Commit 3d310c07 authored by Ben Avison's avatar Ben Avison
Browse files

System windows (eg STB command window) can now have window furniture but no 1-pixel borders.

  The code that checked for a Wimp_Initialise version number of >= 380 before
  applying the new interpretation of title foreground colour &FF was broken:
  it was checking the current task handle instead of the task handle of the
  window's creator. A few other things needed tampering with in order to ensure
  that the window's task handle word is correctly set up at the time that the
  colour check is performed.
  Tested in a desktop build, using STB resources.

Version 4.43. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_43'
parent 17fd99f3
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
GBLS Module_MinorVersion
GBLS Module_Date
GBLS Module_FullVersion
Module_MajorVersion SETS "4.42"
Module_Version SETA 442
Module_MajorVersion SETS "4.43"
Module_Version SETA 443
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "29 Mar 2000"
Module_FullVersion SETS "4.42"
Module_Date SETS "30 Mar 2000"
Module_FullVersion SETS "4.43"
/* (4.42)
/* (4.43)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 4.42
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 4.43
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 29 Mar 2000
#define Module_Date_CMHG 30 Mar 2000
#define Module_MajorVersion "4.42"
#define Module_Version 442
#define Module_MajorVersion "4.43"
#define Module_Version 443
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "29 Mar 2000"
#define Module_Date "30 Mar 2000"
#define Module_FullVersion "4.42"
#define Module_FullVersion "4.43"
......@@ -274,10 +274,12 @@ createsystemp
Debug systmpl,"Loading template to",userblk
BLVC int_load_template
MOVVC R14, #0 ; created window will be 'owned' by Wimp
STRVC R14, createwindowtaskhandle
BLVC int_create_window ; R0,handle = window handles (if V clr)
MOV R14, #1 ; subsequent windows are 'owned' by their creators
STR R14, createwindowtaskhandle
MOVVC R14,#0
STRVC R14,[handle,#w_taskhandle] ; 'owned' by Wimp
MOVVC R14,#1
STRVC R14,[handle,#w_areaCBptr] ; use common sprite pool
......@@ -943,6 +943,7 @@ polltaskhandle # 4 ; task handle on entry to Wimp_Poll
menutaskhandle # 4 ; task handle of menu owner
nulltaskhandle # 4 ; for cycling null events
singletaskhandle # 4 ; single = taskhandle if 1-tasking
createwindowtaskhandle # 4 ; if <= 0, this is used to fill in w_taskhandle (else current taskhandle is used)
inithandle # 4 ; "owner" slot if [freepool] = -1
taskcount # 4 ; number of active tasks
tasknumber # 4 ; global task number (monotonic)
......@@ -3617,8 +3617,10 @@ crw5 LDR R0,[R14],#4
BLO crw5
LDR R14,taskhandle
STR R14,[handle,#w_taskhandle]
LDR R14, createwindowtaskhandle
CMP R14, #0
LDRGT R14, taskhandle
STR R14, [handle, #w_taskhandle]
[ ChildWindows
ASSERT lh_forwards=0 :LAND: lh_indicator=4 :LAND: lh_backwards=8
......@@ -3747,7 +3749,7 @@ bodgewindowflags
LDRNE R14,[handle,#w_flags] ; ... cancel all border bits
LDR R14,taskhandle ; but only if task doesn't know about Wimp 3.80
LDR R14,[handle,#w_taskhandle] ; but only if task doesn't know about Wimp 3.80
CMP R14,#0
MOVLE R14,#380 ; treat the system task as knowing what to do
LDRGT R14,[wsptr,R14]
......@@ -3476,7 +3476,11 @@ int_create_menu_withscroll
createsubmenu TraceL sc
ADRL userblk,menuwindow ; window 'template'
MOV R14, #-1 ; created window will be 'owned' by the Wimp
STR R14, createwindowtaskhandle
BL int_create_window
MOV R14, #1 ; subsequent windows are 'owned' by their creators
STR R14, createwindowtaskhandle
STRVC R0,menuhandle
[ debug :LAND: debugmenuw
BVS createsubmenu_continue1
......@@ -3486,9 +3490,6 @@ createsubmenu_continue1
Trace menuw, "not storing task handle -1 at w_taskhandle of window ", X, R0
MOVVC R14,#-1 ; menus have task handle -1
BIC R0, R0, #3 ;make sure R0 is word aligned ; }
STRVC R14, [R0, #w_taskhandle] ; } was STRVC R14, [handle, #w_taskhandle]
Pull "R1-R4,userblk,PC",VS ; error
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