Commit 2137a784 authored by Robert Sprowson's avatar Robert Sprowson
Browse files

Add flexible scheme to allow non-grey/opaque toolsprites

The Wimp can now accept toolsprite sets which have precalculated (non default) colour translation tables supplied by the designer.
This allows the link between window template colour and displayed tool colour to be reestablished when the tools aren't grey (previously, the Ursula Wimp would only tint greys).
For full design details see Doc/ToolTables.
An example test set, TestO/TTTTest is provided. This is the 'Newlook' set but with a splotch in the corner of each sprite which is then replaced by the hex of the Wimp colour being requested.
 Wimp01.s: New workspace requirements
 Wimp04.s: Pull out the RGB to greyscale function so it can be used elsewhere
 Wimp10.s: New tool table support code

Fixes ticket #323.
Also introduces a disc variant (with the extra EX0 EY0 resolution) of the 'Steel' theme, thus making it generally available.

Version 5.30. Tagged as 'Wimp-5_30'
parent 1401ba7c
Tool translation tables
Tools sprite designers can optionally provide a set of precalculated translation tables to map the toolsprites onto the standard 16 Wimp colours.
Historically toolsprites have relied on one of two methods to adapt the sprite designs to match the application programmer's template colour choices:
a) Scatter some transparent pixels through the toolsprites so that the
underlying Wimp solid fill leaks through.
b) From Ursula onwards, if the toolsprite is 256 colours or less and solid,
then the Wimp will tint grey (R=G=B) portions of the titlebar sprites
with the underlying Wimp solid fill colour. The 'colourmoreborder' switch
applied tinting to the other highlighted elements (back, close, iconise,
toggle, adjust, arrows) but the code is disabled on aesthetic grounds.
These schemes have some drawbacks:
- designers don't want to have transparency because it is binary and
therefore gives tools a spotty dithered look
- solid tools may not be tinted in the designer's desired style
- solid tools may by default themselves be tinted, and therefore not grey,
and therefore the tinting doesn't apply anyway
- resulting in the solid tool obliterating the template's colour choice, for
example writable menus are grey 2 by default, rather than the cream 12
that might be inferred if only considering input focus status
Though alpha blending may appear to be one solution, the situation where alpha blending is also used to make the window itself translucent would result in two computationally expensive operations - blending the template colour choice with the tool sprite, then blending the result with the underlying desktop.
To mitigate these drawbacks the template designer can supply precalculated custom colour translation tables alongside the toolsprites.
It is generally assumed that within a tool set the variants will infact all be the same basic design and that the variations are mainly in their colouring. One way to think of this is the sprites provide a clay mould and the translation tables supply details of which paints to use - a more space efficient solution than providing 16 complete paletted sprite sets.
As a guide, there are about 35000 pixels in a 90x90 set, so providing EX1 EY1
and EX1 EY2 sets would be approximately:
Colour space 90x45 + 90x90 Total
4bpp+individual palette 15.7k + 24.9k 40.6k
8bpp+desktop palette 18.5k + 37k 55.5k
8bpp+individual palette 118.5k + 137k 255.5k
16bpp 37k + 74k 111k
32bpp 74k + 148k 222k
A typical 2 table scheme (2k) 18.5k + 37+2k 57.5k
A fully tabled scheme (17k) 18.5k + 37+17k 72.5k
While 32K and 16M colour tables could in future be supported, their large table size is likely to make them of limited use. Therefore this scheme will use 256 entry tables - note that that's 256 colours from a 16M colour palette for each of the toolsprite elements that can be coloured
1. Title bar and gadgets
2. Scroll bar inner
3. Scroll bar outer
4. Elements with input focus
which is up to 1024 colours on screen in total (for 8bpp and lower obviously the hardware is the limiting factor). This is likely to deal even the most complex of design arrangements.
Each table is containerised as a sprite, a 16x16 in 16M colours is suggested since that can then be viewed in !Paint, but not required - any 256 word sized sprite will do.
The 'extension area' of the sprite file format was considered, but this is often stripped by editors, making it difficult to visualise. Sprites can be designed using !Paint and the palettes removed at the final step (which will make them appear in "false colour" usually - remember to keep the originals!).
Encoding the table in a palette of a (eg.) 1x1 sprite was also considered, but the inclusion of flashing colours in sprite palettes made this method wasteful.
