 'data
; lost', because the file is deemed to have been flushed or closed
; even if there was an error.
; 1.59 File$Type variables added: AF1, AFF, FF2, FF4
; Alias$@RunType variables added for DeskFS:$.Apps applications:
; AFF = DrawFile, FF2=Config, FF9=Sprite, FFF=Text
; Alias$@PrintType_AFF and Alias$@PrintType_FF9 set up
; 1.60 #### Issue fsfunc_LastFileClosed whenever there are no files left open
; #### on the tempfs after a call to CloseFile
; 1.61 Look for foo$Path_Message variable when reporting "Filing system or
; path 'foo:' not found", and replace the error message.
; 1.62 fsfunc_LastFileClosed feature removed
; 1.63 Fixed OS_BPut - didn't properly check for scb_modified being unset
; 1.64 Set up Alias$@RunType_xxx to use Wimp$State code variable
; 1.65 Remove all references to DeskFS: (now done by !Boot files)
; 1.66 Fix bug: OS_Find of a non-existent file via a path when there is no
; current filing system caused an address exception.
; This is a symptom of a deeper problem - fsinfo_alwaysopen should be
; checked during path lookup, not at the OS_Find stage.
; 1.67 Fix bug: OS_Args 3 (set extent) used to retain a buffer on the file
; which was beyond the new end of file when the file was
; truncated.
; Change &.Hdr. to Hdr:
; 1.70 Implement MultiFS handling
; Reorganise to GET the sources rather than LNKing
; Sort out path variable handling
; Pull up cataloging and examining into FileSwitch
; Handle absolute directories in FileSwitch
; New interfaces:
; OS_FSControl 35 (register MultiFS)
; OS_FSControl 36 (deregister MultiFS)
; OS_FSControl 37 (canonicalise path)
; OS_FSControl 38 (FileInfo to Filetype)
; OS_Args 7 (read path)
; OS_File 20 (ReadWithType)
; OS_File 21 (ReadWithTypePath)
; OS_File 22 (ReadWithTypePathVar)
; OS_File 23 (ReadWithTypeNoPath)
; OS_GBPB 12 (Read dir entries with filetype)
; 1.71 Fixes:
; * Fix OS_File 6 (delete object) to delete without giving error.
; * Fix OS_Find openout such that if the filing system returns any error
; during the create, then fileswitch will resort to using openout,
; rather than openup. This gets NFS#Printer: working.
; * Fix OS_Find path handling when a path string was specified. This fixes a
; bug whereby the Risc OS make sequence gave bad name errors
; erroneously.
; * Fix *Ex to correctly display the dates.
; * Fix *Run and *Load to include the special field when constructing
; filetype specific command lines. ReadActionVariable at fault here.
; * Fix OS_FSControl rename to not complain when renaming to same thing (eg for change of case).
; * Fix OS_FSControl rename to not address exception on error from destination name check.
; * Fix OS_FSControl rename to preserve r7 and r8 too.
; 1.72 More fixes:
; * Fix CanonicaliseSpecialAndDisc and StitchAbsolutePartsTogether to work with
; fsenftry_func CanonicaliseSpecialAndDisc properly
; * Fix FSControl 37 (canonicalise path) to not have heap rot.
; * Fix ResolveWildcard using fsentry_func resolvewildcard.
; 1.74 More fixes:
; * Fix RegisterMultiFS to copy filetype
; * Fix directory handling to not stored unset directories and to fix *Dir functionality to be same as was.
; * Add NoDir, NoURD and NoLib interfaces (commands and FSControl reasons).
; * Fix *Dir without args to set Dir to &.
; 1.75 More fixes:
; * Fix ReadDir's handling of multi-element (internally generated) stored directories.
; * Fix ObtainAbsoluteParts to correctly handle the rejection of ReadDirs.
