• Robert Sprowson's avatar
    Disc name in backup given R2 validation. · 32c1662a
    Robert Sprowson authored
    Disc name in verify given R2 validation.
    Disc name during formatting made shaded to show it's not editable.
    Took the opportunity to fix the red/green bar length which fell off the
    end of the box during backup,format,and verify.Someone had tried to fix
    it in 1995 by moving the bar back a bit on the templates,but this just
    meant it overlapped at both ends! Fix was to subtract an extra 4 from
    the maxbarwidth (since there are borders at *both* ends).
    Corrected templates for above fix (German ones were OK).
    Moved Menus dir into the attic.
    Version 0.92. Tagged as 'ADFSFiler-0_92'
Backup 32.6 KB