The table(s) are named
following the same naming scheme as the optional window background textures. A simple set might contain
table_2 (for sc_lightgrey)
table_12 (for sc_cream)
A fully specified set would be 16k in total, one for each of the 16 Wimp colours.
Where no tables are provided, behaviour described in (a) and (b) above will prevail, using a default translation table from ColourTrans_GenerateTable.
Where a need to plot a tinted border occurs (see 'colourmoreborder') if the tint colour matches one of the standard Wimp colours that will be used, where no specific table has been supplied table_2 will be used. First, the colours will be forcefully greyscaled, then the tinting algorithm from (b) applied.
If this jars particularly with the designers aim, a full set of tables should be provided instead so the tinting is then only needed for the rare situation of a non standard true colour being chosen (using the 'C' validation string).
Where a need to plot a non tinted border occurs if the colour required matches one of the standard Wimp colours that will be used, where no specific table has been supplied table_2 will be used.
As stated earlier, 256 translation table entries each of 32b are provided for. Plotting these into
1bpp => table reduced into 256B form at 1bpp via ColourTrans
2bpp => table reduced into 256B form at 2bpp via ColourTrans
4bpp => table reduced into 256B form at 4bpp via ColourTrans
8bpp => table reduced into 256B form at 8bpp via ColourTrans
16bpp => table reduced into 512B form at 16bpp via ColourTrans
32bpp => uses table provided directly
Translation tables are not currently (re)calibrated.
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
Option RO4, false ; RISC OS 4 extensions
Option Sprites11, true ; sprite selection scheme that allows use of Sprites11 files
Option ToolTables, true ; look for precalculated tool translation tables
Option RegisterMessages, false
Option RegisterTools2D, false
File added
No preview for this file type
File added
; This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
; Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
GBLS Module_MajorVersion
GBLA Module_Version
GBLS Module_MinorVersion
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
GBLS Module_HelpVersion
GBLS Module_ComponentName
GBLS Module_ComponentPath
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.29"
Module_Version SETA 529
Module_MajorVersion SETS "5.30"
Module_Version SETA 530
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "21 May 2013"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "21-May-13"
Module_Date SETS "01 Jun 2013"
Module_ApplicationDate SETS "01-Jun-13"
Module_ComponentName SETS "Wimp"
Module_ComponentPath SETS "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Desktop/Wimp"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.29"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.29 (21 May 2013)"
Module_FullVersion SETS "5.30"
Module_HelpVersion SETS "5.30 (01 Jun 2013)"
/* (5.29)
/* (5.30)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
* Last processed by srccommit version: 1.1.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.29
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 5.30
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 21 May 2013
#define Module_Date_CMHG 01 Jun 2013
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.29"
#define Module_Version 529
#define Module_MajorVersion "5.30"
#define Module_Version 530
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "21 May 2013"
#define Module_Date "01 Jun 2013"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "21-May-13"
#define Module_ApplicationDate "01-Jun-13"
#define Module_ComponentName "Wimp"
#define Module_ComponentPath "castle/RiscOS/Sources/Desktop/Wimp"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.29"
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.29 (21 May 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:29"