; 1.76 Fixes and features:
; * Add OSFile_ReadBlockSize
; * Fix generation of Bad OSFile Op errors
; * Split off CatExInfo and construct path stuff from FSControl
; * Add:
; FSControl_DefectList
; FSControl_AddDefect
; FSControl_ReadBootOption
; FSControl_WriteBootOption
; FSControl_UsedSpaceMap
; For future pieces of information refer to doc.Log
GBLL appendhandle
appendhandle SETL False
; mjs Nov 97:
; Ursula performance enhancements
GBLL MercifulToSysHeap ;attempt to avoid very frequent OS_Heap
;claims and releases for sytem heap
GBLL MercifulTracing ;tracing for diagnostics only
MercifulToSysHeap SETL {TRUE}
MercifulTracing SETL {FALSE} :LAND: MercifulToSysHeap
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Flags to strip out copy + wipe for MOS debugging versions
GBLL hascopy
GBLL haswipe
GBLL hascount
GBLL hasutil
[ ChopOffTheGoolies ; For Sam MOS debugging versions
hascopy SETL False
haswipe SETL False
hascount SETL False
hascopy SETL True
haswipe SETL True
hascount SETL True
GBLL chopoffdollarfrompaths
chopoffdollarfrompaths SETL False
hasutil SETL hascopy :LOR: haswipe :LOR: hascount
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Other implementation modofiers
GBLL sparebuffer
sparebuffer SETL True
GBLL osfile5cache
osfile5cache SETL True
GBLL kludgeforNFS
kludgeforNFS SETL False
GBLL SASTMhatbroken
SASTMhatbroken SETL {TRUE} :LAND: StrongARM
TTL > s.FileSwBody - Top layer of Filing System rubbish
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Some FileSwitch specific macros
......@@ -411,7 +46,7 @@ JumpTableBaseValue SETA $baseval
GBLS JumpTableName
GBLA JumpTableBaseValue
GBLL ReportJumpTableError
ReportJumpTableError SETL True
ReportJumpTableError SETL {TRUE}
JTE $routine, $checkvalue
......@@ -419,7 +54,7 @@ ReportJumpTableError SETL True
[ (.-$JumpTableName) <> ($checkvalue-JumpTableBaseValue) :SHL: 2
[ ReportJumpTableError
! 1, "Error in jump table with value '$checkvalue'"
ReportJumpTableError SETL False
ReportJumpTableError SETL {FALSE}
......@@ -831,9 +466,9 @@ StaticName_length * 1024 ; Limits size of input filename, path etc.
; size of buffer for enumerating dirs has been increased to allow filenames up to 256 characters
[ UseDynamicAreas
copylocalframesize * &204 ; Change this if changing ANY frame size
copylocalframesize * &208 ; Change this if changing ANY frame size
copylocalframesize * &1FC ; Change this if changing ANY frame size
copylocalframesize * &200 ; Change this if changing ANY frame size
^ -copylocalframesize, fp
......@@ -901,7 +536,7 @@ util_endtime # 8 ; Top 3 bytes cleared to zero when used
util_ndir # 4 ; Global to util operation
util_nfiles # 4
util_totalsize # 4
util_totalsize # 8 ; 64 bit totals
util_bitset # 4 ; Localled in dir recursion
util_direntry # 4
......@@ -14,6 +14,74 @@
SUBT > Sources.FileSwHdr - for standalone assembly
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Other implementation modifiers
GBLL appendhandle ; Append channel number to error messages?
appendhandle SETL {FALSE}
; Ursula performance enhancements
GBLL MercifulToSysHeap ; attempt to avoid very frequent OS_Heap
; claims and releases for sytem heap
GBLL MercifulTracing ; tracing for diagnostics only
MercifulToSysHeap SETL {TRUE}
MercifulTracing SETL {FALSE} :LAND: MercifulToSysHeap
GBLL CatExLong
CatExLong SETL {TRUE} ; if this is set to TRUE, then *cat, *ex, etc, will attempt
; to make the display look better with long filenames
GBLL ChopOffTheGoolies
ChopOffTheGoolies SETL {FALSE} ; For deviant OS debugging versions
GBLL chopoffdollarfrompaths
chopoffdollarfrompaths SETL {FALSE}
GBLL sparebuffer
sparebuffer SETL {TRUE}
GBLL osfile5cache
osfile5cache SETL {TRUE}
GBLL kludgeforNFS
kludgeforNFS SETL {FALSE}
GBLL SASTMhatbroken
SASTMhatbroken SETL {TRUE} :LAND: StrongARM
GBLL Use_fsfile_Save
Use_fsfile_Save SETL {TRUE} ; Indicates whether fsfile_Save reason is used, or create, open, GBPB, close
GBLL Use_fsfile_Load
Use_fsfile_Load SETL {TRUE} ; Indicates whether fsfile_Load reason is used, or open, GBPB, close
GBLL UseDynamicAreas
UseDynamicAreas SETL {TRUE}
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Flags to strip out copy + wipe for MOS debugging versions
GBLL hascopy
GBLL haswipe
GBLL hascount
GBLL hasutil
[ ChopOffTheGoolies ; For Sam MOS debugging versions
hascopy SETL {FALSE}
haswipe SETL {FALSE}
hascount SETL {FALSE}
hascopy SETL {TRUE}
haswipe SETL {TRUE}
hascount SETL {TRUE}
hasutil SETL hascopy :LOR: haswipe :LOR: hascount
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; One or two header definitions
GET Hdr:ListOpts
OPT OptNoList
GET Hdr:Macros
......@@ -22,12 +90,10 @@
GET Hdr:UserIF.<UserIF>
GET Hdr:ImageSize.<ImageSize>
; Get brutal with 32-bitness - use 26-bit code unless we really mustn't,
; as 32-bit is a performance drain. Can't softload FileSwitch really,
; anyway.
