1. 30 Nov, 2013 1 commit
    • Jeffrey Lee's avatar
      Add support for *iconspriting of alpha-masked sprites. Fix icon... · 03e27cbe
      Jeffrey Lee authored
      Add support for *iconspriting of alpha-masked sprites. Fix icon shading/inverting to work with true colour sprites.
        Options/s/!Default, s/NewSWIs, s/Wimp01:
        Updated ROM sprite find code, *IconSprites and Wimp_Extend 13 to understand a new spritefile suffix.
        If the Wimp detects that RISC OS Select style alpha masked sprites are supported, and we're not using the mode 23 sprites, then the code will enable support for alpha masked sprites of the form !SpritesA1, !SpritesA2, !SpritesA, etc. Alpha-masked sprites are only looked for when looking for square pixel sprites or just before looking for the default sprites. This means the full search pattern for (e.g.) a !Sprites21 mode would be as follows:
        !Sprites21  (original mode)
        !SpritesA2  (next squarer mode, alpha sprites)
        !Sprites22  (next squarer mode)
        !SpritesA   (default alpha sprites)
        !Sprites    (default sprites)
        Like with !Sprites11 support, this feature can be toggled off via the SpritesA option if necessary.
        s/Wimp01, s/Wimp04:
        Updated icon plotting code (wimp_SpriteOp_putsprite and calculateinverse) to allow true colour sprites/icons to be rendered shaded/inverted.
        For this to work the Wimp needs a version of SpriteExtend which supports colour mapping (specifically it checks for the relevant ROOL version number).
        The colour mapping function which is used to build the translation tables used for shading/inverting palettised sprites is too slow to be sensibly used on a per-pixel basis, so the first time a shaded/inverted true colour sprite is requested the Wimp will generate a set of lookup tables which can be used by a much simpler colour mapping routine.
        To keep memory usage down these lookup tables only use 4K colours each; however the quality isn't always that great and so this may need revising in future.
        Tested on BB-xM
      Version 5.34. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_34'
  2. 06 May, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Refinements to disc based targets especially · a30a2489
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Previous attempt to disable Sprites11 support for 3.10 and 3.50 hadn't spotted it was reenabled in the common options, also the Sprites11 switch was also tied up in Wimp$IconTheme support.
      Title bars would flicker when picked up when using a tool sprite set with no 'p' pushed equivalents on RISC OS 4.0x due to screen cache.
      Makefile now installs a default set of tools & sprites when target is ThemeDefs.
      CLI limit reduced to 256 pre Ursula to save RAM.
        Promote Sprites11 switch into !Default
        Remove fixrmatools
        Sprites11 true by default
        LongCommandLines true by default, false on targets pre Ursula
        Remove ServiceCallTable (harmless to have it in all cases)
        Enable Wimp_Extend 13 all the time
        Reduce RMA use by vital 1.5k for non long command line case
        Change sense of Sprites11 switch to adopt all its previous functionality, but not look for '11' suffix when the switch is false
        Adopt ServiceCallTable switch permanently
        Comments ammended
        Range of ADR
        Change sense of Sprites11 switch to adopt all its previous functionality, but not look for '11' suffix when the switch is false
        Adopt :LNOT: fixrmatools switch permanently
        Supress title bar sprite plotting when none of the sprites exist
      Version 5.25. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_25'
  3. 03 May, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Slacken pointer checks · 42e284a3
      Robert Sprowson authored
      The pointer comparison checking required when running in a system with > 64M memory was tightened up from Wimp-4_75 to Wimp-4_76, but to allow the module to target pre RISC OS 5 systems an option to relax those checks is required.
      Each check has been revisited and where appropriate demarked with a "AcceptLoosePointer" macro, which just remaps the pointer into the stricter form and carries on. In the strict checking case, the macro reduces to nothing.
      Add AcceptLoosePointers switch.
      Retire singular use of StrongARM switch (calling XOS_SynchroniseCodeAreas is harmless pre StrongARM anyway).
      Rename Ursula_RPC options to RO400.
      Put duplicate documentation in the attic.
      Allow -2 or -1 as the iconbar handle in Wimp_ResizeIcon (ticket #203).
      Tighten up the list terminator check in the DebugMemory switch of Memory.s
      Tested on RISC OS 3.10 (emulated), 3.50, 3.60, 3.70, 4.02.
      Version 5.24. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_24'
  4. 10 Apr, 2013 1 commit
    • Robert Sprowson's avatar
      Build fixes for variants pre RISC OS 5 · fc22d68f
      Robert Sprowson authored
      Minor fixups as part of univeral !Boot work.
      Options no longer ASSERT on International_Help (which is a definition exported by the kernel, rather than a build switch), and instead define a switch which is true for > 3.50.
      Non UTF8 supporting case has simple substitutes for Wimp_TextOp.
      Legacy_DomainId and LegacyIRQsema no longer cause NULL pointer dereference.
      MOVeQ => MOVEQ to placate ObjAsm.
      Ursula_RPC version built and used briefly on RISC OS 4.02 host. No other run time testing.
      Version 5.22. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_22'
  5. 27 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  6. 05 Jul, 2004 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Changes from Kevin: · 4c0db650
      Ben Avison authored
      * New options file for STB
      * Changed some ADRs to ADRLs so that they reach for the options combination
        for STB
      Version 4.92. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_92'
  7. 28 Feb, 2003 1 commit
  8. 04 Feb, 2003 1 commit
  9. 17 Jan, 2003 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Menu bugfixes and sprite variation support. · 3ed6d938
      Ben Avison authored
        * Adjust clicking on menu items was leading to Message_MenusDeleted being
          broadcast, resulting in incorrect behaviour in many applications.
        * Sprite-only menu items (eg !Draw's line pattern submenu) now highlight
          correctly when tiled menus are configured.
        * Added Wimp_Extend 13, which works out the appropriate resolution suffix
          for a given sprite pathname - required since Sprites11 support needs
          an iterative approach. This supercedes Wimp_ReadSysInfo 2.
        * *IconSprites now tries prefixing the last element of its path argument
          with "<Wimp$IconTheme>".
        Tested on Tungsten.
      Version 4.85. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_85'
  10. 23 Oct, 2002 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Given a good thrashing. · c8e139f1
      Ben Avison authored
        All pointers passed to the Wimp (mode selectors, menus, sprite areas,
        palettes, pollwords, validation strings, message lists, routines etc etc)
        in any of its APIs can now be anywhere within the 32-bit address range.
        In general, whenever "<= 0" was accepted as a null condition, the value
        must now be either 0 or -1. It should also be tolerant of system memory
        areas (supervisor stack and RMA) being in the top half of memory.
        * Default next slot now a build option - Ursula builds (eg Tungsten) use
          1024K instead of 640K
        * Ursula builds no longer have a build variant in the help string
        * Autosenses ROM location
        * CR-LFs in *Configure messages replaced with LF-CRs
        * Added Iyonix resources (currently based on Morris4)
        * Morris4 sprites files have gained file_lxa, small_lxa, file_unf,
          small_unf and lo!help sprites
        * Ursula sprites files have gained lo!help sprites
        * *WimpSlot can take memory sizes in megabytes or gigabytes
        Tested on a "traditional" memory-mapped Tungsten.
      Version 4.76. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_76'
  11. 25 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • Kevin Bracey's avatar
      Made 32-bit compatible. · 1bb3b9d0
      Kevin Bracey authored
        Lots of little changes throughout a lot of source.
        Appears to work - not stress tested with things like lots of tasks, big
        transfers, and all the other things that tend to go wrong.
      Version 4.47. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_47'
  12. 09 Nov, 1998 1 commit
    • Ben Avison's avatar
      Optimisation to new WimpSymbol substitution code: in icons containing fonts... · af05965b
      Ben Avison authored
      Optimisation to new WimpSymbol substitution code: in icons containing fonts other than the desktop font, the substitution table is only calculated when a symbol character is encountered.
      Embryonic cut-n-paste support introduced (currently in desktop builds only):
        * workspace is allocated and initialised;
        * extended Wimp_GetCaretPosition implemented;
        * pushfontstring adapted to allow insertion of arbitrary control sequences in
          font strings (to allow selected text to be plotted in inverted colours).
      Inverted, unfilled text icons now work properly again in <256-colour modes.
      Reworked NC error box code: see Doc.IconHigh.
      Version 4.11. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_11'
  13. 18 Sep, 1998 1 commit
  14. 07 May, 1997 1 commit
  15. 13 Jan, 1997 1 commit
  16. 05 Nov, 1996 1 commit