#define Module_FullVersion "5.30"
#define Module_HelpVersion "5.30 (01 Jun 2013)"
#define Module_LibraryVersionInfo "5:30"
......@@ -1305,6 +1305,14 @@ tool_plotop # 4 ; sprite op to plot sprites with
tool_maskop # 4
tool_scaling # 4 ; -> scaling block (may not be used)
tool_transtable # 4 ; -> translation table (may not be used)
[ ToolTables
ttt_masterset # 16*4 ; -> user supplied tool translation tables (one per wimp colour)
ttt_activeset # 16*4 ; -> reprocessed for this mode
ttt_activeset_at # 4
ttt_activeset_size # 4
ttt_lastlookup # 4 ; most recent colour match
ttt_table2 * 2*4
tool_scrollclip # 4*4 ; clip region used for plotting scroll bars
tool_scalingblk # 4*4 ; scaling block used for painting glyphs
......@@ -3666,7 +3674,10 @@ gotwork
STR R0,tpixtable_at ; no tool pixel translation table
STR R0,tpixtable_size
[ ToolTables
STR R0,ttt_activeset_at ; no custom translation tables
STR R0,ttt_activeset_size
STR R0,list_at
STR R0,list_size ; mark to indicate now list present
STR R0,filehandle
......@@ -958,20 +958,12 @@ mungetruecolours ROUT
fadetruecolour ROUT
; In: R0 -> palette entry to fade
; R2 = window background palette entry, or -1 to turn off special case
; Out: [R0] updated: grey, and half the distance from white (cf sprites, which are 1/4 the distance from white)
Push "R1, R2, R4, R14"
LDR R4, [R0]
TEQ R4, R2
Pull "R1, R2, R4, PC", EQ ; leave icon background alone if it matches the work area background
bgr0_to_y ROUT
Push "R1-R3,LR"
MOV R14, #&FF
AND R1, R14, R4, LSR #8 ; extract red
AND R2, R14, R4, LSR #16 ; extract green
AND R3, R14, R4, LSR #24 ; extract blue
AND R1, R14, R0, LSR #8 ; extract red
AND R2, R14, R0, LSR #16 ; extract green
AND R3, R14, R0, LSR #24 ; extract blue
MOV R14,#77
MUL R14,R1,R14 ; red *77
......@@ -983,19 +975,33 @@ fadetruecolour ROUT
ADD R14,R14,#&7F ; Rounding
ADD R14,R14,R14,LSL #8 ; Make 16 bit fractional
ADD R14,R14,#&100 ; Rounding
MOV R14,R14,LSR #16 ; Convert to 8bit luma
MOV R0,R14,LSR #16 ; Convert to 8 bit luma
Pull "R1-R3,PC"
fadetruecolour ROUT
; In: R0 -> palette entry to fade
; R2 = window background palette entry, or -1 to turn off special case
; Out: [R0] updated: grey, and half the distance from white (cf sprites, which are 1/4 the distance from white)
Push "R0, R4, R14"
MOV R4, R0
LDR R0, [R4]
TEQ R14, R2
Pull "R0, R4, PC", EQ ; leave icon background alone if it matches the work area background
BL bgr0_to_y
RSBS R14, R14, #&FF ; get distance from white
RSBS R14, R0, #&FF ; get distance from white
MOVMI R14, #0 ; just in case
MOV R14, R14, LSR #1 ; divide by 2
RSB R14, R14, #&FF ; invert back
MOV R4, R14, LSL #8
ORR R4, R4, R14, LSL #16
ORR R4, R4, R14, LSL #24 ; recombine to make &BBGGRR00
MOV R0, R14, LSL #8
ORR R0, R0, R14, LSL #16
ORR R0, R0, R14, LSL #24 ; recombine to make &BBGGRR00
STR R4, [R0]
Pull "R1, R2, R4, PC"
STR R0, [R4]
Pull "R0, R4, PC"
......@@ -421,8 +421,15 @@ ct_grey = sc_verylightgrey, sc_verylightgrey, sc_verylightgrey, sc_veryl
;; All gadgets must be defined with the same palette and same mode, mixing is not
;; allowed. Sprites are allowed to have mode suffix to allow different
;; EX EY factors to be supported.
;; Tools sprite designers can optionally provide a set of precalculated translation
;; tables to map the toolsprites onto the standard 16 Wimp colours. Each table is
;; containerised as a sprite, but really it's just a translation table in disguise.
DCB "table_1?", 0 ; Like background tiles, table_<wimpcolour>
;; Define the list of sprites and its workspace for the caching block.
......@@ -529,6 +536,51 @@ maketoollist EntryS "R1-R11"
TEQ R2,#0
BEQ %FT45 ; No then jump
[ ToolTables
; look for any custom translation tables
SUB R13,R13,#12 ; space for "table_99"+0
MOV R4,#0 ; bitmap of found wimp colours
MOV R5,#15 ; wimp colour loop counter
ADRL R6,ttt_masterset
ADR R0,tablebasename
MOV R1,R13
BL copy0
CMP R5,#10 ; numbery bit
ADDCS R0,R5,#'0' - 10
STRCSB R0,[R1,#-1]!
ADDCC R0,R5,#'0'
STRCCB R0,[R1,#-2]!
MOV R0,#0
STRB R0,[R1,#1] ; terminate
LDR R0,=&100+SpriteReason_SelectSprite
ADRL R1,tool_areaCB
MOV R2,R13
SWI XOS_SpriteOp
MOVVC R0,#1 ; hit
LDRVC R1,[R2,#spImage]
MOVVS R2,#0 ; miss
STR R2,[R6,R5,LSL #2] ; start of containerised 256x4 translation table
SUBS R5,R5,#1
; consider the results
ADD R13,R13,#12
MOVS R0,R4,LSL #16
BEQ %FT05 ; we aint got naffin
TST R4,#1:SHL:2
BLEQ freetoolarea
BEQ %FT45 ; need 'table_2' for tinting, can't use these tools
; attempt to work out the sizes of the various sprites and their modifications to
......@@ -999,6 +1051,204 @@ default_params
[ ToolTables
;; make an active set of translation tables from the master set for this mode
;; in [ttt_masterset] have master tables, at least 'table_2' must exist
;; out [ttt_activeset] updated
;; V set R0 -> error, else corrupt
mastertoactive ROUT
Push "R1-R8,LR"
ADRL R6,ttt_masterset
MOV R1,#0
MOV R0,#15
LDR R14,[R6,R0,LSL #2]
TEQ R14,#0
ADDNE R1,R1,#1
SUBS R0,R0,#1
LDR R5,log2bpp ; bpp 0,1,2,3,4,5
CMP R5,#4
MOVCC R7,#256
MOVEQ R7,#512
MOVHI R7,#1024 ; => bytes per table entry
MUL R3,R1,R7 ; => bytes for all the tables present
LDR R2,ttt_activeset_at
TEQ R2,#0
BEQ %FT15 ; none claimed yet
CMP R5,#5
LDRNE R14,ttt_activeset_size
MOVEQ R14,#0 ; 32bpp, no copies needed, force a free
CMP R14,R3
BCS %FT20 ; big enough
MOV R14,#0
STR R14,ttt_activeset_at
MOV R0,#ModHandReason_Free
BL XROS_Module ; too small, free old one
CMP R5,#5
BEQ %FT20 ; 32bpp, no copies needed, skip the claim
MOV R0,#ModHandReason_Claim
STR R3,ttt_activeset_size
BL XROS_Module
Pull "R1-R8,PC",VS
STR R2,ttt_activeset_at
ADRL R4,ttt_activeset
MOV R3,#15 ; for each master table present, generate user table
; R1=colour number to convert (0-255)
; R2->base of storage for user tables
; R3=wimp colour (0-15)
; R4->table of user pointers
; R5=log2bpp
; R6->table of master pointers
; R7=size of 1 user table in bytes
; R8->base of master table for this wimp colour
LDR R8,[R6,R3,LSL #2]
CMP R8,#0 ; master table absent?
CMPNE R5,#5 ; or 32bpp mode?
STREQ R8,[R4,R3,LSL #2]
MOV R1, #255
LDR R0,[R8,R1,LSL #2]
MOV R0,R0,ROR #24 ; xBGR->BGRx
SWI XColourTrans_ReturnColourNumber
CMP R5,#4 ; 16bpp is 2B/entry, others are 1
ADDEQ R14,R2,R1,LSL #1
STREQB R0,[R14,#0]
STREQB R0,[R14,#1]
SUBS R1,R1,#1
STR R2,[R4,R3,LSL #2] ; point at the table just made
ADD R2,R2,R7 ; move storage along
SUBS R3,R3,#1 ; next wimp colour
Pull "R1-R8,PC"
;; colour match the tool to a standard colour
;; in R1 = &BBGGRR00 true colour (or 4 bit wimp colour when not TrueIcon3)
;; out R7 -> translation table to use
Push "R2-R3,LR"
ADRL R3,ttt_activeset
LDR R7,[R3,#ttt_table2] ; Presence of 'table_2' implies custom translations
TEQ R7,#0
LDREQ R7,tool_transtable ; Use generic translation table
Pull "R2-R3,PC",EQ
STR R1,ttt_lastlookup ; remember last request incase ColourTrans invalidates everything
[ TrueIcon3
BL getpalpointer ; R14 -> active 16 entry palette
MOV R2,#15
LDR R7,[R14,R2,LSL #2]
LDR R7,[R3,R2,LSL #2]
TEQ R7,#0
Pull "R2-R3,PC",NE ; Is a standard colour & have a custom translation
SUBS R2,R2,#1
LDRB R2,tinted_tool ; Non standard, or no table, maybe tint it?
