StartLoop 21.6 KB
Newer Older
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
; Copyright 1996 Acorn Computers Ltd
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; > s.StartLoop

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;      Application title and 'TASK' word store
taskidentifier  DCB     "TASK"
tasktitle       DCB     "TaskID",0
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;       Set up error blocks

        MakeErrorBlock Pinboard_NoWimp

        SWI     XWimp_CloseDown
        SWI     XOS_WriteI+4            ; just in case (old Wimp!)
        ADR     r0,ErrorBlock_Pinboard_NoWimp
        BL      msgtrans_errorlookup

        SWI     OS_GenerateError        ; can't use Wimp to report error!


        EntryS  r0
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
39 40 41 42 43
        LDR     r0, mytaskhandle        ; Get task handle
        LDR     r1, taskidentifier
        SWI     XWimp_CloseDown
        MOV     r0, #0
        STR     r0, mytaskhandle
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
45 46 47 48 49

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        DCB     "Pinboard:Templates",0
50 51 52
;        DCB     "Proginfo",0
;        ALIGN
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
53 54 55 56 57 58 59
        DCB     "saveas",0
        DCB     "Back",0

Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
60 61
        DCD &77777700
62 63 64 65
 [ technicolour_text
        DCD &FFFFFF00
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
67 68 69 70
                DCD     Message_DataLoad
                DCD     Message_DataLoadAck
                DCD     Message_DataSaveAck
                DCD     Message_FilerDevicePath
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
                DCD     Message_ModeChange
              [ :LNOT: ursulawimp
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
                DCD     Message_PaletteChange
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
76 77 78
                DCD     Message_MenusDeleted
                DCD     Message_HelpRequest
                DCD     Message_Iconize
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
                DCD     Message_IconizeAt
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
80 81 82 83 84 85
                DCD     Message_TaskNameIs
                DCD     Message_WindowClosed
                DCD     Message_TaskCloseDown
                DCD     Message_WindowInfo
                DCD     Message_FilerSelection
                DCD     Message_FontChanged
                DCD     Message_ToggleBackdrop
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
                DCD     0
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;       Start up the wimp task for Pinboard
        MOV     r11, r12
        LDR     r12, [r12]              ; get workspace pointer

        addr    r0, ErrorBlock_CantStartPinboard
        MOV     r1,#0                   ; Relies on global error message
        MOV     r2,#0
        ADRL    r4,Title
        SWI     XMessageTrans_ErrorLookup
        CMP     r12, #0
        SWIEQ   OS_GenerateError        ; abort if module not initialised
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
102 103

        LDR     r14, mytaskhandle       ; abort if already a task
104 105
        CMP     r14, #-1
        SWINE   OS_GenerateError
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

        ADRL    sp, stacktop            ; STACK IS NOW VALID!

        BL      msgtrans_openfile
        SWIVS   OS_GenerateError

        ADR     r0,message_file_block+4
        ADR     r1,tasktitle
        ADR     r2,dataarea
        MOV     r3,#&100
        SWI     XMessageTrans_Lookup
        ADRVSL  r2,Title

Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
119 120 121
        LDR     r0, bgcol
        STR     r0, background_colour

122 123 124 125 126
 [ technicolour_text
        LDR     r0, fgcol
        STR     r0,foreground_colour

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
127 128 129 130 131 132
        MOV     r0,#0
        STR     r0,poll_word
        STR     r0,slot_size                    ; We don't have a slot.
        STR     r0,GotToClearBackdrop
        STR     r0,MonotonicID
        STR     r0,backdrop_options
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145

        ORR     r0, r0, #PinboardOption_UseWinToCorner
        ORR     r0, r0, #PinboardOption_WinToCornerLR
        ORR     r0, r0, #PinboardOption_WinToCornerHV
        STR     r0, Pinboard_options

        MOV     r0, #-1
        STR     r0, IconizeAtX
        STR     r0, IconizeAtY

        MOV     r0, #Default_IconizeAtFlags
        STR     r0, IconizeAtFlags
        MOV     r0, #0
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
        STR     r0,Pinboard_Icons
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
        STR     r0,Window_Icons
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
148 149 150 151
        STR     r0,All_PB_Icons
        STR     r0,TinyDirs_Icons
        STR     r0,Pinboard_Selected
        STR     r0,TinyDirs_Selected
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
152 153
        STR     r0,Windows_Selected
        STR     r0,Iconbar_Icons
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
        STR     r0,soft_selection_window
155 156
        STR     r0,CachedBackdrop_x1
        STR     r0,CachedBackdrop_y1
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189