[ :LNOT: No26bitCode
No32bitCode SETL {TRUE}
[ :LNOT: No26bitCode ; Get brutal with 32-bitness - use 26-bit code unless we really mustn't,
No32bitCode SETL {TRUE} ; as 32-bit is a performance drain. Can't softload FileSwitch really,
] ; anyway.
GET Hdr:ModHand
GET Hdr:Services
......@@ -48,6 +114,9 @@ No32bitCode SETL {TRUE}
GET Hdr:MsgTrans
GET Hdr:Territory
GET VersionASM
GBLA Version
Version SETA Module_Version
OPT OptList + OptPage
......@@ -65,24 +134,6 @@ TAB * 09
LF * 10
CR * 13
GBLL ChopOffTheGoolies ; For deviant OS debugging versions
ChopOffTheGoolies SETL False
; Indicates whether fsfile_Save reason is used, or create, open, GBPB, close
GBLL Use_fsfile_Save
Use_fsfile_Save SETL True
; Indicates whether fsfile_Load reason is used, or open, GBPB, close
GBLL Use_fsfile_Load
Use_fsfile_Load SETL True
GBLL CatExLong
GBLL UseDynamicAreas
UseDynamicAreas SETL {TRUE}
assert $condition
[ :LNOT: ($condition)
; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
SUBT > Sources.KernelFSW
[ False
LEADR Module_LoadAddr
GBLL ChopOffTheGoolies ; For deviant OS debugging versions
ChopOffTheGoolies SETL False
; Indicates whether fsfile_Save reason is used, or create, open, GBPB, close
GBLL Use_fsfile_Save
Use_fsfile_Save SETL True
; Indicates whether fsfile_Load reason is used, or open, GBPB, close
GBLL Use_fsfile_Load
Use_fsfile_Load SETL True
GET Hdr:FileTypes
GET Hdr:Wimp
GET Hdr:UpCall
GET Hdr:LowFSi
GET FSW:Sources.DebugOpts
GET FSW:Sources.FileSwBody
GET FSW:Sources.FSCommands
GET FSW:Sources.FSErrors
GET FSW:Sources.FSCommon
GET FSW:Sources.SysVars
GET FSW:Sources.PathMunge
GET FSW:Sources.FSPath
GET FSW:Sources.TopPath
GET FSW:Sources.FSUtils
GET FSW:Sources.FSUtils2
GET FSW:Sources.FSUtils3
GET FSW:Sources.FSControl
GET FSW:Sources.FSCtrl2
GET FSW:Sources.StreamBits
GET FSW:Sources.OSFile
GET FSW:Sources.OSFind
GET FSW:Sources.OSBGetBPut
GET FSW:Sources.OSArgs
GET FSW:Sources.LowLevel
GBLS whattodonow
[ :LNOT: AssemblingArthur
whattodonow SETS " GET FSW:Sources.FSShared"
DCD 0 ; Next module is the end of module chain now
NextModuleInImage ; Sam's BasProg will patch this as appropriate
whattodonow SETS ""
......@@ -523,11 +523,10 @@ InvalidateBGetCache ROUT
Pull "r1, pc" ; Return, either to caller, or below
[ {TRUE} ;StrongARM stores PC+8 instead of PC+12 - make either work
50 Push "r1, pc" ; Make routine return to .+8 or .+12
50 Push "r1, r2"
STR pc, [sp, #4] ; Make routine return to .+8 or .+12
B %FT52
NOP ; for PC+8
LDR r14, BGet_handle ; r1 preserved over call
TEQ r14, r1
Pull "r1, pc",NE ; No more to kill
......@@ -536,17 +535,6 @@ InvalidateBGetCache ROUT
52 ADR r1, BPut_shiftedbase
B %BT30
50 Push "r1, pc" ; Make routine return to .+12
ADR r1, BPut_shiftedbase ; Order means we don't need NOP
B %BT30
LDR r14, BGet_handle ; r1 preserved over call
TEQ r14, r1
Pull "r1, pc",NE ; No more to kill
B %BT20
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Ensure both caches invalid
......@@ -110,34 +110,34 @@ FileEntry NewSwiEntry "r0-r5, r6-r10" ; Results poked into stack; was r0-r5, r6
CMP r0, #OSFile_ReadBlockSize
JTAB r0, LS, OSFile
B OSFile_BadOp
; Check values against &.Hdr.File
JTE SaveFileOp, OSFile_Save;
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteInfo;
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteLoad;
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteExec;
