• Steve Revill's avatar
    Faster TaskWindow from Dan Ellis. · 476aafa4
    Steve Revill authored
    > I was just fiddling with Taskwindow, and realising one of the big things
    > slowing it down is that it polls everytime its internal buffer gets filled.
    > If it just lets the Wimp do the queueing it goes quite a lot faster!
    > It only polls the wimp once every 10 buffer fulls of data, so is pretty
    > nippy, but doesn't stall when doing a lot of text output in SVC mode.
    > It also assembles to use TickerV instead of VSync (unless you unset the
    > flag).
      Tested on Ursula RiscPC and STB without any problems.
    Version 0.68. Tagged as 'TaskWindow-0_68'
Taskman 164 KB