1. 14 Dec, 2019 1 commit
    • ROOL's avatar
      Add copy & paste and drag & drop operations to the Wimp · 0fb14a00
      ROOL authored
        The text in writable icons can now be manipulated using the familiar keyboard shortcuts, or using Drag and Drop in conjunction with any compliant applications.
        Further details are in Doc/DragAndDrop along with information on API extensions which are implemented.
        Submission for Clipboard Support bounty.
      Version 5.65. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_65'
  2. 01 Mar, 2014 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Implement sprite translation table caching · 9187a060
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        This set of changes allows the Wimp to cache the last-used translation table, and cleans up some instances where translation tables were being generated and then not used
        s/Wimp01 - Expand selecttable_args to store all 8 registers needed by ColourTrans_GenerateTable. Add 1K of space for caching the palette that the cached translation table was generated from. Remove unused spriteX, spriteY variables.
        s/Wimp04 - Split cachespritedata in two. cachespritedata now only caches the basic information, while the new cachespritepixtable rotuine will generate a translation table (shaded/inverted if required). This allows table generation to be deferred until we're just about to render the sprite, ensuring that the table isn't generated only to not be used. Also updated icon sprite rendering to check the sprite is within the graphics window before attempting to render it, allowing removal of one more case where tables can be needlessly generated.
        s/NewSWIs, s/Wimp09 - Change ADR to ADRL
        s/Tiling, s/Tiling3D - Use cachespritepixtable when needed
        Tested on Iyonix, BB-xM, StrongARM RiscPC
      Version 5.36. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_36'
  3. 08 Sep, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      3 minor fixes, 2 minor enhancements · a9c3b548
      Robert Sprowson authored
      * Conditionally copy the disc resources, saving a little build time.
      Wimp10.s; hdr/Wimp:
      * Issue Service_WimpToolSpritesChanged when the tool sprite area is changed.
      * Fix bug in softloaded versions of the Wimp where menus would randomly lose the keyboard shortcut text. This was caused by use of an LDR to retrieve a byte wide variable. This specifically affected some softloads because the Wimp gets squeezed, and during unsqueezing the Wimp's workspace ends up being allocated from the same bit of RMA that used to contain the squeezed copy of the module (=lots of random numbers).
      * Fix bug where configuring WimpSpritePrecedence to ROM when a theme is loaded would cause redrawing of window textures to fail. This is because the Wimp intersects the ROM and RAM sprite areas and deletes any duplicates from the RAM area when remaking the fast lookup sprite list. So if the RAM sprites include the "tile_1" (etc) sprite on redrawing the desktop the Wimp points to this, then intersects the lists and deletes the sprite, leaving the pointers pointing at junk. Now, on deleting something, the window tile pointers are invalidated. Fixes ticket #346.
      * Fix bug where the title bar text, when the desktop font is the system font, is incorrectly rendered in the colour selected by WimpVisualFlag -WindowOutlineColour. The Wimp now restores the text colour if -WOC has set the graphics colour to something other than black.
      Administrative -
      In Wimp01, swap a couple of SpriteReasons from magic numbers. In the init of variables use the common reset_all_tiling_sprite function.
      In Tiling3D, more SpriteReasons, and rationalise the registers used in reset_all_tiling_sprites.
      Version 5.32. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_32'
  4. 06 Aug, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Replace OS_SpriteOp reason code magic numbers with definitions. Add support for new screen modes. · fa42b0ad
      Jeffrey Lee authored
        s/Tiling, s/Tiling3D, s/Watchdog, s/Wimp05, s/Wimp07, s/Wimp09 - Replaced OS_SpriteOp reason code magic numbers with symbolic definitions.
        s/Wimp01 - Update *WimpMode / Wimp_SetMode to use OS_ScreenMode 13 (mode string to specifer) in place of its own code if a mode specifier string has been given. Note - mode number handling is unchanged, so a mode specifier string which begins with a mode number will currently have the specifier part ignored.
