Commit 3a553cf2 authored by Kevin Bracey's avatar Kevin Bracey
Browse files

Printer upcall changes from Spiner merged

parent efe0b58d
......@@ -1969,7 +1969,7 @@ ChangeEnvCode
Pull "R1,PC" ; pass it on!
UpCallCode ROUT
TEQ R0,#UpCall_MediaSearchEnd
BEQ finishupcall ; this comes round if it works!
......@@ -1977,27 +1977,24 @@ UpCallCode
TEQNE R0,#UpCall_MediaNotKnown
MOVNE PC,LR ; Pass it on
; In R1 = fs number
; R2 -> media title, 0
; r3 = device number (-1 for ADFS)
; r4 = iteration number (so we can 'reverse poll' ADFS)
; In r1 = fs number
; r2 -> media name, or = -1 => r6 -> message
; r3 = device number (-1 for irrelevant)
; r4 = iteration number (so we can 'reverse poll' if required)
; r5 = timeout between reverse polls (large if not wanted)
; r6 = name of media (eg. 'disc' for FileCore)
; r6 -> media type (eg. 'disc' for FileCore) (if r2 <> -1)
; = -1 for disc (if r2 <> -1)
; -> complete message to display (if r2 = -1)
XADFS_FloppyFlags * Auto_Error_SWI_bit + &40246
; Note PRM p1-179 says that r2 may be -1 if irrelevant, the comment above
; said it may be 0. Both were wrong. We take advantage of the
; documentation to provide slightly modified behaviour, since no-one
; can have been relying on r2 = -1 working before.
Push "R1-R6" ; no need to stash LR (we'll claim vector)
; SWI XADFS_FloppyFlags ; 4 bytes, bits 6,7 set => can poll
; AND R0,R0,R0,LSL #16
; AND R0,R0,R0,LSL #8
; MOVS R0,R0,LSR #30 ; can poll if C=1,Z=0 (HI)
; MOVHI R5,#10 ; poll every 1/10 sec
; MOVLS R5,#&10000000 ; don't poll at all!
; ADR R6,disc ; cheat
CMP R6,#0 ; bodge for old FileCores
ADRLT R6,disc
ADRLTL R6,disc
MOVLT R5,#bignum ; long timeout if R6 invalid
SUB sp,sp,#32
......@@ -2020,16 +2017,31 @@ XADFS_FloppyFlags * Auto_Error_SWI_bit + &40246
SUBS r2, sp, #0 ; CLRV, r2 -> buffer.
Push "R2-R5"
LDR r5, [sp, #32+1*4+4*4] ; media name or -1
CMP r5, #-1
BEQ %04
ADRL R2,errorbuffer
MOV R3,#252
MOV R14,#0 ; error number
STR R14,[R2],#4
ADR R0,ensuredisc ; "Please insert %0 '%1'"
LDR R5,[sp,#32+1*4+4*4] ; Disc name
MOV R4,R6 ; media type
BL LookupToken ; resolve into suitable string
B %05
;Just use the message provided (copied into the same buffer)
ADRL r2, errorbuffer
ADD r2, r2, #4 ;don't care about error number
06 LDRB lr, [r6], #1 ;read from given message
STRB lr, [r2], #1 ;write to error buffer
TEQ lr, #0 ;NUL-terminated
BNE %06
Pull "R2-R5"
SWI XOS_ReadMonotonicTime
......@@ -2079,7 +2091,7 @@ disc DCB "disc", 0 ; cheat
; Doesn't reset the common sprite pool (only done in Die)
deallocateptrs ROUT
Push "R0-R5,LR"
; release block used for holding pixtrans tables
......@@ -1638,7 +1638,27 @@ servicecallend
LDR R14,commandflag ; finally un-suspend the window
BIC R14,R14,#cf_suspended
STR R14,commandflag
[ outlinefont
;Restore the current font and font colours that were in force on
; entry, if they've been changed. This must be done *before*
; making the service call, so the code in ExitWimp is too late.
Push "r0-r3"
LDR R0, currentfont
TEQ R0, #0
BEQ ReportError_restored_font_colours
LDR R1, systemfont
TEQ R1, R0
LDRNE R1, currentbg
LDRNE R2, currentfg
LDRNE R3, currentoffset
SWINE XFont_SetFontColours
MOV R0, #0
STR R0, currentfont
Pull "r0-r3"
MOV R1,#Service_WimpReportError
MOV R0,#0 ; closing down
STRB R0,errorbox_open
......@@ -1836,6 +1856,26 @@ starterror_next
MOV R1,#2
STR R1,[sp] ; cancel
[ outlinefont
;Restore the current font and font colours that were in force on
; entry, if they've been changed. This must be done *before*
; making the service call, so the code in ExitWimp is too late.
Push "r0-r3"
LDR R0, currentfont
TEQ R0, #0
BEQ ReportError_restored_font_colours2
LDR R1, systemfont
TEQ R1, R0
LDRNE R1, currentbg
LDRNE R2, currentfg
LDRNE R3, currentoffset
SWINE XFont_SetFontColours
MOV R0, #0
STR R0, currentfont
Pull "r0-r3"
MOV R1,#Service_WimpReportError
MOV R0,#0 ; closing down
STRB R0,errorbox_open
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