        SUB     r0,r0,#1
        STR     r0,CachedBackdropMode
        STR     r0,TinyDirs_Handle

        MOV     r0, #300                ; We know about wimp 3.00 and have a messages list.
        LDR     r1, taskidentifier
        ADR     r3, MessagesList
        SWI     XWimp_Initialise
        LDR     r3, =269                ; Wimp version required
        CMP     r0, #256                ; needs Wimp with Wimp_PollWord, draggable iconbar icons
                                        ; and Iconize and close window messages.
        BCC     ErrorOldWimp

        STR     r1, mytaskhandle        ; Store task handle

        ADR     r1, template_filename   ; Load in the templates
        SWI     XWimp_OpenTemplate
        BLVS    CloseWimp
        SWIVS   OS_GenerateError

        ADR     r1, dataarea                ; Get template for back window.
        LDR     r2, =indirected_data_offset
        ADD     r2,r2,r12
        ADD     r3, r2, #indirected_space
        MOV     r4, #-1                     ; No font array
        ADR     r5, back_name               ; Name of window.
        MOV     r6, #0                      ; Search from first template.
        SWI     XWimp_LoadTemplate
        BLVS    CloseWimp
        SWIVS   OS_GenerateError

        BL      read_mode_variables         ; Read screen bounding box.
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
190 191 192
        [ truncate_filenames
        BL      read_font_widths
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254

        ADR     r1, bounding_box            ; Set correct extent
        LDMIA   r1, {r2,r3,r4,r5}
        ADD     r4,r4,#100
        ADD     r5,r5,#100
        ADRL    r1, dataarea+40
        STMIA   r1, {r2,r3,r4,r5}

        ADR     r1, dataarea                ; Create the backdrop window
        SWI     XWimp_CreateWindow
        STRVC   r0, backdrop_handle
        BLVS    CloseWimp
        SWIVS   OS_GenerateError

        ADR     r1, dataarea                ; Get template for saveas box.
        LDR     r2, =save_filename_offset
        ADD     r2,r2,r12
        ADD     r3, r2, #&180
        MOV     r4, #-1
        ADR     r5, saveas_name
        MOV     r6, #0
        SWI     XWimp_LoadTemplate
        BLVS    CloseWimp
        SWIVS   OS_GenerateError
        ADR     r1, dataarea            ; Create the info window
        LDR     r14,[r1,#88+2*32+20]
        DebugS  sa,"Default name is ",R14
        STR     r14,save_filename_address
        SWI     XWimp_CreateWindow
        STRVC   r0, saveas_handle

        SWI     XWimp_CloseTemplate

        BL      set_icon_bar_height

        ADR     r1, dataarea            ; Open the backdrop window
        MOV     r0, r1
        LDR     r2, backdrop_handle
        STR     r2, [r0],#4

        ADR     r3, bounding_box        ; Screen bounding box.
        LDMIA   r3, {r4,r5,r6,r7}
        LDR     r5, icon_bar_height     ; Don't cover iconbar.
        ADD     r6,r6,#100
        ADD     r7,r7,#100
        STMIA   r0!, {r4,r5,r6,r7}

        MOV     r8, #-2                 ; bottom of stack
        STMIA   r0, {r6,r7,r8}          ; Scroll x / Scroll y & open behind.

        Debug   bd,"Open Window"

        SWI     XWimp_OpenWindow        ; Go open the window.
        BLVS    CloseWimp
        SWIVS   OS_GenerateError

        BL      FreeAll                 ; Free icon list, backdrop path etc. if used

      [ defaultbackdrop
        BL      CheckLCD

255 256
        BL      Int_ModeChange

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284
      [ useECFforLCD
        BL      setupECF

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;       Wimp polling routine
        Debug   sa,"Repoll wimp"
        BLVS    ReportError

; See if we need to add tinydirs icon.