        s/Wimp01, s/Wimp02 - Flag_* -> ModeFlag_* renaming
        s/Wimp02 - Fix mode specifier copying to only stop copying when we hit a mode variable of -1. Previous code would also stop if the variable value was -1. Update mode set code to apply the Wimp's special greyscale palettes if the greyscale mode flag is set (i.e. greyscale mode was set via specifier generated by OS_ScreenMode 13)
        Tested on BB-xM
      Version 5.31. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_31'
  5. 22 Feb, 2006 1 commit
  6. 17 Jan, 2006 1 commit
    • John Ballance's avatar
      tidy fixes in Wimp09 . · d8fd38fa
      John Ballance authored
      	tidied up logic of wimp_addmessages memory salvage
      	(this is a file that built!)
      Version 4.99. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_99'
  7. 11 Jan, 2006 1 commit
    • Steve Revill's avatar
      Fixed so it builds. · 58d1da97
      Steve Revill authored
        s.Wimp09 contained a stray line saying "block count" which surprisingly
        didn't assemble. Removed.
        Builds. Haven't tested whether it performs to spec yet.
      Version 4.98. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_98'
  8. 05 Jan, 2006 2 commits
  9. 28 Nov, 2002 1 commit
  10. 30 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Merged in RISC OS 4.02 changes (including ROM patches). Also som bugfixes. · 3b1e336c
      Ben Avison authored
        RISC OS 4 changes:
        * Font blending for desktop font (based on NC code, but now configurable)
        * 3-D window/menu/iconbar borders
        * Textured menu backgrounds
        * Loss of rubout box in unfilled text+sprite icons
        * *WimpVisualFlags controls various aspects of cosmetic changes above
        * Iconise button "slot" glyph slightly shorter (but only adopted in the RO400
          Resource directory)
        * Command window has front-window flag set
        * Byte at +39 of the window block has gained two new flag bits:
            bit 2 set => this window must never be given a 3D border
            bit 3 set => this window must always be given a 3D border
            (note that ResEd erroneously created windows with both bits set,
            this case is treated as though both bits were clear)
        * Another two colour specifiers on the end of C validation string command
          for icons controls the foreground and background colours to be used when
          the icon is selected
        * Pointer shape is correctly reprogrammed by the creation of icon
          underneath it
        * Full stops in writable icons are treated the same as spaces from the
          point of view of cursor navigation
        * spritesize routine returns a size of 0 if the sprite didn't exist
          (probably fixes some rendering problems)
        * Adjust-click on back icon brings window to front
        My changes:
        * DeleteRight turned on
        * Icon bar title background is set to default in all resource sets (avoids
          translation table recalc)
        * Error box title now cream across all resource sets
        * RISC OS 4 changes made 32-bit compatible / high addresses safe
        * Undocumented FullIconClipping option disabled
        * Command help made consistent for internationalised and non-
          internationalised builds
        * WimpVisualFlags defaults made sensible
        * Menu side width affected by ThreeD option at *run* time not assemble time
        * Right-clicking on menus with writable items no longer data aborts
        * Auto-opened menus are now at RHS of current icon (matches RISC OS 3.1)
        * Colour menus were knackered unless menu tiling was enabled
        * Fixed a bug whereby adding messages to a task that wanted all messages
          actually caused it to lose all other messages. The RISC OS 4 fix for
          this didn't work
        * Fixed bug introduced in version 4.76: tasks that wanted no messages got
          all of them
        * Autoscrolling is updated every 8 cs rather than every 12 cs
        * Added menu texture to pre-RISC OS 4 sprites files
        Tested on Tungsten.
      Version 4.78. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_78'
  11. 23 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Given a good thrashing. · c8e139f1
      Ben Avison authored
        All pointers passed to the Wimp (mode selectors, menus, sprite areas,
        palettes, pollwords, validation strings, message lists, routines etc etc)
        in any of its APIs can now be anywhere within the 32-bit address range.
