• Andrew Hodgkinson's avatar
    PDF export, some major redraw structural changes, updated resources, new build... · 080840ee
    Andrew Hodgkinson authored
    PDF export, some major redraw structural changes, updated resources, new build system, extensive Makefile modifications, const/restrict additions, various bug fixes.
      PDF export facility. SEE Docs.User FOR DETAILS (important!). Includes
      UI for headers/footers in Choices and option switch in Print dialogue
      box. Minor bug fixes include printing bullet points and, at long last,
      the "print dialogue box contents are not set up" problem. Redraw engine
      now based entirely on function pointers. Draw export routine replaces
      screen output functions with Draw output functions; PDF does similar.
      Coordinate scaling system in Scale.c/h to help. Makefile changes: Now
      supports a more consistent set of build variants and has minimal
      duplication of object and library lists. New build system: !Mk...
      script files removed, FrontEnd tool !MkBrowse replaces it. See !ReadMe
      (replacing old ReadMe) in root for details. Requires FrontEnd 1.29,
      HTMLLib 0.02 and ImageLib 0.04 (by CVS VersionNum). Updated...