TEQ R2,#0
LDREQ R7,[R3,#ttt_table2] ; Not a tinting candidate, use 'table_2'
Pull "R2-R3,PC",EQ
Push "R0-R1" ; Make a temporary tinting table
[ Medusa
LDR R1,log2bpp ; bpp 0,1,2,3,4,5
CMP R1,#4
MOVCC R1,#256
MOVEQ R1,#512
MOVHI R1,#1024 ; => bytes per table entry
MOV R1,#256
LDR R2,tpixtable_at
LDR R3,tpixtable_size
TEQ R2,#0
CMP R3,R1 ; Is what's there already big enough?
MOV R0,#0
STR R0,tpixtable_at
MOV R0,#ModHandReason_Free
BL XROS_Module
MOV R0,#ModHandReason_Claim
BL XROS_Module
MOVVS R7,#0 ; Out of memory, and no tpixtable! Use nothing
Pull "R0-R3,PC",VS
STR R2,tpixtable_at
STR R2,tool_transtable
STR R3,tpixtable_size
ADRL R3,ttt_masterset
LDR R7,[R3,#ttt_table2] ; Use master 'table_2' as basis
MOV R1,#255
LDR R3,log2bpp
; R1=colour number to convert (0-255)
; R2->base of tinted translation table
; R3=log2bpp
; R7->base of master table 2
LDR R0,[R7,R1,LSL #2] ; solid (0) -> transparent (255)
BL bgr0_to_y
ORR R0,R0,R0,LSL #8 ; &0000YYYY
BL tintfunc
SWI XColourTrans_ReturnColourNumber
[ Medusa
CMP R3,#4 ; 32bpp is 4B/entry, 16bpp is 2B/entry, others are 1
ADDEQ R14,R2,R1,LSL #1
STREQB R0,[R14,#0]
STREQB R0,[R14,#1]
STRHI R0,[R2,R1,LSL #2]
STRB R0,[R1,R1] ; No wide translation tables
SUBS R1,R1,#1
MOV R7,R2 ; Use table just made
Pull "R0-R3,PC"
LDR R7,[R3,R1,LSL #2] ; Direct lookup wimp colour
TEQ R7,#0
LDREQ R7,[R3,#ttt_table2] ; No specific table, use 'table_2'
Pull "R2-R3,PC"
;; free the tool sprites list (if defined)
......@@ -1043,6 +1293,13 @@ freetooltrans ROUT
MOV R0,#0
STR R0,tpixtable_at
STR R0,tool_transtable
[ ToolTables
LDR R2,ttt_activeset_at
STR R0,ttt_activeset_at
CMP R2,#0 ; have translation tables been supplied in the tool sprites?
MOVNE R0,#ModHandReason_Free
......@@ -1121,7 +1378,7 @@ ToolSprites_Code Entry "R0"
int_toolsprites Entry "R1-R6"
MOVS R1,R0 ; if null then use default tools
ADREQL R1,default_tools
ADREQ R1,default_tools
DebugS tools,"ToolSprites =",R1
......@@ -1606,6 +1863,14 @@ plot_windowglyph Entry "R0-R9"
ADRL R0,tool_plotparams
LDMIA R0,{R0,R5,R6,R7} ; parameters to plot using
[ ToolTables
[ TrueIcon3
LDR R1,truetitlecolour
LDRB R1,titlecolour
BL colourmatchtool
Debug tools2,"SpriteOp =",R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5
BL Tool_SpriteOp
......@@ -1832,6 +2097,14 @@ draw_spriteglyph EntryS "R0-R7"
ADRL R0,tool_plotparams
LDMIA R0,{R0,R5,R6,R7} ; get the tool information
[ ToolTables
[ TrueIcon3
LDR R1,truetitlecolour
LDRB R1,titlecolour
BL colourmatchtool
BL Tool_SpriteOp
......@@ -1919,6 +2192,14 @@ dofunkytitlebar EntryS "R0-R11"
ADRL R0,tool_plotparams
LDMIA R0,{R0,R5,R6,R7} ; R0,R5-R7 => sprite op information
[ ToolTables
[ TrueIcon3
LDR R1,truetitlecolour
LDRB R1,titlecolour
BL colourmatchtool
LDR R1,tool_list ; -> list of the glyphs
Push "R10,R11" ; preserve these - they are important
......@@ -2074,6 +2355,14 @@ dofunkyvscroll EntryS "R0-R11"
ADRL R0,tool_plotparams
LDMIA R0,{R0,R5,R6,R7} ; get the plotting parameters
[ ToolTables
[ TrueIcon3
LDR R1,truescoutcolour
LDRB R1,[handle,#w_scouter]
BL colourmatchtool