        In general, whenever "<= 0" was accepted as a null condition, the value
        must now be either 0 or -1. It should also be tolerant of system memory
        areas (supervisor stack and RMA) being in the top half of memory.
        * Default next slot now a build option - Ursula builds (eg Tungsten) use
          1024K instead of 640K
        * Ursula builds no longer have a build variant in the help string
        * Autosenses ROM location
        * CR-LFs in *Configure messages replaced with LF-CRs
        * Added Iyonix resources (currently based on Morris4)
        * Morris4 sprites files have gained file_lxa, small_lxa, file_unf,
          small_unf and lo!help sprites
        * Ursula sprites files have gained lo!help sprites
        * *WimpSlot can take memory sizes in megabytes or gigabytes
        Tested on a "traditional" memory-mapped Tungsten.
      Version 4.76. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_76'
  12. 29 May, 2001 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Minor fixes, some of which have been waiting to be committed for a while. · 6fb60dbf
      Ben Avison authored
        * Command line buffer for Wimp_StartTask (and anything that uses it,
          eg *WimpTask) increased from 256 bytes to 1024 bytes.
        * Top-bit-set message list pointers passed to Wimp_Initialise and
          Wimp_RemoveMessages now work (there was never a problem with
        * The fix for top-bit-set application name pointers in Wimp 4.65 actually
          only fixed lookup for "<application> may have gone wrong" lookups. They
          now work correctly in error window title construction, and when
          constructing an application sprite name if flag bit 8 is clear.
        * A pointer value of 0 is now accepted in addition to -1 for an
          "<application> may have gone wrong" lookup - this brings it into line
          with the other two places where the application name pointer is
        * When constructing an error window title, the Wimp would skip any leading
          backslash character. Now it does so when constructing "<application> may
          have gone wrong" too - this is a simple way to disable the application
          sprite in the error window.
        Error box behaviour actually tested this time!
      Version 4.67. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_67'
  13. 20 Oct, 2000 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Shock horror - a new feature for the Wimp! And some housekeeping too. · d7d18819
      Ben Avison authored
        * Added new functionality for menu trees: submenus can now be opened by
          clicking on their parent menu item. This is particularly aimed at
          touchscreen devices, and is configurable via the new *Configure keyword
        * Change to the menu inactivity timeout behaviour after auto-opening of
          submenus (either by hovering over the parent menu item or by the new
          click-to-open functionality): although all hover operations are still
          ignored for this period, any click operations *will* now be obeyed.
        * Corrected numerous misleading comments in the menu handling code.
        * Added some suspiciously absent ALIGNs in the *Configure keyword handlers.
        * Uses new ASCII case-forcing macros so there are now fewer warnings
          printed during assembly (and it should run faster now too).
        * Added an AREA directive so that objasm's -ABS switch is no longer needed.
        * Standardised ErrMem token across all Messages files that use English.
        Tested on a desktop machine.
        Requires HdrSrc 1.06.
      Version 4.57. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_57'
  14. 25 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Made 32-bit compatible. · 1bb3b9d0
      Kevin Bracey authored
        Lots of little changes throughout a lot of source.
        Appears to work - not stress tested with things like lots of tasks, big
        transfers, and all the other things that tend to go wrong.
      Version 4.47. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_47'
  15. 23 Oct, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Adapted assembly process so that the choice of Options file (previously based... · 26369fa5
      Ben Avison authored
      Adapted assembly process so that the choice of Options file (previously based purely on the "System" variable) can be overridden by passing "OPTIONS=foo" as an argument to either MkRom, or to amu/amu_machine directly, or indirectly, by specifying it in the components file for a build. To accomplish this, it was necessary to switch from using aasm to objasm - hence the large number of source files affected in this commit.
      Version 4.09. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_09'
  16. 18 Sep, 1998 1 commit
  17. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit