Commit ef5a9e66 authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson Committed by ROOL
Browse files

Add WimpVisualFlag to turn off icon bar borders

Given it's now possible to have a different tile sprite for the icon bar
background, it may look wrong to have a black border around that window. Allow
it to be turned off.
parent a26e07c5
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......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ addtoR1
SUBVC R14,R14,R2
STRVC R14,iconbarheight ; used later
[ HideIconBar
MOV R2, #-3
MOVVC R2, #-3
LDRVC R2,iconbarhandle ; open at same height
......@@ -321,11 +321,24 @@ openiconbar Entry "R1-R9,R11"
LDMIA R14,{cx0,cy0,cx1,cy1} ; always open iconbar at bottom
LDR R14,iconbarheight
ADD cy1,cy0,R14
[ ThreeDPatch
LDR R14,ThreeDFlags
TST R14,#ThreeDFlags_NoIconBarBorder
MOVNE R14,#255 ; no border special value
MOVEQ R14,#sc_black
STRB R14,[handle,#w_tfcol] ; transfer border visual flag to window definition
MOVNE R14,#0 ; no left/right border allowance
MOVNE R11,#0
LDREQ R14,dx
LDREQ R11,dy
LDR R14,dx
LDR R11,dy
ADD cx0,cx0,R14
SUB cx1,cx1,R14
LDR R14,dy
ADD cy0,cy0,R14 ; cx0,cy0,cx1,cy1 = screen posn
ADD cy0,cy0,R11 ; cx0,cy0,cx1,cy1 = screen posn
LDR x0,[handle,#w_wex0] ; try to keep extent the same
SUB x1,cx1,cx0
ADD x1,x0,x1 ; x0,x1 = extent
......@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ ThreeDFlags_NoIconBgInTransWindows * 1<<5
ThreeDFlags_NoFontBlending * 1<<6
ThreeDFlags_FullIconClipping * 1<<7 ; we're just ignoring this flag
ThreeDFlags_WindowOutlineOver * 1<<8
ThreeDFlags_NoIconBarBorder * 1<<9
arrowIconWidth_No3D * 24
arrowIconWidth_3D * 32
......@@ -2344,6 +2345,8 @@ WimpVisualFlags_Help DCB "*WimpVisualFlags changes some aspects of the visual a
DCB " Use font blending in icons.",cr
DCB "-WindowOutlineOver",cr
DCB " Plot the window outline over the tool icons.",cr
DCB "-NoIconBarBorder",cr
DCB " Remove the outline from the iconbar.",cr
DCB "-All",cr
DCB " Turn all flags on.",cr
DCB "-WindowBorderFaceColour <&RRGGBB>",cr
......@@ -7651,7 +7654,7 @@ WimpKillSprite_Code
DCB "ButtonBorderFaceColour=BBFC/E,ButtonBorderShallowColour=BBSC/E,ButtonBorderOppColour=BBOC/E,"
DCB "ButtonColour=BC/E,ButtonWellColour=BWC/E,ButtonHighlightColour=BHC/E,"
DCB "NoFontBlending=NFB/S,FontBlending=FB/S,"
DCB "WindowOutlineColour=WOC/E,WindowOutlineOver=WOO/S",0
DCB "WindowOutlineColour=WOC/E,WindowOutlineOver=WOO/S,NoIconBarBorder=NIBB/S",0
......@@ -7706,6 +7709,9 @@ WimpVisualFlags_Code
LDR r1,[sp,#80]
TEQ r1,#0
ORRNE r2,r2,#ThreeDFlags_WindowOutlineOver
LDR r1,[sp,#84]
TEQ r1,#0
ORRNE r2,r2,#ThreeDFlags_NoIconBarBorder
LDR r1,[sp,#28] ; window border face colour
BL %FT02
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