        LDR     r0,Pinboard_options
        TST     r0,#PinboardOption_TinyDirs
        BEQ     %FT01

        LDR     r0,TinyDirs_Icons
        CMP     r0,#0
        BNE     %FT01

        Debug   sa,"Calling add tiny dirs"
        Push    "PC"
        B       Int_AddTinyDirs
        MOV     r0,r0
; Call Wimp_Poll

        Debug   sa,"Calling Wimp_Poll"
285 286
        MOV     R0, #null_bit :OR: pointerchange_bits
        ORR     R0, R0, #pollword_enable
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307
        ADR     R1,dataarea
        ADR     r3, poll_word
        SWI     XWimp_Poll              ; can't call non-X form
        Debug   sa,"Wimp_poll returned ",r0
        BVS     repollwimp
        Debug   sa,"No error in wimp_poll"
; Call the appropriate routine using a fast jump table
        ADR     LR,repollwimp
        CMP     R0,#(endjptable-jptable)/4
        ADDCC   PC,PC,R0,ASL #2
        MOV     PC,LR

        MOV     PC,LR                   ;  0  null reason
        B       Redraw                  ;  1  redraw window
        B       open_window             ;  2  open window
        MOV     PC,LR                   ;  3  close window
        MOV     PC,LR                   ;  4  pointer leaving window
        MOV     PC,LR                   ;  5  pointer entering window
        B       mouse_click             ;  6  mouse click
        B       drag_end                ;  7  drag box complete
        B       Key_Press_Event         ;  8  key pressed.
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322
        B       menu_selection          ;  9  menu selection
        MOV     PC,LR                   ; 10
        MOV     PC,LR                   ; 11
        MOV     PC,LR                   ; 12
        B       poll_word_set           ; 13  poll word non-zero
        MOV     PC,LR                   ; 14
        MOV     PC,LR                   ; 15
        MOV     PC,LR                   ; 16
        B       message_received        ; 17  message_received
        B       message_received        ; 18  message_received_ack
        B       message_bounced         ; 19  message_bounced

323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350
; Key_Pressed
;     Check to see which window has the keypress event. The backdrop window gets
;     input focus at the start of a drag operation so that the Escape key can then
;     cancel the drag.
Key_Press_Event ROUT
        Push    "R0, R10, LR"
        LDR     R10, [R1]       ; Make a note of the keypress window handle
        LDR     R0, [R1, #24]   ; Check the key is escape
        TEQ     R0, #&1B
        BNE     %FT01
        ; Check there is a drag in progress
        LDR     R0, DragType
        TEQ     R0, #DragType_NoDrag
        BEQ     %FT01
        ; Abort the drag and restore input focus
        MOV     R0, #DragType_NoDrag
        STR     R0, DragType
        BL      Restore_Focus
        SWI     XDragASprite_Stop
        Pull    "R0, R10, PC"
01      ; Skip the drag cancel stuff
        LDR     R0, backdrop_handle
        TEQ     R0, R10
        Pull    "R0, R10, LR"
        BNE     Save_KeyPressed
        LDR     R0, [R1, #24]   ; Pass-on any non-escape keys
        SWI     XWimp_ProcessKey
352 353 354
        MOV     PC, LR

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Neil Turton committed
355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384
; open_window
;     Open window unless it's the backdrop window which is opened only on a mode change.

        Push    "LR"

        Debug   pi,"open_window"
        LDR     r0,backdrop_handle
        LDR     r14,[r1]
        CMP     r0,r14
        SWINE   XWimp_OpenWindow        ;  2  open window

        Pull    "PC"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        Push    "LR"

        LDR     R0,poll_word
        TST     R0,#PollWordReason_Buffered
        BICNE   R0,R0,#PollWordReason_Buffered
        STRNE   R0,poll_word
        BLNE    ReadBufferedList
        Pull    "PC",VS
        LDR     R0,poll_word
        TST     R0,#PollWordReason_Recache
385 386 387 388
 [ technicolour_text
        BLNE    change_icon_colours     ; trashes flags
        TST     R0,#PollWordReason_Recache
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Neil Turton committed
389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421
        BICNE   R0,R0,#PollWordReason_Recache
        STRNE   R0,poll_word
        BLNE    CacheBackdropSprite

        LDR     lr,poll_word
        TST     lr,#PollWordReason_Remove
        BICNE   lr,lr,#PollWordReason_Remove
        STRNE   lr,poll_word
        BLNE    ClearBackdrop
        Pull    "PC"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Redraw  ROUT

        Push    "LR"

      [ useECFforLCD
        MOV     r0,#1
        SWI     XOS_ReadSysInfo
        Pull    "PC",VS
        MOV     r11,r1                  ; save monitor type

        ADR     r1,dataarea
        LDR     r9,backdrop_handle
        Debug   td,"Window handle = ",r9
        STR     r9,[r1]

