Commit 11eaef5f authored by Ben Avison's avatar Ben Avison
Browse files

Another bugfix to and a new feature of NC error box code:

* If pointer was hidden-until-next-mouse-move, the act of confining the mouse
  to the error box window no longer causes it to be redisplayed.
* In error boxes, the pointer and the IconHigh highlight are now initially
  positioned over the rightmost (default) button. There is one exception to
  this rule: when "Next task" is clicked in a Watchdog window, the pointer
  stays over the "Next task" button.

Version 4.13. Tagged as 'Wimp-4_13'
parent 7933383e
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
GBLA Module_Version
GBLS Module_MinorVersion
GBLS Module_Date
Module_MajorVersion SETS "4.12"
Module_Version SETA 412
Module_MajorVersion SETS "4.13"
Module_Version SETA 413
Module_MinorVersion SETS ""
Module_Date SETS "26 Nov 1998"
Module_Date SETS "27 Nov 1998"
/* (4.12)
/* (4.13)
* This file is automatically maintained by srccommit, do not edit manually.
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 4.12
#define Module_MajorVersion_CMHG 4.13
#define Module_MinorVersion_CMHG
#define Module_Date_CMHG 26 Nov 1998
#define Module_Date_CMHG 27 Nov 1998
#define Module_MajorVersion "4.12"
#define Module_Version 412
#define Module_MajorVersion "4.13"
#define Module_Version 413
#define Module_MinorVersion ""
#define Module_Date "26 Nov 1998"
#define Module_Date "27 Nov 1998"
......@@ -172,6 +172,11 @@ taskloop
ADR R0,watchdogcallback
MOV R1,R12
SWI XOS_AddCallBack
[ NCErrorBox
ADRL R1, ptrpreserveflag
MOV R0, #1
STR R0, [R1] ; note not to move the pointer
Pull "R0-R7,PC"
CMP R1,#3 ; kill
......@@ -1459,6 +1459,8 @@ ptrsuspenddata # 12 ; To store x,y,b last generated by IconH
ptrsuspendflag # 4 ; 0 => normal
; 1 => waiting for mouse move generated by IconHigh
; 2 => waiting for next mouse move *not* generated by IconHigh
ptrpreserveflag # 4 ; 0 => position pointer over default error button on box start
; 1 => don't move pointer on box start
maxwork * :INDEX:@
......@@ -2868,6 +2868,8 @@ inittasks
[ NCErrorBox
ADRL R14, ptrsuspendflag
STR R0, [R14], #4
ASSERT ptrpreserveflag = ptrsuspendflag + 4
STR R0, [R14]
......@@ -4800,6 +4800,20 @@ pointerwindow
strw y1,R1,7
MOV R0,#&15
[ NCErrorBox
; If confining the mouse causes it to change position,
; we *don't* want to trigger the reappearance of the pointer
ADRL y1, ptrsuspendflag
LDR x1, [y1]
TEQ x1, #2 ; waiting for a mouse move?
Push "R2", EQ ; if so then flush the mouse buffer
MOVEQ R0, #21 ; (maybe a bit dodgy, but it's the only way
MOVEQ R1, #Buff_Mouse ; to ensure that the next read from the
SWIEQ OS_Byte ; mouse buffer was due to the OS_Word call,
Pull "R2", EQ ; which doesn't in itself flush the buffer)
MOVEQ x1, #1 ; and then flag to ignore the next mouse read
STREQ x1, [y1]
Pull "R0,R1,x1,y1,PC"
......@@ -1885,6 +1885,12 @@ ReportError_restored_font_colours
Pull "r0-r3"
[ NCErrorBox
ADRL R14, ptrpreserveflag
MOV R0, #0
STR R0, [R14] ; move the pointer the next time the error box is opened
MOV R0, #220 ; restore the old escape key
LDRB R1, old_escape
MOV R2, #0
......@@ -1910,6 +1916,11 @@ notoveryet
STR R1,tempworkspace+errtws_icondata
LDR R1,tempworkspace+errtws_describebuttons ; Get back buttons
STR R1,tempworkspace+errtws_buttonlist
[ false
ADRL R5, ptrpreserveflag
MOV R4, #1
STR R4, [R5] ; note not to move the pointer
ADRL R1,progerrsaveblk
LDMIA R1,{R4-R7}
MOV userblk,R5
......@@ -2843,7 +2854,47 @@ donegetr
BL flushkbdmouse ; get ready to read these
[ NCErrorBox
MOV R0, #106
ADRL R0, ptrpreserveflag
LDR R0, [R0]
TEQ R0, #0 ; Should we move the pointer over the default action button?
Push "cx0-y0"
LDR R14, errorhandle
Abs R14, R14
LDR cx0, [R14, #w_wax1]
SUB cx0, cx0, #20 ; 20 OS unit border
LDR cx1, errbut_w_def
SUB cx0, cx0, cx1, ASR #1 ; screen x of icon centre
LDR cy1, [R14, #w_way1]
LDR y0, [R14, #w_scy]
SUB y0, cy1, y0 ; screen y of wao
LDR cy0, errbut_y0_def
LDR cy1, errbut_y1_def
ADD cy0, cy0, cy1
ADD cy0, y0, cy0, ASR #1 ; screen y of icon centre
SUB sp, sp, #8
MOV R1, sp
MOV R0, #3
STRB R0, [R1]
strw cx0, R1, 1
strw cy0, R1, 3
MOV R0, #&15
SWI XOS_Word ; Set mouse position
ADD sp, sp, #8
ADRL R0, ptrsuspendflag ; Update our copy of the coords
LDR R1, [R0] ; because IconHigh reads the mouse
TEQ R1, #2 ; position using Wimp_GetPointerInfo!
MOVEQ R1, #1 ; If pointer is currently hidden
STREQ R1, [R0] ; until the next mouse move, remember
BL getmouseposn ; to discount next mouse read.
Pull "cx0-y0"
01 MOV R0, #106
MOV R1, #0
SWI XOS_Byte ; Read current pointer number (also turns it off, but we'll soon switch it back)
ADRL R14, ptrshlflag
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