LDR R1,dy ; single pixel at screen resolution
LDR R3,[sp,#Proc_RegOffset+sp_x0]
......@@ -2135,6 +2424,16 @@ dofunkyvscroll EntryS "R0-R11"
; now decide which routine to call to plot the sausage bits
LDR R2,[sp,#Proc_RegOffset+sp_hand]
[ ToolTables
Push "R1"
[ TrueIcon3
LDR R1,truescincolour
LDRB R1,[R2,#w_scinner]
BL colourmatchtool
Pull "R1"
[ PushBothBars
LDR R14, border_iconselected
CMP R14, #windowicon_verticalbar
......@@ -2274,6 +2573,15 @@ dofunkyhscroll EntryS "R0-R11"
ADRL R0,tool_plotparams
LDMIA R0,{R0,R5,R6,R7} ; get the plotting parameters
[ ToolTables
[ TrueIcon3
LDR R1,truescoutcolour
LDRB R1,[handle,#w_scouter]
BL colourmatchtool
LDR R1,dx ; single pixel at screen resolution
LDR R4,[sp,#Proc_RegOffset+sp_y0]
LDR R10,tool_list ; -> tool sprite list
......@@ -2333,6 +2641,16 @@ dofunkyhscroll EntryS "R0-R11"
; first attempt to decide if the block is selected or not?
LDR R2,[sp,#Proc_RegOffset+sp_hand]
[ ToolTables
Push "R1"
[ TrueIcon3
LDR R1,truescincolour
LDRB R1,[R2,#w_scinner]
BL colourmatchtool
Pull "R1"
[ PushBothBars
LDR R14, border_iconselected
CMP R14, #windowicon_horizbar
......@@ -2884,8 +3202,8 @@ cachetoolspritedata
CMP R7,R14 ; min(image,trans)
LDR R14,tpixtable_at
CMP R14,#0 ; is a pixtable defined?
LDR R1,tpixtable_at
CMP R1,#0 ; is a pixtable defined?
[ TrueIcon3
......@@ -2893,10 +3211,17 @@ cachetoolspritedata
TEQ R14, #0 ; if it's tinted, we must recalculate the table
[ ToolTables
ADRL R14,ttt_masterset
LDR R14,[R14,#ttt_table2] ; if it's a custom set, we must recalculate the table
TEQ R14,#0
TEQ R7,#spPalette ; does it have a palette?
LDREQ R14,tsprite_lastmode
TEQEQ R6,R14 ; no, so have we already cached this information?
STREQ R1,tool_transtable ; repoint at the pixtable
10 MOV R0,R6 ; R0 = mode of sprite
......@@ -2923,6 +3248,9 @@ cachetoolspritedata
MOVVC R1,#VduExt_YEigFactor
SWIVC XOS_ReadModeVariable
STRVC R2,tsprite_log2py ; get the Y scaling factor (pixels => OS units)
[ ToolTables
BLVC mastertoactive ; remap any custom translation tables
Pull "R2,R3-R4",VS
......@@ -3000,8 +3328,20 @@ cachetoolspritedata
BPL %BT05 ; loop back copying the data
Pull "R0-R3,R5"
[ ToolTables
ADRL R14,ttt_masterset
LDR R14,[R14,#ttt_table2] ; are these sprites using custom translations?
TEQ R14,#0
10 MOV R4,#0 ; R4 =0 read table size
LDR R1,ttt_lastlookup
BL colourmatchtool ; redo the last lookup
MOV R14,R7
B %FT45 ; skip the generic table generation
MOV R4,#0 ; R4 =0 read table size
[ TrueIcon3
SWI XColourTrans_GenerateTable ; ensure wide table flag is obeyed
......@@ -3064,6 +3404,9 @@ cachetoolspritedata
TEQ R14,R6 ; colour number = index? (1:1 mapped)
LDR R14,tpixtable_at ; use that now
STR R14,tool_transtable
MOV R14,#-1
STRB R14,tsprite_needsfactors; mark as needing translation
......@@ -3203,9 +3546,6 @@ recache_tools_trans
BL cachetoolspritedata ; this sets up the tool pixtable area
LDRVC R0,tpixtable_at
STRVC R0,tool_transtable ; update the new table location
CLRV ; clear errors
Pull "R0-R4,PC"
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