        LDR     r9,backdrop_options
        Debug   td,"Redraw: options are ",r9

        SWI     XWimp_RedrawWindow
        Pull    "PC",VS
422 423

01      CMP     r0,#0
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
424 425 426 427 428
        Pull    "PC",EQ

        TST     r9,#bd_OptionActive
        TSTNE   r9,#bd_OptionScaled :OR: bd_OptionTiled
        BNE     %FT10
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed

Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
430 431
      [ useECFforLCD
        CMP     r11,#5
432 433 434 435 436
        BEQ     %FT08
        LDR     r0,=128+4
        SWI     XWimp_SetColour
        MOVS    r1,PC
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
437 438 439 440
        MOVEQ   r0,#&30
        ADREQ   r1,backdropECF
        SWIEQ   XOS_SetColour
        Push    "r3,r4"
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
442 443 444 445
        LDR     r0, background_colour
        MOV     r3, #128+256
        MOV     r4, #0
        SWI     XColourTrans_SetGCOL
        Pull    "r3,r4"
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
447 448 449 450 451
        Pull    "PC",VS
        SWI     XOS_WriteI+16           ; Clear background to colour 4
        Pull    "PC",VS

452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491
10      TST     r9,#bd_OptionActive     ; do we have a backdrop image?
        BEQ     %FT02                   ; if not, skip plotting of image

        TST     r9,#bd_OptionTiled      ; should the image be tiled?
        BLNE    PlotImageTiled          ; if so, plot the tiled image
        TST     r9, #bd_OptionScaled    ; should the image be scaled?
        TSTEQ   r9, #bd_OptionCentred   ; or centred on screen?
        BLNE    PlotImageScaled         ; if so, plot the image scaled/centred

        ; We've dealt with this redraw rectangle see if there's another one

02      ADR     r1,dataarea             ;
        SWI     XWimp_GetRectangle      ; get next redraw rectangle
        Pull    "PC",VS                 ; exit if something went wrong
        B       %BT01                   ; deal with next rectangle

; In: Nothing
; Out: All registers preserved
        Entry   "r0-r12"

        LDR     r14,backdrop_options    ; get options for backdrop image
        TST     r14,#bd_OptionJPEG      ; is it a jpeg image?
        BEQ     %FT10                   ; if not, plot a sprite

        ; Scaled/centred backdrop jpeg
        MOV     r0, #&8000              ; -> jpeg image data
        LDR     r1, Sprite_x            ; x co-ordinate at which to plot
        LDR     r2, Sprite_y            ; y co-ordinate at which to plot
        ADR     r3, ScaleFactors        ; -> scale factors to use
        LDR     r4, slot_size           ; size of image
        MOV     r5, #1                  ; 1 => dither output
        SWI     XJPEG_PlotScaled        ; plot jpeg (ignore any errors)
        B       %FT20                   ; jump to exit

        ; Scaled/centred backdrop sprite
10      LDR     r0,=&200 + SpriteReason_PutSpriteUserCoords
493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511
        MOV     r1,#&8000               ; -> sprite area
        ADD     r2,r1,#&10              ; -> sprite to plot
        LDR     r3,Sprite_x             ; x co-ordinate at which to plot
        LDR     r4,Sprite_y             ; y co-ordinate at which to plot
        MOV     r5,#0                   ; 0 => plot action is overwrite
        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp            ; plot sprite (ignore any errors)


; In: Nothing
; Out: All registers preserved
        Entry   "r0-r12"

512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534
        LDR     r14,backdrop_options
        TST     r14,#bd_OptionJPEG
        BNE     %FT05
        ; Tiled sprite, use the new tiled OS_SpriteOp
        LDR     r0,Screen_y1
        MOV     r9,#1
        LDR     r10,YEig
        ADD     r4,r0,r9,LSL r10
        LDR     r0,=SpriteReason_TileSpriteScaled+512
        MOV     r1,#&8000
        ADD     r2,r1,#16
        MOV     r3,#0
        MOV     r5,#0
        MOV     r6,#0
        MOV     r7,#0
        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp
      [ standalonemessages
        ; Try plotting manually if it looks like the call isn't supported
        EXIT    VC
        LDR     r0,[r0]
        LDR     r1,=ErrorNumber_Sprite_BadReasonCode
        TEQ     r0,r1
        EXIT    NE
Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
535 536
537 538 539

Jeffrey Lee's avatar
Jeffrey Lee committed
540 541
        ADR     r1,dataarea             ; Get the redraw rectangle