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteAttr;
JTE Read_UseLoadPath, OSFile_ReadInfo;
JTE DeleteCreateFileOp, OSFile_Delete;
JTE DeleteCreateFileOp, OSFile_Create;
JTE DeleteCreateFileOp, OSFile_CreateDir;
JTE StampSetTypeFileOp, OSFile_SetStamp;
JTE SaveCreateStampFileOp, OSFile_SaveStamp;
JTE SaveCreateStampFileOp, OSFile_CreateStamp;
JTE Load_UseGivenLoadPath, OSFile_LoadPath
JTE Read_UseGivenLoadPath, OSFile_ReadPath;
; Check values against &.Hdr.File
JTE SaveFileOp, OSFile_Save
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteInfo
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteLoad
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteExec
JTE WriteInfoFileOp, OSFile_WriteAttr
JTE Read_UseLoadPath, OSFile_ReadInfo
JTE DeleteCreateFileOp, OSFile_Delete
JTE DeleteCreateFileOp, OSFile_Create
JTE DeleteCreateFileOp, OSFile_CreateDir
JTE StampSetTypeFileOp, OSFile_SetStamp
JTE SaveCreateStampFileOp, OSFile_SaveStamp
JTE SaveCreateStampFileOp, OSFile_CreateStamp
JTE Load_UseGivenLoadPath, OSFile_LoadPath
JTE Read_UseGivenLoadPath, OSFile_ReadPath
JTE Load_UseGivenLoadPathVar, OSFile_LoadPathVar
JTE Read_UseGivenLoadPathVar, OSFile_ReadPathVar;
JTE Load_UseNoLoadPath, OSFile_LoadNoPath
JTE Read_UseNoLoadPath, OSFile_ReadNoPath;
JTE StampSetTypeFileOp, OSFile_SetType;
JTE MakeErrorOp, OSFile_MakeError
JTE Read_UseLoadPath, OSFile_ReadWithType
JTE Read_UseGivenLoadPath, OSFile_ReadWithTypePath
JTE Read_UseGivenLoadPathVar, OSFile_ReadPathVar
JTE Load_UseNoLoadPath, OSFile_LoadNoPath
JTE Read_UseNoLoadPath, OSFile_ReadNoPath
JTE StampSetTypeFileOp, OSFile_SetType
JTE MakeErrorOp, OSFile_MakeError
JTE Read_UseLoadPath, OSFile_ReadWithType
JTE Read_UseGivenLoadPath, OSFile_ReadWithTypePath
JTE Read_UseGivenLoadPathVar, OSFile_ReadWithTypePathVar
JTE Read_UseNoLoadPath, OSFile_ReadWithTypeNoPath
JTE Read_UseNoLoadPath, OSFile_ReadWithTypeNoPath
[ Version >= 176
JTE Read_BlockSize, OSFile_ReadBlockSize
JTE Read_BlockSize, OSFile_ReadBlockSize
......@@ -491,56 +491,17 @@ DeleteCreateFileOp
ADDVS sp, sp, #4*4
SwiExit VS
; Return the file's the parameters for delete op
; Return the file's old catalogue entry for delete op
TEQ r7, #OSFile_Delete
[ debugosfile
DLINE "Delete..."
; Special handling for delete..
; Save old parameters for file
MOV r14, fp
STMIA r14!, {r0}
STMIB r14, {r2,r3,r4,r5}
; This code checks for partitions being empty before deleteing them.
TEQ r0, #object_file :OR: object_directory
[ debugosfile
DLINE "Partition..."
; Special handling for deleting a directory
Push "r1,r6,fscb"
SUB sp, sp, #256
BL AssessDestinationForPathTailForDirRead
MOV r0, #fsfunc_ReadDirEntries
MOV r2, sp
MOV r3, #1
MOV r4, #0
MOV r5, #256
BL CallFSFunc_Given
ADD sp, sp, #256
Pull "r1,r6,fscb"
[ debugosfile
DREG r3,"r3,r4=",cc
DREG r4,","
CMP r4, #-1
CMPEQ r3, #0
LDRNE r1, PassedFilename
BLNE SetMagicPartNotEmpty
ADDVS sp, sp, #4*4
; Frame contains r0-r5, r6-r10
STR r0, [fp]
ADD r14, fp, #2 * 4
STMIA r14, {r2,r3,r4,r5}
; Restore the parameters for a create
Pull "r2,r3,r4,r5"
......@@ -585,9 +546,10 @@ SaveFileOp
B JunkStringsOSFileExit
MOV r14, fp
STMIA r14!, {r0}
STMIB r14, {r2,r3,r4,r5}
; Frame contains r0-r5, r6-r10
STR r0, [fp]
ADD r14, fp, #2 * 4
STMIA r14, {r2,r3,r4,r5}
BL JunkFileStrings
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