Add beaming
Add beaming data (join together) barbed notes, such as quavers, in a sequence. Scores are beamed on loading, and updated dynamically as notes are added and deleted. As the MusicFile spec has no space for recording adjustments to file, no manual editing of beam lines/groups is possible. The extended Note Block is used to store beaming data, documented in the Notes file.
- Drawn beams are all horizontal at the moment, rather than angled. This could be looked at in a future update.
- Only notes with the same stem orientation are beamed. Some existing scores may therefore need to be edited for best visual results.
- The system relies on notes of the same beat being in the same vertical column, and can get confused if the note values/alignments don't line up properly (which Maestro unfortunately allows). Again, simple edits to line up notes should fix visual glitches.
- Restricted to screen redraw at present; not added to printing
Tested loading and editing the bundled scores, plus a range of others.