        ; Work out MinX of first tile to plot
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
543 544

        LDR     r14,[r1,#28]            ; X0 of current rectangle.
        LDR     r0,scale_x1             ; width of image in OS units
        DivRem  r3,r14,r0,r2,norem      ;
        MUL     r6,r0,r3                ; MinX of leftmost tile to plot
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
548 549
        Debug   bd,"First x ",r6

550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558
        ; Work out MinY of first tile to plot

        LDR     r0,Screen_y1            ;
        LDR     r14,scale_y1            ;
        MOV     r9,#1                   ;
        LDR     r10,YEig                ;
        MOV     r9,r9,ASL r10           ;
        ADD     r0,r0,r9                ;
        SUB     r3,r14,#0               ;
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
559 560 561
        LDR     r4,[r1,#32]             ; Y0 of current rectangle.
        SUB     r2,r0,r4                ; r2 = ScrY1 - Y0
        ADD     r2,r2,r3                ; r2 = (ScrY1-Y0)+YSize-1
        DivRem  r3,r2,r14,r5,norem      ; r3 = (ScrY1-Y0+YSize-1)  / YSize
        LDR     r14,scale_y1            ;
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed
        MUL     r5,r3,r14               ; r5 = INT ( (ScrY1-Y0+YSize-1)  / YSize ) * YSize
565 566
        SUB     r8,r0,r5                ; r3 = ScrY1 - r5 (Base Y)
        Debug   bd,"First y ",r8
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Neil Turton committed

568 569 570
        MOV     R7,R6                   ;
        LDR     r9, [r1,#36]            ; r9  = redraw MaxX
        LDR     r10,[r1,#40]            ; r10 = redraw MaxY
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

572 573
10      MOV     r0,r7                   ; MinX of next tile
        MOV     r1,r8                   ; MinY of next tile
Neil Turton's avatar
Neil Turton committed

575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595
        LDR     r14,backdrop_options    ; get options for backdrop image
        TST     r14,#bd_OptionJPEG      ; is it a jpeg image?

        ADR     r14,%FT20               ; set up a return address
        BNE     PlotJpegTiled           ; if so, plot jpeg
        BEQ     PlotSpriteTiled         ; if not, plot sprite

20      LDR     r2, scale_x1            ; width of image in OS units
        ADD     r7, r7, r2              ; hence MinX of next tile
        CMP     r7, r9                  ; have we gone past redraw MaxX?
        BLT     %BT10                   ; if not, plot this tile

        ; We've gone past the redraw MaxX, move to next row

        MOV     r7, r6                  ; reset MinX to leftmost tile
        LDR     r2, scale_y1            ; height of image in OS units
        ADD     r8, r8, r2              ; hence MinY of next row of tiles
        CMP     r8, r10                 ; have we gone past redraw MaxY?
        BLT     %BT10                   ; if not, plot this tile

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Neil Turton committed

Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed

598 599 600
; In:   R0 = x co-ordinate at which to plot
;       R1 = y co-ordinate at which to plot
Stewart Brodie's avatar
Stewart Brodie committed
602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613
; Out:  All registers preserved
        Entry   "r0-r5"

        MOV     r5, #1                  ; 1 => dither output
        LDR     r4, slot_size           ; size of image
        MOV     r3, #0                  ; 0 => no scale factors (1:1)
        MOV     r2, r1                  ; x co-ordinate at which to plot
        MOV     r1, r0                  ; y co-ordinate at which to plot
        MOV     r0, #&8000              ; -> jpeg image data
        SWI     XJPEG_PlotScaled        ; plot jpeg (ignore any errors)
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Stewart Brodie committed

615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629

; In:   R0 = x co-ordinate at which to plot
;       R1 = y co-ordinate at which to plot
; Out:  All registers preserved
        Entry   "r0-r5"

        MOV     r5,#0                   ; 0 => plot action is overwrite
        MOV     r4,r1                   ; x co-ordinate at which to plot
        MOV     r3,r0                   ; y co-ordinate at which to plot
        LDR     r0,=&200 + SpriteReason_PutSpriteUserCoords
631 632 633
        MOV     r1,#&8000               ; -> sprite area
        ADD     r2,r1,#&10              ; -> sprite to plot
        SWI     XOS_SpriteOp            ; plot sprite (ignore any errors)
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Stewart Brodie committed
634 635 636 637


        LNK     Messages.s
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